Yona Circle
Tuesday Techniques

Divination 103
Third Monad, Major Arcana


The Lovers

The Lovers card often reveals a high achiever, or one who is very goal oriented.  This is spoton for a Third Monad individual. They are excellent at developing important large projects, fundraisers for example. At the other end of the spectrum of this card can reveal a ruthless opportunist that may seem like an innocent coworker. These people will fill us with flattery to achieve their personal goals. Lovebomb much? They ask for things with no offer in return. “Hey, will you work for me on Tuesday?” It is crucial to keep eyes open and handle this situation quickly before this person gains any more ground within work or personal life. 

Remember, these people are Awake, except their benefit is all ‘personal’ as it is perceived by those who practice with the Monad System that these individuals are Experiencing at lower frequencies that are mostly in Matter. They can be family, friends, or world. Where you are stationed around them does not stifle their Self fulfilling pursuits.

This is indicative of a bond between two or more people, good - bad - indifferent, so when divinely inquiring “who is effecting me”, it can be family or friend with this card being shown in your draw. Draw a follow up card, but we suspect your gut or Intuition will confirm what you may already know to be true.

The Tarot of the Bohemian Deck shows a young man standing at the crossroads where he is deliberating which path to take.  The Marseille nor the Waite, Rider Smith deck show this road.  However, now you know there is a crossroads in this card’s energy, and now that you know --which road will you take in this relationship?  Think, before acting. Play the tape all the way out. If considering this and a family member, consider how to work for your Highest Benefit, NOT THEIRS, they are quite incapable of keeping your benefit in their mind at this level. Or, if you have the pleasure of knowing someone who can keep that other benefit in mind, they may not know how to make it happen or bring it to fruition and it may still end up costing YOU in time, money, emotion, etc. (It will cost you in Matter.)

The winged being above the two humans; some refer to as the Spirit of Justice or a Spirit Master- Guide helping these two beings become stripped of all things earthly for a moment so that they may gain insight into both perspectives of Spirit and Matter.  The winged being can mean that when two sincere humans communicate with authenticity their efforts birth something new into the world that was created by their harmony.  As stated above, if this is family, you can attempt to take a “higher road” on that crossroads. But, clearly — something has come to a head or you would not be drawing this card.

Another example, maybe they are being opportunist, but determine how receptive they are to having a talk and challenging them to improve their efforts. Maybe its a child or sibling who is in an emotionally draining relationship that is costing you in that department. Challenge them to be more real, honest, or truthful. DO NOT GIVE ULTIMATUMS. Many in these lower vibrating Monads find they do not have good mental health. Some of the issues get worse when ultimatums are given. Instead, YOU be Sovereign enough in your own boundaries to confront that person in your Stream as needed. Set those boundaries and do not allow infractions against you. You devalue yourself and can garner confusion from those in the Physical, Emotional and Mental Monads.

Looking again at this card, some also say this is cupid, aiming its arrow right in the back of what appears to be a young man.  The 1865 Bohemian Deck then translated later in 1892 by Morton makes it clear this is not a pleasant card but a card of antagonists harshly trying to influence this person in a strong and overbearing way.  This is a card that can give hope, suggesting to come together to discuss things or it can be suggesting one should stay away from such drama until both sides can speak with no hidden agendas.   As you can see this card seems to have both the eye of light and the seeds of discontent. Be mindful.

Either way, the relationship is something to consider in how it benefits you. Or, is it you? Are you out for your own benefit from others?

Another interpretation of this card is one Being representing Virtue while the other represents Vice, just as with the Devil card.  No matter where humankind is, it never escapes the all seeing-eye of our Higher Self. We can lie to our Self but it serves no purpose as it always knows the Truth.


When looking at the Third Monad, some also feel that this card depicts the first two Monads sharing what they have discovered together, what plans they have created and what they have done relating to the physical world of Matter.  They have evolved in their Monad and Streams. They reflect on what work they have done together. This card represents the Third Monad taking in good information, all the while knowing there is an arrow at their (the Monad) back and both antagonism and good motives are coming through where one must divide the beneficial and non-beneficial information.  (The Heart can actually cause one to miss the opportunity to benefit and grow.)

This card is for information collecting. 

In the symbology of the card, take note of the three Beings forming an upward triangle, reflected also behind in the mountain, depicting the power within the Threefold Law and Light to some, as well as Element Fire and Knowledge to others.  The Knowledge of Experience as Spirit pushed through Matter.


The Hanged Man

In the Bohemian Deck this man’s hands may be tied behind his back which forms the upside down triangle of Element Water, with his head the point.  His leg is loosely tied to a gibbet that is resting on two columns. 

Most readers associate this card with “death”, or “negative” Experiences in their reading. We are wise to avoid that based on the Awakened nature of The Hanged Man residing in the Third Monad. Some even read this card as more indicative of being alive and well but suspended, unable or possibly unwilling to take further action. Are we stagnating? This Monad has hit a wall. We can ask ‘why’. What is the wall that has been hit? Shadow? Ego? Spiritual development? There is even another perspective of “letting go”, surrendering to Spirit or Self, even a Divine suggestion to “change perspective” is being Divinely asked from Higher Self, especially if one is no longer evolving in Spirit.

Are you drawing the Hanged Man?

Another way this card has been described is, “Look what happens to the presumptuous.” Not a pleasant ending.  So this card has both wisdom of knowledge gained through Experience and fatality — but not necessarily at the same time.  His right leg crosses his left leg thus forming a cross, which holds great Magick beyond dogma. This occurs in other cards as well. 

Understood by some Paths to even have been presented with two Trees of Knowledge to Experience. Some also see this as the same column of life in which he must decide which Tree (of Life) to select; this is also found in the Juggler card.  It is interesting that the reversed triangle and a cross above it is the alchemist sign of manifestation (Monad view “Action”) or the Hermetic sign for the Rose Cross as well.

The Third Monad enters the physical world of Matter for Experience with grand expansive moves planned that are caused by Divine expansion. In that action a meaningful unfolding occurs; unlocking the barred doors of Experience and swinging them wide open just as reflected in the World card.  The Third Monad Introduces the concept of Unity, Balance and Harmony. That, even though they are all completely different, they all unfold the same stellar movement of humankind.  Those who have mostly moved through the Third Monad will begin to crave or desire these traits from all that exists around them. It is then on them, even though they may wish to bring Harmony upon all of creation, that is not Balance. And, it is most certainly not Unconditional, which we know the Universe to be.

Not often seen in other decks anymore, there are trees that have markings that indicate that there were six tree limbs that were cut off on each tree.  Again, this represents the Tree of Life on several Paths. It is understood that those six are the remaining Monads that are believed to be passed through on each Journey through Experience, or manifestation into Matter we make.

On other Paths, Norse for example, Odin is thought of with this card. He is perceived as one of the great Knowledge Seekers. None the less, these absent limbs can have many meanings now depending on the question and the cards around it as the artists who create modern decks have not all studied the older or ancient decks, the Monad system, ancient divination meanings, etc. They will often loose this deeper meanings. 

Regarding the Third Monad, these missing limbs — in a count of 6, can be reduced to 3 in numerology --representing discontentment or imbalance which pushes one to again consider unity, balance and harmony versus chaos.  The missing branches served a good purpose in Matter and even though they seem they have gone, the golden spirals still glow in our darkest hour and sustain us with their living energy and memory.  SPIRIT. Simply because the limbs are removed, or “absent”, in Matter does NOT mean they are absent in Spirit. When we amputate a leg, it does not mean we can no longer feel it. Some believe this is merely residual synapse, others know it is Spirit as we are Whole Beings.

In the Tarot Story, this card represents the Fool in his transformation on his Journey.  Regarding the Third Monad, there is much more to consider than the obvious to help the world reveal its spirituality, even the missing parts that have been cut away —- remain. WE are here to move Consciousness, to show those in Matter that the “limbs” are not really gone. Are they?


The Sun

Tritoneira is most certainly the most determined to have Experience of all the other Monads, thus the Sun card reflects this characteristic.  Tritoneira is a highly efficient planner, though may move too swiftly where they may ignore rules or make sloppy mistakes. 

Those in this Monad are wise to be mindful of their actions. They are driven, Awake, Aware, and want that Experiences we mentioned of the previous two Monads. However, Tritoneira is usually in an alliance with the Fourth Monad, which compels their drive, encourages them, as well as allied with the Second Monad.

In the relationship with the Second Monad, they are showing what they have learned with the Fourth Monad, to '“show off” for personal benefit, or “reach one” and share Knowledge. Either way, they sometimes take on the Second Monad’s work out of love for them, or so others do not see their ruse of Self promotion.

The Marseille card shows two boys standing inside a walled enclosure, where the Waite Rider Smith Deck has a toddler that may be any gender identity, riding a white horse.  (White horses are Divine Energy). Transitioning from the material world to the Divine through Tritoneira is essential to renew the physical body through motion. We growing exponentially towards Spirit at this point in our Journey, based on our evolution.



Where does judgement fit in?  This card is clearly saying it is our time to jump into the living springs of our lives and in order to do that, there must be movement.  The Third Monad is all about ACTION. Be clear though, judgment is outward focused: it is about what other people do, say, or think. Discernment, on the other hand, is inward and is your ability to know for yourself what is right and wrong, what you want or not, what works for you or doesn't, what you do or not do. It's about you.

This is a motivator card,

What are you doing on your Spiritual Journey? The Third Monad individuals utilize their communication skills to reach their goals.  Understanding how words can create motion is crucial … so is finding the “right words”. 

Are you speaking in a judgmental way? Are you using your discernment to your Highest Benefit?

When the astral world sees itself, it moves to the next plane through pure spiritual vibrations, such as one in movement, or flowing freely without judgement of “what is next” for the Experience.  As this Experience is what lay ahead for the Third Monad person, Healing Self in Shadow and Ego encourage this growth.

Notice on the Judgment card that everyone is in a box, possibly floating on a body of water to some, Consciousness to others. This “body of water” is often perceived as our Consciousness on many Paths. On other tarot cards only one individual is portrayed inside a box and the other individuals are standing in a body of water… what is perceived as Consciousness. Recall, Water is ”the Memory of All Things” too. Some Paths  interpret these boxes as coffins and they are resurrecting in order to return to their divinity and continue their Journey. Other Paths see this as an ascension more like an Awakening of the Third Monad. In reality, as we evolve past the Third Monad, such as this card may indicate, we interpret that we are all ready to step out of our boxes and recognize all this Time we have been living in the astral world designing our physical world in Matter.

This is only the beginning.

What have you created in Matter and pulled into your small and limiting box of physical manifestations?   We know we are bigger than what we create. Are you ready to evolve? Have you evolved? This concept drives this personality type of the Third Monad. As they evolve, they begin to know that we have never been inside a small physical world but all this while we have been the winged ones flying and creating in the astral (Spirit) and here in the physical (Matter).  We see now there is more to Experience. Those in this trait will utilize more energy to create more -- bridges and rainbows — across every sea!


The Devil

In the Waite Rider Smith Deck two humans with tails stand before a seemingly part human male - part animal creature.  In the older cards it is clear that this figure is part human and part animal, yet the decks show this being with breasts, denoting it is both female and male, as with Baphomet.  The two shackled figures are much more animal than human.  In some decks you will also notice the Egyptian Ankh of Isis hanging from its belt or the symbol of female with the Horned God moon above.  As well as a tattoo on each arm, one reading Coagula and one reading Solve (et). “Solve et Coagula”

Solve et Coagula is the preeminent axiom and Great Work of alchemy. It means “dissolve and coagulate,” the process of breaking something down and recombining it into a purer and better form – think the caterpillar and butterfly, for example. This is a wonderful transitory state from Matter to Spirit as the Third Monads perceptions can be.

Another ACTION personality type, They are highly adaptable and motivated.  Wildness is expressed in its purest form after one releases themselves from their own shackles, chosen.  You see the Devil standing on a solid cube, which possibly represents this individual, is more interested in Matter over Spirit at times.

With closer inspection we see the Devil’s gesture is the same as the Fool card, but in reverse.  The Fool holds the wand where the Devil lights the wand on fire, which means ACTION.  Look at the cards together.

Do you see “action”?

The two figures are the same in meaning as the two in the Lovers’ card, the trees supporting the gibbet in the Hanged Man card and the two columns in every tarot card contains the same meaning, which is, walk through, walk past these columns. ACTION.

Regarding the Third Monad, this energy appreciates the naturally wild things in life, all of nature -- including the human animal, which humans forget they are. Ego spewed forth when humans began discovering dominion over Matter with their Awareness. Taking care of nature and not trapping or misusing the Divine Energy was and is imperative to balance.  Running wild and free in the forest or across an open field releases appreciation for the natural world filled to the brim with wilderness growing seemingly out of control while the animals enjoy their day running through the forest with you. 

As you gaze on these figures, this Monad is expressing, “What is wrong with this picture?  Why are animals being tied down so that they are not able to run free?  ACTION. See the leash around their neck?  What in your life is keeping you from running with the wind?  What is it?  Or is this leash a person, or a belief you have about yourself?  It is time to take action. It is time to evolve if anyone is here in the Third Monad. Take note. Take stock.

The first two Monads trapped their own selves into non-movement, this card is saying, ask what stops Self and remove it.  No one can remove your obstructions but you.  Sometimes called “the dragon” at the threshold, this card says pass by this dragon, take a closer look at this dragon, it is dazed and confused and only receives its strength and power from you.  Unplug and see this energy collapse on its own self.  Be mindful. Be warned. Matter can corrupt spiritual flow. When you are ready to evolve, “stop chasing the Dragon.” 


Tuesday YS4

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Take a little time with the tarot cards above.
Choose one that has a symbol, or something denoted or drawn in it that is not mentioned.
In TWO PARAGRAPHS or more, write about the symbol answering the following:

What does it mean TO YOU?

What does it mean to the metaphysical community at large?

Three Circles Medicine
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