Wahya Circle
Wednesday Works


Ethics in Magick 101
Your Chosen Path
and US Law

With all of the Knowledge and books shared with your Circle, we thought it wise for you to be aware of your legal rights as a Practitioner of ANY Path.

We have listed some additional resources below regarding federal guidelines in the United States. We all continually work on determining various states’ legislation, as we advise you to do the same where you live. (Laws can be changed up to twice per year in State or Federal congressional sessions.) What discriminatory laws still lay on the books of your county or state? (A future Leadership Letter may need a topic.)

Three Circles Medicine & Magick is not here to give legal advice and strongly recommends obtaining such from someone licensed in your jurisdiction of law if there is a pertinent matter, or discrimination, at hand.

Please note, there are statutes of limitations in many places around the world.

Regardless, you are NOT alone.

There are millions who walk a similar Path as yours; who come from a people who have walked it for thousands of years before them. There is even universal discrimination against those who are not members of that society’s prevailing party of favor.

Take a moment and peruse the sites and read such articles as:

“Blasphemy laws violate the First Amendment.  They promote religion, specifically Christianity, over non-religion in violation of the Establishment Clause.  They prohibit speech in violation of the Free Speech Clause.  They violate the guarantees of religious free exercise and free press.  In general, blasphemy laws assault the First Amendment’s protection of the freedom of conscience. “

If you feel your protected rights have been violated please contact an agency for help:

Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF.org)

Americans United for Separation of Church and State (www.au.org)

If you need help as a member of Wahya Circle in finding legal representation in a matter, please do NOT hesitate to ask for guidance from your Mentor or 3CMM to assist you down the most beneficial avenue.


Beginning Practicum
Importance of
Moon Watching

Studying the Moon provides a unique method for enhancing our personal Medicinal and Magickal practice. In the First Degree - Wahya Circle, we learn about the history of the Earth, and the formation of the Solar System for a start. Studying the Moon allows us to further understand our closest celestial neighbor and it encourages us to unravel processes that the young Earth may have Experienced in the early Solar System. Above all else, we learn how it effects US.

The Lesser Light existed long before humanity and its mysteries. Its existence can teach us as much about ourselves as it can its effects on the planet we live and practic. Seeing its effects on the world around us leads us to look inside at ourselves and its strong but subtle effects on us energetically. It is very clear that we contain the same Elements of Life.

The Moon — Luna, and Her cycles have played an integral part of our Craft, Magick and Medicine, since we began its practice at the dawn of humankind. (Some believe other animals practice it too but we do not understand how to communicate with these other species to learn from them, and are only just beginning to understand their “blinks” and “facial expression”. (Human Ego has really hindered us in some aspects.)

This slight connection across the world is what binds us together. Many things we share only 2 percent of our DNA with… such as bonobo and chimpanzees. But what about a different “two percent”? Who or what do we have that genetic similarity in common with? Have we explored that?

We learned to practice not only sympathetic magick exploring this, or magick that says “like attracts like”, but also to garden by it, cycle by it, and countless others. Learning these phases remain crucial to the feeding of 7.9 billion people here on Earth.

Think about that.

Farmers did not stop watching the moon all of the sudden. The “producers” are not secretly replicating our meals in a factory somewhere. Yes, they are sometimes “overly-processed”, but they are not plastic… not yet.

Females of many species, including ours, cycle with the different phases of Luna, depending on which cycle you sync with and the cycle of those around you. You can count on the cycles of the Moon. As far back as 400 B.C., physicians and philosophers saw behavioral changes in humans based on the pull of the moon. (On the body’s Water)The word “lunatic,” after all, came from the idea that changes in mental state were related to lunar cycles.

More than 80% of mental health workers Experience this. Humans are affected so much so that modern medicine is currently doing extensive research in order to learn more about the effects on blood pressure, heart rate, mental well being and sleep during this time — as ALL beings of Matter are affected.

Bottom line, knowing what moon phases we are in not only helps us with executing our Intent with magick, it can help us understand ourselves and the world around us in deeper ways.

Have you looked any further since your Moon Watch? Have you noticed how the phase of the moon affects those around you? How about when it is in your Sun sign? Moon sign? (Interesting effects between the two!) Explore that!


Beginning Psychic Work
Moon Magick

The first phase after the Full Moon that occurs is called, a “waning gibbous” . It lasts roughly 7 days with the Moon’s illumination growing smaller each day until the Moon becomes a Last Quarter Moon with an illumination of 50%. The average Moon rise for this phase is between 9pm and Midnight depending on the age of the phase BUT does not set until late the next morning. The moon rises later and later each night setting after sunrise the following morning. The Star Sol dominating our day time sky for Summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

During this phase the Moon can be seen in the early morning daylight hours on the western horizon setting. So, if you miss seeing Her the night before, you can see Her then.


When you see the moon this week, you are asked to notate:

When you see Her. (TIME)
Where you see Her. (PLACE)
What Zodiac She is in, Tropical or Sidereal.

You are asked to then ignite a PURPLE candle in your mind’s eye at the sight of Luna.

See the candle.
Smell the candle.
Hear the crackling of its burning wick.

IF you see the moon after reading this, you will light the candle on YOUR psychic altar that you created in the previous meditation (Please construct your psychic altar with it if you have not already done so.) and leave the candle burning on the altar.

In your psyche where this altar exists energetically for you, the PURPLE candle will sit on the altar until you remove it, or at the end of this walk on your Journey with us.

The Intent of this PURPLE candle is PSYCHIC CLARITY.

Moon Magick

What did you think of the Moon Magick? Were you able to try it? Will you try it? Explore that!


Wednesday PMQ1

General - Journal - Book of Shadows



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