National Black Hat Society™

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Circle Magick XIV

Moon Day Magick & Medicine
Beginning Energy Work: Star Magick Guided Meditation
Deities of Earth 101: Varied Goddesses
Correspondences 101: Astronomy Essentials
Contemplations 101: Star Meditation
Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows
(Due by Sunday)

Tuesday Travels, Techniques & Tarot
Beginning Practicum: Magick of a Circle
Magickal Tools 101: Casting a Circle
General Knowledge 101: Further Reading - A Modern Perspective
Contemplations 101: Casting Circles
Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Wednesday Works
Ethics in Magick 101: Your Chosen Path and US Law
Beginning Practicum: Importance of Moon Watching
Beginning Psychic Work: Moon Magick
Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Thursday Thoughts
Three Circles Medicine: Involution - Declaration of INdependence

Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows
”The number 4 is a logical and rational number that brings a sense of security and consistency. It can be your life path, personality, soul, or karmic number, but wherever you find the number 4 in your numerology, it means you have something to learn about hard work, discipline, patience, order, and stability.” Remember that. ~Gentle Raven

Friday – Ijumaa - 星期五 xīng qī wǔ - शुक्रवार  Shukrvar - Пятница – Freya’s Day - Venus - Tsungilosdi
Friday through Sun Day, NO LESSONS.
This time is intended for you to absorb what you have learned and incorporate any new knowledge into practice. Lessons are subject to change without notice.

Make each day whole with your Magick & Medicine!