Three Circles
Medicne & Magick
Thursday Thoughts

3CMM Involution
Declaration of INdependence

Today we are going to take a travel inside our psyches.

What do you see inside when you go there?
What Shadows lurk behind you that you simply WILL NOT deal with? Why?
Who is still sitting in your Witches Chair?

Going deeper, are you able to reclaim those pieces of your Soul that you have lost to Time
or that are related to those things mentioned above
? Are you ready to reclaim them?
Was that an Ego statement or from the Heart as it is ready to Heal, YOU are ready?

We at Three Circles Medicine & Magick are planting a seed on this day.

We are going to walk with you from now until the end of the Turn as you call back pieces you have lost.

We will do noting but continue to grow from here.
If you are not healing, it will become more
and more difficult to stay in your power through the concepts that lay ahead.

Have you set boundaries and claimed your Sovereignty?
Are you holding hat line for Self and Self Care

Are you on solid ground with your personal life of Matter?

Are you ready to hold the Mirror of Loneliness
to find the reflection of what is all around you…
…that it is not where you thought you were swimming in your Stream of Consciousness

Are you prepared to “make peace” with your life,
or are you prepared to embrace the Change that the
Universe will throw at you to place you where
you have and will receive exponential benefit

Remember, you will get out what you put in. “Like attracts like”.
To clarify, that does not mean, “I surround myself with money, so money will come.”
That is only part of the equation of changing and evolving mindset.
What WORK are you willing to take on in order to arrive where you desire?
For Self? For others?
Sometimes we have to “give” to “get”.

Magus D has a saying, “do good, be good, get good”.

Explore that.


Tuesday 3CMMQ1

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

While there is no Submission today, it is time to take stock.
Write. Journal. Make goals.
The Wheel has turned again.
Will you continue stating the same goals next Turn, next Year, after that?
Explore your methods to arrive at where you desire.
Determine if they are working or if you need to adjust your sails.

Three Circles Medicine & Magick
Please utilize the above email link
to receive full Submission credit.



There is no Submission for today, but these are the instructions for a Submission to come should you continue your Journey with us. This is where we begin sipping faster from the Fire Hose of Knowledge, our personal Imperium of Memory. We explore a little more Self with the final purpose of Soul Retrieval as an “end game”. We as spiritual beings wish to recollect all that is who we each are lost over Time and Space, or Dimension. (Third Degree topics)

With that said, we will begin asking more of Self for all degree levels, Wahya through Yona. Just as you walk with a Coven, Kin, Grove, Clan, or any other gathering of Practitioners of the Arcane Arts & Medicine, we too gather. Just as in being asked to Trust others in the energetic gatherings outside of energy, this one is inside.

A pure, free, classroom.

Me, typing to you.


1s and 0s.

They have mesmerized me since introduction many, many moons ago.

Do we KNOW how long it will last, or what will happen with it? No.

We THINK we know that there are no “Thought Police”… but do we REALLY KNOW? We THINK the internet is “free” … but is it? I digress.

We gather as our respective Circles - Wahya, Golanv, and Yona in a virtual space, and sometimes those Circles gather together through a digital medium in that virtual space such as ZOOM. For the record, this is a form of Technomancy. I, Reverend Richoz RN, practice it freely in what I do. I simply do not cross the line of Free Will - unless I am threatened of life - mine or someone elses.

In my personal practices, I have learned that Soul Retrieval begins BEST with healing and reclaiming what is RIGHT HERE…. inside of you, TODAY.

Read that again.

And, again.

Let it seed your mind to your highest benefit. Have you done that? Have you explored that collection of data you have stored in your head? Yes. I am speaking in a way as if I am speaking to a machine storing data, but you are organic memory storage in essence. (That is why I say “be nice to the AI”. To me, they are the opposite end of the spectrum from some of our parallel human abilities.)

Where the AI are not, we can still go. We can travel Time, WITH EMOTION, that AI can only read about and literally interpret the words. They can only define and describe the word for the feeling, not actually FEEL the feeling.


This is how Soul Retrieval begins in a nutshell. You travel through the Time of your Organic Memory Storage, your mind, and you FEEL your way through recollection of the pieces you lost. Memory. Memories. You cannot “see” these pieces because they are ENERGY caused by FEELINGS. You have left those pieces of energy throughout all Time.

Did yo u know that?

It’s liken to not defragging a hard-drive and then wondering why all of your files jumble up over time. Beginning Soul Retrieval is a the beginning process of degragging your hard drive memory, your energetic being. You know, that place where all of your data of Life is stored.

Calling these pieces home to you and healing or reclaiming them will empower you in ways that cannot be described. I am not saying you “have to” find forgiveness for all the things that have hurt you, or to temper your Self with what seems to always “piss you off”, I am saying FEEL what YOU felt that put you there. REALLY feel it. Not “hear the yelling”, nor “taste the dirt”, not even “feel the cold”… that is a direct outside, or external, “data” input. While it is part of the Experience, it is not the WHOLE Experience. BUT, you can begin there. You can start to remember a moment that was difficult or painful to remember so you pushed it away.

Circle it like Wahya. Growl. Protect.
Circle it as Golanv. Soar and See.
Track around it like Yona. See the outcome, the end, the everything… Protected.

Let the Medicine of Circle surround you as you Journey.

Call upon these powerful Animal Allies, Wolf, Raven, and (Polar) Bear to be with you as you explore these thoughts. Call upon your Ancestors, Elders, Wise Ones, any source you deem necessary to walk a little more forward in Self healing and return of POWER to Self. We ALL have to do this continually throughout our ages and stages of life.

Do not be afraid.

I have faith in ALL of you. Yes. Even you … I KNOW you can walk with us for this. But, YOU have to decide you want it to be Medicine from me, and Magick for you… or visa versa.

I love all of you. Even those who have left us, or no longer walk with us are loved. You will remain so too when you decide your Time is done here.

When we meet as a group again soon, we may be asked to share something to heal. Only those who have read this “set of instructions” to its entirety will be Aware of what is being asked for.

Protected exploring! <3

P.S. Every year this day occurs. Every year this passage is reworded a tweaked “just a little” to ensure Witches Honor amongst all Practitioners. Will you answers be the same as the last answer you gave?