Yona Circle
Wednesday Works

Advanced Practicum
Stream Cycle Three
”Sleep Walker”


Those who are in the Third Stream Cycle are understood to be “sleepwalking” through their lives for the most part, thought they appear “awake” at times.   Individuals that are in the sleepwalking stage look like they are fully engaged with the Matter around them if Intuition or Discernment are not utilized in the observation. Upon paying closer attention to them, it appears as if they are having a one-sided dialog many times while having conversations with others.  Have you every noticed a conversation like that? One that you could not follow, no matter how hard you tried? (The Monadic Self is accused of being unable to ‘find their ‘right words’ often too. We can learn to discern between them though!)

Illogical conversations are a good KEY component to sleep walkers, as well as how they conduct the conversation. They talk over others incessantly without regard. NOT “over their heads”, literally over the conversation. They prefer to only hear their Self, after all it is their ‘dream’, and they do not listen fully to the other person in the conversation.  It is very difficult to learn new concepts when that is the mode of operation. Is this you? We are not talking about ZOOM lag, we are talking about face to face conversations. Sleep Walkers of the Third Stream Cycle are notorious for “cutting others off'“, they won’t let anyone get a word in edgewise. This is why when asked, “What did I say”, or “repeat back”, they can only offer general impressions and conclusive statements based on their own thoughts, not what was actually stated.  This is of course worse if they are conditioned to respond, “hate the silence”, which can be dangerous in spiritual evolution. It numbs their Self even further back to sleep or keeps them in a sleepy state of Consciousness.

Read that again.

We expect human children to behave this way, especially if caregivers did not pay attention to them when they began to babble befoe 12 monts of age. (Some think this is when we are SUPPOSED to express this part of Ego, not when we are 40!) On average, a healthy human child can listen to and understand up to two words at a time, completing tasks or action of command. That multiplies exponentially as they grow. When we reach adulthood, a healthy adult can listen up to 20 minutes without interference and understand what is being said. Yes, no two are the same…. but we are all over 10 years old. So we each should have a good command of grammar by the time we walk a Third Degree with any Path. We can listen and hear what is being said. Well, unless you are a “sleep walker”.

We often find that Sleep Walkers of the Third Stream are unable to “repeat and verify” easitly as they are listening to no one but themselves and the response they want to give before what they are listening to is even finished. Sleepwalkers often have trouble telling others what was said in a meeting, what was in a book they just read, much less what was said yesterday. Again, this is not to be confused with a “learning disability” that is physiologic versus psychologic, and egotistical. See the difference? There is subtle thought in some circles of Mind Medicine that occasionally — we are our own problem and THAT is the “why” behind CBT, or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Being CONSCIOUS of the behavior. Knowing the “why”.

Some sleepwalkers do not realize they are even behaving badly, even when told, towards other Beings, Plant or Animal. An example of this is when they think they are helping but in fact they may be harming a situation or making it worse. They cannot “play the tape out” so to speak. They often are viewed as walking on others and not truly knowing or understanding that they are being unkind in the moment.  They sling animals carriers. Bend plants limbs, shoving them around. Or, park in a handicapped person’s spot when they are not handicapped. Yes, it is rude, but they have a general disregard for the life of other Beings when they are exhibiting the non-beneficial traits from this Stream. We can try to wake them up, but sometimes it is ill-advised to wake a sleep walker. (Thre are other factors.)

Work for Patience

So, what can you do to help out with waking up some of these humans that may need a nudge? BE PATIENT. Just because we feel like they should be awake, does not mean they will choose to be. It is their Path. Many of us have lost contact with family and friends over the most trivial of things that were considerd “disrespectful actions” by the other party. All we wanted to do was to help.

We ask everyone to Work for Patience and Understanding when walking with others who may be in this Stream. But be firm. They are already going to have their Time spent Awakening to everything we already know and understand. Simply because someone we swim with is in the Third Stream, doe snot mean we can allow our boundaries or Sovereignty to wane. We are wisest to learn how that other person operates and to keep our boundaries clearly defined in our Sovereignty. Third Stream Sleep Walkers are often locked in their own stories of life, haves and have nots, abuse, addiction, and do not realize they have hurt other individuals.  Again, that is not an excuse, it is a warning for us to mind the amount of energy we expend on another Free Willed adult here. The sleepwalker will never admit wrongs while in the state of “sleep walking”. Only after Self discovery is there a possibility of accountability. More often, those who are Sleep Walkers give a million reasons why they behaved in such a poor manner to others. 

How many times are you forgiving them? Are they hurting you over and over? Does it benefit you in any way?

We can love others Unconditionally from afar. Also know, at their best they speak Truths yet do not completely understand what they are saying. Furthermore, they know the Truths that they are espousing, yet they are not fully able to actualize that Truth within their own lives.  "Yeah. I love him, even though he hits me. I just can’t leave him.” Or, “she has only cheated twice in five years. I know we have been together for longer, but I’m okay. Whatever makes her happy.” For us, it is imperative that we hone our discernment when dealing with others in this Stream. A sleepwalker moving out of this stage strives to integrate into their own lives what they have been taught and retained. Keep that in mind as you perceive those around you. They will not recall “everything life has taught them” and a woman may end up in another abusive relationship if she has not healed her Shadow from tha last one, or from childhood.

Ask yourself, “are they waking up,” or “how can I help and NOT enable”? There is a huge difference. One is in a, or evolving to a, higher SoC from where they were, and has worked on Shadow. One has not worked on their own Shadow and may be enabled to “stay asleep.” One is very different from the other This action of help may hinder them from waking up. What does your Intuition say? If those in the Third Stream Cycle will wake, they will Experience firsthand the Truths they share as well as those they hear others share. Be a good guide. But, do not compromise Self in doing so. They can begin to become more aware of their authenticity with good behavior modeling, if we REALLY want them to “wake up”.

We have learned, many “newly awakened” Practitioners find themselves here at 3CMM. But, it is continuous work to evolve!


Attachments in the Third Stream

A single attachment can be about anything that needs to be addressed that others can plainly see but the Sleep Walker may not. It can be anything of Matter that inhibits their growth. Most do not see it. But, when they do, they will respond to mentioning it to them by saying things like, “I know I need to quit.” Or, “I know I need to cut down.”

A Sleep Walker also freely allows their Egos to overpower that of others. This allows them to “mask” easier. To add insult to injury, science has already proven time and time again that the day we start a vice, anything not naturally occurring in the body, the brain stops growing and the body starts dying in a state of compensation. For the younger humans, “it is crucial for young people to avoid substance abuse – drugs and alcohol dramatically impede the brain's development and can cause long-term damage. In some cases, the effects are irreversible.” (UAB Medicine)

The way to remove this attachment is to help them learn how to fulfill their OWN needs without it. Help them see the “why” they are doing it. Even pain can be controlled without narcotics. If you wish to open that door for anyone who may be trying to wake up, the number one place to find sources for the “why” they do something is at home. Listen without judgment if you open that door. (Utilize your ‘cleric’ discenment.)

Another example, learning what it takes to help someone out of an abusive relationship. We do not help others out of “good” situations, we help them through the bad WITHOUT inferring with what they may need to Experience from their Journey through Life. We can assist them in moving non-beneficial stages of Matter. Are they “supposed” to be Experiencing it? Did they choose it? This is where that Intuition and Discernment come in strongest. Another view thta can be taken comes with asking your Self, “how are the sleepwalkers not being fulfilled in their lives?” With the abused individual the number one concern is if there are children, “how will I afford to take care of my children?” None of them ‘want’ to go to a shelter but law enforcement recommends it as it is a ‘safe house’. The incident of homicide has skyrocketed amongst women who leave abusive men. The numbers are currently on the rise for those who will go to where the female is and kill her, and in some cases, kill her new boyfriend, or other family members. (You can research thousands of these instances worldwide.)

The number of women killed in the U.S. is steadily rising— 2,997 women were murdered in 2019 compared to 1,691 women in 2014. Firearms significantly contribute to the fatality of crimes related to intimate partner violence. Abusers with guns are 5 times more likely to kill their victims.” (Sanctuary for Families)

Add to that mix, alcohol, methamphetamines, insecure and paranoid individuals with unresolved Shadow, uncontrolled or Unhealthy Ego. It becomes deadly, QUICK. This can effect anyone and any sexual identity.

Addiction to substances and “lust of another” are some of the highest reasons around the world that sleep walkers stay asleep. Why? For starters, alcohol is consumed around the world legally in most places. Lust is looked over, even in the Church until someone speaks out.

It can be made healthier without the taboo of dogma and the oppression of women and children. But we have to heal that FIRST. Children too suffer rape and molestation around all over Mother Earth. As an animal, we do NOT control our “desires” very well, especially if we are Sleep Waling at the time. We often lack the ability to even see an Unhealthy Ego as a Sleep Walker in the Third Stream, a Deep Sleeper in the Second, and surely do not see it in a Self Coma First Stream. It only glints to some in the Third, not all, without divine energetic intervention. As above, so below, they too must have their “falling down” or “bottom” moment to wake up.

Fear, of success or failure, can freeze Sleep Walkers in place.

This alone can make it difficult to Experience the Third Stream in an always beneficial way. Take for example, the DV survivor, wakes up. A better scenario for the situation is to have the survivor go to a shelter, or far away, until law enforcement can intervene. (Domestic Abuse Hotline) Once the other party is incarcerated they can safely move themselves and their children AWAY. This is Knowledge you have access to if you wish to help them.

Keep in mind, there are thousands of single fathers out there who have taken abuse from their partners due their addiction to illicit street drugs such as meth or cocaine, alcoholism, or even because the partner had already moved on with someone else and wanted the father of her children to pay for her “new life” and take care of the kids. (Fathers Rights Advocates) Do not judge them for “being less” or “deserving” of the treatment. They are all Sleep Walkers and one partner “woke up” without the other. But, they have to want to see that change. We cannot “make them” see that. The same rule applies to any addictions of Matter, such as food or gambling. They can have their brushes with death, but until they decide to “quit” or “heal” —- they will not. Many of you KNOW this. As a nurse, it is known that there is a “point of no return” for all of these situations, even if one quits, damage is done. An example, a man who starts drinking at 15 can die of cirrhosis before age 35. But, it varies by individual genetics and what they are “supposed to” Experience.


We All Go Through It

We ALL go through these Streams and Monads, sometimes repeatedly. Because someone else showed us compassion, we often heal and move into the next Cycle — OUT OF CHOICE. Sleepwalkers seem to sustain some memory of their awake moments and begin to realize there is more to life with the further they evolve. Some feel we are to be loyal to them if it does not hurt us in a way that we cannot heal. If we are strong enough; if we want to help continue to move our Collective Consciousness towards wakefulness for the benefit of all, we do. We are wise to understand that It is not always for our benefit, it is for theirs. Especially if you See something, it is a child, or family, or even a close friend. Abused shelter Animal Allies are here too. With honed Intuition and Discernment, we will divinely know, or be told, when to step away and continue to support and love from a distance.

Let our words always fall gently upon their ears and plant that seed of Change for the future, when they are ready. This is especially true if there is someone around them with consistent behavior on an Awake and Aware level, like us, to help assist them. That seed can take. Again, know your reality. Sleepwalkers are often aware of reality but cannot live it fully and can become life spectators if they cannot heal or see a way to bring about Change.  They can and often will help others however— but cannot stay in connection with others for long.  Or they will help to their detriment. “I just gave Bob $20. I know he won’t pay me back, but he says he needs it.” As Sleep Walkers we cannot always remember the “why” we do things. We see what needs to be done, but cannot re-trace the process back to our life map. If we finally being figuring out the map by the bits of memory that we do have, we can often figure out “how we got here”…. broke after giving Bob $20 a week for months.

This is why the Tarot is considered a prewritten map for many, in several ways, that helps see our personal life map.  Especially when we are waking or traversing this Stream in particular.

“Now, I was supposed to do this, but I cannot remember how they said to do it.”

Do you find yourself saying that? We ALL can go through the stages many times, picking up pieces, learning, growing. Most who are exhibiting the traits of Sleepwalker have forgotten, or will forget, because they were/are given instructions while they were not listening. The one who gave instructions did not ask them to “repeat and verify” or “reflect back” what was being said to ensure understanding for benefit. Some sleepwalkers take offense at this because they are aware of where they are, they assume we think they are “stupid” or “flakes”, but they are not…. they are Sleep Walking. Regardless, ask nicely. Three Circles Medicine & Magick advises Practitioners to be very tactful in working with this Stream Cycle.

Remember, it is not “always” the case to be “sleepwalking”. Sometimes the Experience of “life” can get the best of someone and Life sends them back to Streams to rest. Three from Four. Death, life altering circumstances such as being raped or having someone close to us murdered, war, and many other Experiences can distract even the most Awakened Practitioners and freeze them. Many of us have things that can shake us from our trees. We are yet to Experience all ages and stages of life, how could we? Shadow work? No, Soul Retrieval comes into play here for many though. Learn where you are. Map it. Ponder where you are really going. Prepare.

Be well.


Divination 103
Third Stream Cycle
Pages - “Sleep Walker”

All of the Page tarot cards in the RWS system represent the Sleepwalker Stream Cycle.  All are within their own isolated worlds. Each also has an Element of Spirit, be it Earth, Air, Fire or Water that is here on this plane to help the Journey along. (Evidenced by the background) This is something to consider if we are walking with someone who is Awakening, but not yet Awake. Magick and Medicine can be affected/effected. At this stage, each Element in the Stream has a way to assist the sleepwalker specifically in waking up. Do you recall what Element assisted or assists you in staying awake? This is something to explore as it can also become a major Elemental Protector over time.


Page of Swords

Element Air is here. The blustering winds are blowing all things awake and clearing debris behind this Page.  Thought. Awakening, or reawakening, may be fast and furious as memory and retention of memory return. “I have done this before.” This is an individual who awakens into this Cycle with actual memory or feelings from their previous Cycle, such as the Emotions of the prior Stream. It does not take them long to remember their “why” or “how”, even if raised in an unsupported environment. Humility is learned for some as htey heal the Unhealthy Ego. For others they learn to keep an open mind to other possibilities. We learn ‘why’ to “never say never’. We laearn to appreciate what we have Experienced and what is yet to come.

On the Page of Swords card, we see a cluster of birds flying directly over their head representing thoughts or higher ideals that carry everything into manifestation.  We strive to be Conscious Incarnate. We strive to be the Whole Beings that we are. Some even see the 10 Dimensions of this reality.

The clouds flying across a blue sky depicts Conscious Thought pushing them to come out of their Sleep Walk.  The Dream Walking aspect of life is an exciting prospect because this is when we become Aware that there are other states of Being, or at least there are beginning glimmers of other states through Thought.  The Astral becomes a real possibility and probability. We do expect this in the early stages of Matter in a supported environment.

Looking now at the mountains, small and distant, it represents the Page’s Wisdom. Although not necessarily gained through practical Experience, they remind us that we can learn from the mistakes of others. We do not have to “go to prison” to know we do not need to Experience prison. We undersand the laws of the land around us. The Page of Swords understands that all of this takes Time to see that Time is relative only to one’s Experience and all things here on this plane are temporal Experiences.  ACTION only takes as long as we make it take, that includes how much time we spent playing the tapes all the way out and thinking the action through. This newfound Daydreamer is at Water’s edge, the Universal Consciousness, ready to plug into another even wider reality, seemingly ready to further Awaken.  Always looking over their shoulder for the unexpected event or illness. They have no desire to repeat “past mistakes” or “lessons”. They are wise to remain vigilant and cautious to maintain their footing of awakeness from their Sleep Walking. They are careful as they move forward, learning, growing and expanding Thought. This is our “caution” to waking someone “too soon”. We hasten that beings ability to fall back asleep and their error of plunging into depths of Consciousness that may overwhelm. Consider, “is waking them more beneficial?


Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles sees the worth of the physical, of Matter. This has the potential of causing both a beneficial and non-beneficial acts from this person. We have learned many invaluable Lessons from Matter, but to what end? Matter in all of its forms are what moves with us through this physical plane and reality system. Our trinkets and baubles, money and clothes. Even food can be non-beneficial. Some we have kept over Time with sentimental reason. Some things we have kept as a horde. Why? The Third Stream has trouble recognizing that only energy and the memory of Matter travels with us through Space and Time. Do they have unhealed Shadow?

It all depends on how we Awakened, or Remembered and how much of that healing we have done. “Being without” as a child or young adult can cause trouble for the evolving older adult who is not at full peace with Self. We are not saying be a spartan, but know the “why” to all that exists around us. All along Matter has been a construct designed by our own dreams, our discovery of True Self.  We even begin to Work on some of this in the Astral as we open to our Monadic Self.

As Pentacles represent Earth, this Page may or may not be grounded in Self. We are naturally grounded with Element Earth when we apply that technique. While we only live in one place in the physical world, one place —if we choose — in the virtual world, of Matter, we are not limited, We may also live in Spirit, in the Astral, or in other Dimensions of Self. Most Practitioners have not yet perfected anything to living in Spirit, Astral or supplemental to that reality in Matter though.

By this point, in this walk with Yona Circle, our Third Degree, most have learned that they CAN exist in MANY places virtually or psychically in the Astral, or in Lucid Dreams. How far have you been able to Experience what is beyond this Matter? Is Time continuing to be an issue for this part of your Journey? Are you still limited in your Astral Work or Meditation? Have you learned that Stillness is not Sleep yet? (We have covered this concept several times over that past few years in both Golanv and Wahya Circles.) As evidenced by our gifted Reality Map of the Page of Pentacles, we are reminded that we are grounded in Mother Earth and will ALWAYS return to our bodies from the Astral if we desire.

In modern medicine, we know sleep is crucial for babies in order for them to map new behaviors and Experiences in memory. We learn the same thing as we grow older, although not as prevalent, that resting and studying maps memories. We can always choose to carry those Pentacles, or Matter, with us as we move through Consciousness. We are grounded.

In the symbology of the Page of Pentacles, we see that Grounding is represented by a warm sky behind them and firm ground beneath them. This grounded life in Matter brings forth Ambition in Spirit and the desire for further growth spiritually. The Page of Pentacles already has command of their Matter, it is Spirit that calls them. This is especially true if hopes or dreams have been realized. “I want to finish college” or “I want to own my own business” and both are done deals. On the flip side, if they have not learned the value of Matter, it will plague and elude them until they do learn its value energetically. The Universe seeks to balance as does all energy, including their “stuff”. Are they Takers, or Givers? Or, are they a nice balance of both?

Looking at the mountains in the background of the Page of Pentacles, it can be perceived as what they have come through on their Journey or what may lie ahead. As this is representative of a Sleep Walker, if the are still asleep, this may be ahead while if they are Awake, this may be the trauma that jolted them awake for good on the rest of their Journey through Life. This is a very fertile card for anyone who draws it… any seed that is planted will grow if tended to, no matter what that seed is. BUT, we are only guaranteed to plant the seed, not Experience the shade from the Tree it grows for this Third Cycle.


Page of Wands

Burned away are the obstacles by Element Fire. Are they waking to reality? The power of Fire has stripped the land to its desolation, or burned away all that was not beneficial. It has removed all obstacles that prevent one from “waking”, yet, will they? The three pyramids show up again on barren land in this card, equating to the Third Stream Cycle.

Each pyramid is the same size. Each is perceived to be lined up in a perfect line.  The living wand, the one who is Journeying and the lizards. Magick and Medicine for this Stream Cycle, involves understanding that many of those here have Ancient wisdom next to them. Plant Allies. Animal allies. Even others who may walk with us have Memory of their Consciousness to share.

On this card, three living things that are ready to be Experienced but are not yet fully seen. Self, and the Magick and Medicine of the Plant (Living Wand) and Animal (Lizard) are not fully realized by teh Page of Wands. They are being ignored by the Sleepwalker.  This Page finds themselves in a desolate place because they are still sleeping a lot, but now they are beginning to see opportunities to awaken to their reality.

In Native American Tradition, Lizard represents the world of Dreams, Healing, and Survival. Children receive amulets in the shape of a Lizard for Protection and strength. It is believed in other cultures that killing a Lizard brings terrible fortune. In western coastal regions, Lizard appears as a Creator who makes humans somewhat in its image. Lizards Animal Medicine, adorn this Page’s clothing, encouraging them to ground and ask, “What do you know”, “what do you need to know,” and also asks, “what do you have in your own awareness to walk out of this dream?” 

The red feather of life is attached to this hat which is sitting on their head.  Do you see? Where else do you see this Feather of Life in tarot? They are holding a living wand with both hands, with that they are holding the only seemingly living green thing in the desert.  This is representative of impending Growth or Change to one’s Awareness. Are they randy? Those who swim n the Third Stream Cycle often think in dreams that they are “alone”. Of course, this is far from the Truth of those who swim in other Streams or with them. Remember those who “feel alone in a crowded room”? These Pages of Wands can too if there is an unsettled Self, Shadow, or Ego. Many who find this card relative to their Life Journey are about to take a different spiritual Path than what they are currently on. This is the Call of the Soul to begin the Soul Journey — FOR REAL. Are you ready? Are they ready?


Page of Cups

On more stable ground, the Sleepwalker is a little more Awake AND more often than not. They see that something is not quite right around them.  This card shows a Fish out of Water, looking directly at the Page from the cup.  3CMM associates Fish Spirit Animal and Fish symbolism with the power of delving deep into the realm of emotions and the subconscious and connection to the Divine feminine, fertility, sexuality, healing and relationships. It is time to further the Journey! Among the Norse, Fish represent determination and flexibility. This would be a place we would recommend personal Shadow Work or growth regarding these manifestations of Being connection. We are recognizing our Spirit in Matter Experience with more clarity.

The Sleepwalker, now beginning to wake up more and more ofteb, sees things around them that do not make sense any longer.  They find things to be “illogical” or become irritated with those that “don’t get” whatever they are attempting to show or say to them. This is solely on the Page of Cups as they have not found Patience, Tolerance, Unconditional Love, Forgiveness and many other aspects of human emotion if they are remaining “irritated” with others on their Journey. Consider where those others may be on theirs. Are they still in their Second Stream? Then why are you angry with them?

This is one of the first times a person is realizing they are in a state of Lucid Dream and Sleep. They are able to recognize the differences in states of mind if they are settled in Self. They begin to realize they are able to push through the Dream or the Veil in Astral more and more. Or, they find they are able to pierce this reality by waking up in their dreams, even if it is just for a few seconds in the beginning, and remembering.  Meditation may begin to produce moments of alternate Experiences and Visions. Touching the Monadic level brings on a sense of “peace” during meditation. Even those with a traumatic brain injury can do this. “There is other research showing that meditation has a positive impact on TBI-like symptoms: Meditation can positively impact one's ability to sustain focused attention and cognitive efficiency.” (BrainLine) It’s time to awaken!

The one who leaves that bad relationship or job “for good” sees this. They have awakened to SEE THE WAY to better Self. The fish is conveying, “this is not my home, let us jump in the Universal Consciousness and swim!” (The Fish and Conscious Awareness — represented by the Water — are already one symbolically) This fish, an Animal Ally  of the Element Water also says, “let me help you. I swim in the Memory of All Things and I can help you remember.” Look carefully at this card.  

Dream Theory

It is believed by some that we arrive in this plane through the Dream of our Mothers first. A Thought turned into a Dream works, as does a Thought into Manifested Reality. Once here, we dream for a few short hours each day while we spend the majority of our Time with our Being outside of Dream. (Aboriginal Dreamtime. Discussed briefly in Wahya Circle.) When in Dream, we spend what seems like endless Time in thousands of spaces and places learning and growing —if we choose too.   Some choose to go to sleep to ‘nothing’ or darkness only. No Dream. This is okay, as some are in a Resting phase. But some have Shadow or Substance that prevents them from Dream. We explore what keeps us in the Third Stream through these avenues.

Now that you know, how are you with Dream? Recall “the Dreamtime” that the Indigenous Aboriginals spoke of? Did you explore it further inside of Self?

Regardless, we are all capable of waking up from the Sleepwalking state, even if it is just in our night dreams that some believe are there to help us continually grown in and with Spirit.  The further we swim and learn and grown and Experience, it seems the more a human aligns and grounds in the Third Stream. The perception of “we are just visiting here for a moment” begins to take shape.

We as spiritual Beings. We hold all Elements inside of us in Matter, and we are powered by the energy of Spirit. We each can be represented by these cards at different times for our Experiences. Especially if the Experience is of something we are to learn to do, or feel we have never done before.

We are not reading these cards for divination, we are asking questions when studying the Stream Cycles. What happened in our past?  What will happen in the future?  We are reading these cards through the story of the Monads to determine which one we belong RIGHT NOW.  Have you seen it yet? We are reading these cards as if reading a life changing story revealing our INDIVIDUAL story. Depending on what Monad lens and Stream cycle lens we are seeing through is what determines what will reveal and what we receive in our divinations and learning of this concept. 


Advanced Craft
Third Monad - Correspondences

The further into the Streams and Monads we go, the more connection we begin to see that something has to manifest into Matter, until the point that thing crosses back towards Spirit, completing its circuit. This typically occurs at their exit from the Stream, and hopeful entrance to the next. Let us also remember, ALL of the Allies are here to help keep us safe, guide us, accompany us, heal us, work Magick and Medicine with us, as this Journey is for ALL OF US.

We are the “chosen animal” this time around in several stories. We are chosen to carry this “Awareness” —a burden to those yet Awake. This is NOT to be construed as a “human superiority complex” or “speciesism”. Some indigenous believe other animals have gone before us as we are to ALL have this Divine Experience through Time. Several Paths believe it was “cat” who went before us. That is why they accompany us now and why they act as they do. They are VERY Awake and Enlightened creatures. For some Native Americans, general cat symbolism is about the mysterious and esoteric, the hidden or the unseen, independence, and the Guardian of Energy.

Key Concepts: The Pursuer and The Performer

Animal Ally: Bear (Yona)

Chakra: Solar Plexus (yellow)

Muse: While not all Paths believe in or carry “muses”, some have been attached through use in Time. Erato, the name means “Beloved” or “The Lovely”. She holds the flowers of love in her hands.  Her parents are Zeus and Mnemosyne.  Muse of erotic poetry.  Possibly a prophetic priestess of the Arcadian Pan. A prophetic priestess is considered “one of Action”.
Numeral: Three, individuals at their worst, can be a martyr and/or an enabler at their best, they are nurturing individuals.

Planet: Jupiter

Virtue: Sincerity

Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius


Wednesday YS4

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

(Please read over material as often as you need.)

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