Yona Circle
Moon Day
Magick & Medicine

Advanced Practicum
Monad III Concepts, Tritoneira
”Third Sleep
” - “to pursue

As we enter our swim through the Third Monad story and Stream Cycle we are now in pursuit of our Awareness in our evolution as a Manifestation into Matter. We can typically see where we have been, or have Experienced, and where we are going - or what may come. This is all contingent upon how much healing of Self in both Shadow and Ego we have been doing as well as beginning to look at Soul Retrieval. With that being stated, let us return to our notes and thoughts recapping the previous Lessons before we move on.

For the next several minutes allow the retelling of these words to refresh, permeate and revive into your mind what you have already learned and Experienced on a PERSONAL level.  As we move through the thought, explore what it is that YOU have expressed or come to express and the “why”, or source.

What rings loud for a possible Truth in your Experience? Was something seen or recognized in Self at other ages? Was it nurtured by others? Or, was the Experience nurtured by us?

EVERYONE has “something” about them that swims in every Stream at ALL Times. It is on us individually to recognize those pieces and what they may mean for our personal Experiences. About 2% of something is all we need to express it genetically, that is scientifically proven. We are not in the stage AS A SPECIES to say we have “none” in a Stream Cycle…. not on this Timeline. But we can work on whatever our Experience is. Others may be present, and you may have an integral part of their Experience, but your Experience comes FIRST. One cannot Experience, perceive, feel, or fully be another being.

Through the manifestation of the traits for each Monad and Cycle that you see in Self, begin to explore what you may be expressing. Or, if viewing Self is remains skewed by Unhealthy or Unhealed Ego, we may view another but the same rule of Experience does not apply, as we cannot do their Soul Work for them.

What has been expressing in your personal Experience?

“In the beginning,” as the Story Goes

Truly, it is how most stories of Earth begin.

In the story of the Monads lay the story for Source, Primeval Deity, or What Name You Call It, even Energy or Universe has been known by some. The concept is understood by ALL who believe that it was before the first beginning, before the First Awareness, as Chaos Before Creation –“without form existing in a void, and having within Itself the seeds of All Things, both spiritual and material.”

These concepts were all mixed up, without order or definition, just as they should Be — the energy of What Is becoming that of Monad One as it was first manifesting into Matter. The concept of this thought existed too, long before many dogmas were written and became the conquering religions of Mother Earth. Let us also venture also to understand that Primeval Energy is perceived as androgynous, having both Spirit and Matter, Feminine and Masculine elements, Yin and Yang. —Divinity being the embodiment of ALL THAT IS as we endeavor to learn. It can and does express in a rainbow spectrum of ways. We humans are the ones who “draw lines” for most things. Attempting to place Order back into Chaos without Understanding the Experience of Matter in its divine way, it’s perspective unique to each of us.

Manifesting Both

To support this thought, if we look around, this androgyny can be seen in the artwork of many Paths and is not “lost to time” as many would have us believe. This portrayal is simply not seen as many now have on tinted glasses provided by their chosen dogmas, or are simply choosing to not see the spectrum of Divine expression, the Rainbow Energy. If we look up the definition to “androgeny” and seek its Greek root, we will see, “a combining of the sexes, or at least attributes of both sexes, in one figure.” This definition did not “just happen.” The expression of various manifestation has always been . The indigenous call them “Twp Spirit” because both aspects of Spirit manifested equally. Some Practitioners feel this is a major contributor to our “mental unwellness” — because we each ignore so much of our WHOLE BEING.

We have endless Global Shadow to overcome with this, after healing our Personal Shadow. Can you work on one while not healing the other? Yes. But do not be surprised if you emanate cultural or unconscious bias that thwarts your Work. We must each be solid in our personal Self before we can fully heal another.

Primeval Energies

Although on some Paths Primeval Energy is portrayed as feminine, the Crone Goddess that most often comes to a Practitioner’s mind when this concept is thought of, or when “Crone” is spoken, is Hekate. We think this is true for many as deep down, thousands of years ago, She was removed from our sight, regardless of Her visage. We have genetic memory of that action. We as a collective, have Shadow there. There has not been enough time to have an “evolutionary leap” genetically as a species to heal that wound of “removing Mother”. She is not lost to Time but She now has to carefully choose when to be seen in certain ways again. There again, many feel this is changing on a global scale with indigenous regaining true sovereignty and the more open minded youth of this newest generation of humans. No matter the tribe, or church, or mosque, Source Energy comes to each of us in different ways. We cannot “control” this Experience in an Egotistical way. We are here to Experience everything wholly and fully that presents itself to us. It is on each of us to NOT lose Self in these presentation, to our traumas/Traumas and to begin calling pieces home as it will take more than ONE LIFETIME to complete task. It took thousands of years to break us apart, it will take thousands more or less, to return the energy to us, to Source. We are most benefitted to begin this Soul Work as soon as we can.

It is not wisest to play “catch up” across Time, picking up Shadows and collecting them more so as we go. It does not serve us. Being Conscious NOW benefits each of us greatly. Being born to those who benefit the next time, if we choose one, serves to aid in the continued Work. But, no two Paths are the same. Have you given this one thought?

In this aged state of perception as Crone, the energy is in the expression of the Experience — “Always Will Be - Future”. To most humans, Primeval Energy can also be Maiden - as Diana - Past - “Always Was”, but his does not serve us on this Time line for good growth either. The Mother - as the great Venus - “Always Is”, respectively and responsibly present, most greatly serves us to embrace as we evolve. “Being present” is a goal on many Paths. It has been scientifically and psychologically shown that Being Present, or Mindful, serves our Highest Benefit.

Granted, any thing may go into the various stages of Experience as its needed. Shadow Work, healing familial traumas, cultural traumas, and the like may require it to heal and move from that place of pain, discomfort or stagnation . No matter what Path that is followed, this energy has existed since before the dawn of Time. This aspect, the aged.

This concept of Crone (or Hermit) is often thought of as being the “wisest” or having had “the most Experience”. Just as the shamanic and indigenous we learned of in Lessons from Wahya Circle and Golanv Circle, the “Elders” are often wiser – ONLY BECAUSE OF EXPERIENCE, not age. Wisdom can be acquired at any time in one’s manifestation though. Some Practitioners believe in manifestations into Matter that are “born old”. Have you known someone that seems to just ‘know something’ even at a young age? Remember the Lesson about the children who maintain their past memory being more prevalent?

Youth Can Be Wise Too, Golden Shadow

Many of us have Experienced life and some have Experienced this manifestation into Matter to the point of knowing that youth can be wise too. If eyes are open to surroundings at any age or stage, that stage of Experience can share, even if it has been traversed before. The more they are in touch with their Monad or Soul Journey, the more they are able to share with those around them. For example, a child with cancer can console its parents. A teenager cares for a terminally ill Elder with compassion and wisdom.

Do not live under the illusion that “because they are children they do not know.” This is a fallacy that many humans fall into. A three year old can learn to safely use a knife and hunt for food or climb a tree for safety. It is often found that if others in their surroundings stop them from continuing their Experiences of growth and instead tells them “no” —even if they show the knowledge, it can cause them to repeat the “Lessons” of “growing up” all over again despite their obvious ability. It can also create Golden Shadow if you tell a child or another that they “cannot” do something that they are clearly capable of doing. Why are we impeding the other Experience? Ask the why to know if we are making the correct choices for those we care for or are in the presence of. That even goes for giving a friend advice. What does the friend want to do, versus what they need to do, versus what your Ego is telling you?

This action can cripple us as evolutionary Beings.

The flip side of that, if we asking advice or recommendations from someone we trust and their answer does not quite “sit right” with us, we are doing our Self a disservice if we do not ask what the answer is based on. As far as listening, we are wise to listen to our children sometimes as they have “clearer” or unencumbered by life vision. This is where we first recognize Conscious Incarnates Experiencing again. They have memory. They have already moved Cycles and have memories that can be tapped into and utilized in this Experience if allowed by others to do so. We can often learn from our youngest. Ever hear “out of the mouths of babes”? They speak unfiltered truth that many have deluded themselves into not existing when in fact THEY DO. Most humans allow unhealthy and unhealed Ego to impede wise choices.

Because of this action, or inaction, by our Caregivers in their roles, we all are often forced to repeat their errors of judgment or reason because it is what we learned to FEEL from them first. Through Golden Shadow we often are returning to something we loved, hopefully at some point in this life, but most do in other lifetimes. Because in most circumstances that we are currently aware of, children are not allowed to THINK for themselves, nor have reasonable and respectful voices. We waste limited Time ourselves as children in having to “relearn” something we may already have Experienced. ‘I feel like I have done this before” is often said because we actually have or, as some believe, we have had the Experience in another Universe, Dimension or Time.

We unknowingly learn things that have already been learned, hence, they “come easy”, or are “easy to learn” in this life and are not challenging enough to us when executed. Of course we appear “natural” at it, we are not challenged every time. We have already Experienced it. Are we stuck? Did we lose a piece of Self? What are we doing to be in a state of “doing what we do” in THIS incarnation on repeat? Whatever It is. Football. Piano. Painting. Medicine. Magick. Linguistics. Biology. Whatever “it” is…



Monad Recap — Because, Twice is Never Enough

Primeval Energy, or Source, is understood to have always existed in an amorphous and undifferentiated State of Being long before the first Experience of Awareness. It is thought when Source pushed through from Unexperience into the Experience of Matter, It slept. It was aware of nothing. BE. Source was considered to be resting, recharging, gathering energies and merely existing in that state of Be-ing – in its Oneness, whole and complete. The Life had been Conceived. What am I? “I AM” comes to mind for many here on other Paths.

When sleeping Primeval Source Energy began to stir and flutter as It became “Aware”. It was now growing in Its Experience of Spirit in Matter. It was Be-ing in the Womb of Life. Data had begun to be gathered in the simplest of ways, FEELING. Feeling what was all around It. “Where am I?

When becoming more Aware, some believe the FIRST thing Awareness Experienced was existenceIts own existence. No longer did it simply FEEL, but it expressed that FEELING. Input. Output.

As above, so below,
the fetus became aware of Self. In time, Divinity began to think, to dream, to question –to desire.
Buddhists have a big principle about desire. Many Paths do. There is value in all of them, this is but one.

In Buddhism, desire and ignorance lie at the root of suffering.
By desire, Buddhists refer to craving pleasure,
material goods, and immortality,
all of which are wants that can never be satisfied.

As a result, desiring them can only bring suffering
— Bud'ha Teachings

(How Spirit manifests to you in Matter is personal.)

A Thought Exercise

Spirit wondered; “what would it be like to feel and move?” So It began to feel and move in as many manifestations as it could manifest, an infinite number came to Be. The cell divided and moved.

Embryos of all species are believed to be Divine Energy manifested as Matter in Its Experiences.

Whether a Path believes in Creation or Evolution, it is thought to be Energy. Spirit Experiencing Matter. (All Thoughts are permitted, the Thought “from Nothing, to Nothing” is permitted too.)

As those offspring develop inside of Mother, as the embryo develops into a fetus, it becomes Aware. Once Aware, that fetus “flutters” in its newfound Awareness with movement. Quickening as humans call it. Those movements often felt by Mother, those who have carried life, know this act well. It is after all how we each arrived here… through Mother.

From the Universe, to Mother Earth, to homo sapiens, “movement is Life.” It has startled many species, not simply ours. As we know, all organically conceived live-birth vertebrates, which homo sapiens are considered, can have this Experience. We humans often overlook the similarities between the species. We allow our Unhealthy and Unhealed Egos to overshadow our connections to What IS.

Ethics of the Species

Speciesism, in applied ethics and the philosophy of animal rights is defined as:
The practice of treating members of one species as morally more important than members of other species; also, the belief that this practice is justified.

Many feel that dogma has caused humans to do this. No, other species cannot do things like “drive cars’ but what benefit has it really done for us as an evolving individual? Obligate us to what? Killed us doing what? Oh, and what about our environmental impact or roads have… ON OTHER SPECIES?

Keep in mind — to be able to receive sensation, to see, to hear, to taste and smell occurs and has been scientifically proven to occur in many other species, not just vertebrates. Look at the intelligence of Animal Ally Octopus. That is an INvertebrate. For eons Primeval Energy is believed to have thought, and considered, and wondered before that manifesting occurred — IN ALL THAT IS.

Or did It?

Some others believe that this “reality” is ALL a dream.

Three Circles Medicine & Magick simply believes that Source Energy was clean, clear, and curious with its Awareness. BE. Whether you believe in The Dream, or Creation, or Chaos, or spontaneous life itself through Evolution, what guides you? Are you walking and Working to your Highest Benefit of Experience in Matter…. erm… Dream?


Tritoniera — The Third Sleep

In the Experiences of the Second Monad — Deuteroneira, now equipped and moving with the understandings found by the First Monad — Protoneira, it transitioned into a more active Experiences. The Second Monad was to move abstract ideas OF THOUGHT into usable and practical applications IN MATTER, but these were the facets of Spirit, or Divinity, which were still bogged down in Thought by the First Monad.  So, What Is, Cycled again.

Divine Source was the First to Experience this cycle of Matter to Spirit, or Manifested and Unmanifested. This all occurs “in a breath” of Time.

Arriving at the Third Monad, It became all about ACTION and FOCUSED WILL on the Experiences of Matter and all that that action could Be. Oh! How the power of Thought in Awareness doth grow! It became unlimited and unfettered from where it was Now. At least that is the gist of the movement of Divine Energy on a majority of Paths as Time becomes a factor, Past, Present, Future. It is understood often that in the Third Monad, the Experiences of What Is was divided and different in the Manifestations of Spirit in Matter and Its Attractions and Repulsions of energies, of one another. The beginning was finally becoming realized and actualized.

Those who swim in Tritoniera are all about GROWTH and EXPANSION. This Third Sleep, or Monad, is also full of Beings who are considered BRILLIANT, INVENTIVE, ENERGETIC and CONSCIENTIOUS.  All that Protoneira had conceived and Deuteroneira had nurtured —Tritoneira literally manifested and blossomed through PURSUIT.  

Tritoneira launches systems into motion that deal with Being.  Once the system is up and running, a supportive role is often established to further expand the main system for the benefit of balance in all things. 

Third Monad Humans

These Souls manifest as great communicators, making speeches, teaching classes, or just talking with a friend.  They take others’ systems and ideas and thoroughly understand how to set those ideas into motion through highly original approaches to accomplish the task at hand. 

The Tritoneiran Soul can take systems that elude others and find many new applications for them.  Boiling this Monad personality into one sentence, they form manifestations into practical terms of which others could only think, dream, or wish to manifest. More specifically, many believe the first division of Spirit Energy to be into a spectrum from darkness through light 

As the Christian Path believes, “On the first day, God created light in the darkness.” Kind of limiting, but it is believed they may have been trying to convey wha was already believed on many other Paths of the world.

As Buddhists believe, it assumes that the Universe has no ultimate beginning to it and therefore sees no need for a Creator/Creatrix. The Buddhist Path believes that the Universe is cyclical in nature. Therefore they do not look for the beginning of anything and instead view the Universe as eternal, ongoing and constantly changing. Remember, “Change is a Universal Constant.” In the early texts, the nearest term to this concept is "Great Brahma" (Maha Brahma), such as in Digha Nikaya 1.18. Which hints at a similar concept to the aforementioned.

What do you feel? What thought have we studied, or have you studied, that you most align with? What is your “origin story” for Life?

All of the physical is now tangible on our Monadical walk, even the volatile parts of Primeval Energy have gone into manifested Being. All Divine Energy now manifested, it is believed by many that Spirit passed through Seven Planes of existence to achieve that manifestation. This is so far as we and other Greath Thinkers understand it, to Be what we see or Experience today. “In this cosmology, there are seven cosmic planes, three lower, corresponding to relative existence (the Physical, Vital, and Mental), and four higher, representing infinite divine reality.” (Life Divine) Seven Heavens. Seven Gods. Seven Planes. Experiences are had, regardless of Path.

The seven planes of existence as previously stated here are Physical, Emotional, Mental, Astral, Soular or Egoic, Monadic and Divine.  With Spirit, all the ethereal, eternal and spiritual parts remain as such regardless of manifestation as we are WHOLE BEINGS. Spirit Experiencing Matter.

Book of Shadows - Reverend Richoz, RN

To expound, Three Circles Medicine & Magick does not “divide” divinity into “god” or “goddess”. That is an individual Experience. For Reverend Richoz, she believes that Spirit manifests into many Experiences of Matter, across all Space and Time. It is up to that Spirit in Matter Experience as to how it manifests, as a “male”, “female”, both or neither. It does not matter what level, or stage, this manifestation of Matter is at, Free Will allows choice at ALL LEVELS.

Divine Energy desires to have full Experiences, just as all Beings do. This Thought includes ALL PATHS.

(Remember what the Buddhas said about ‘desire’? “Desiring to ‘live’” is still a desire. Ultimate Surrender of that Will is one of the spectrums of Experience of Free Will. Hence, “suffering without the Will to Live” may be one’s “ultimate” Experience. Nirvana is the goal of that Path. To become enlightened and reach Nirvana, which is believed to be attainable only with the elimination of all greed, hatred, and ignorance within a person. Nirvana signifies the end of the cycle of death and rebirth.) Divine Source can have all Experiences through Spirit in Matter. A “fall” is not always necessary to have Divine “Experience”. Nor is “suffereing”.



Divine energy is able to create everything, seen and unseen, experienced and not experienced.  Your Experience is YOUR EXPERIENCE. Your Experience can be anywhere from no deity to all deities. The Experience is entirely up to you, through your divine Free Will, and that is NOT always driven by Ego.

Go with what you FEEL if it is your Truth.

So, many believe that Divinity (Spirit) Experienced through the same seven planes of existence over and over by releasing those nine parts of itself called Monads or Soul families, to enter in physical forms of Matter. No matter how you believe Divine Energy arrived at this point, it arrived.

Was it a “fall” for you? Was it a “push through the Veil”? Have you thought about this concept before now?

Most Practitioners believe that all Souls live many lives in many physical forms to have the fullest Experience of Matter. 
Have you thought about your OWN Divinity before this point? Why not?

Mythos, What Do You Believe?

When a drop of water is removed from the ocean in the Cycle of Water, falls as rain and you drink it — you are completely the sea and yet part of the sea for a moment and eternity.  Either way you are the sea, either way you are Divine.  Spirit and Matter’s reunion was a success because we are here, having continuous Experiences. We live in a closed system. We breath the same Air as Alkebulan. We drink the same Water as Zhong Guo. We burn with Fire sparked from the same cloud that sparked Fire just as in Shindu. When Mother Earth moves on one-side, She counters on the other to seek balance. We ALL Experience Earth moving to some degree.

If we look at the ancient stories, to maintain memory of this union — of Spirit and Matter — a chant was often spoken, ensuring both Spirit and Matter remain whole, as One Consciousness. “She sang a charm, and Her voice was as the buzzing bees.  And then Diana sat at Her spinning wheel and began to spin the Golden Thread of Life, and as She did, the God turned the Wheel.”  Energy, vibration or frequency, whatever you desire to name it, keeps manifestations moving. At this plane level the manifestation is currently existing or “Life”.  The Music of the spheres!  God clears the Path for Goddess’ Divine spark forward, facilitating growth through Experience, through us. GrandMother Spider, the White Bead Women, and Earth Mother… ALL give, sustain and recycle the Experiences of Life.

Divine Energy divided into an infinitesimal amount of parts, while never leaving Its home.  This concept can be paralleled to those of “The World Tree” to some with its equivalent levels of existence and purpose. To others, such as Wiccans, this creation story conveys the One that contained the Mothers and Fathers before the First Creation, that She was and is the spectrum of Life that contains both the Light and Dark, the physical creation through Her releasing of these portions of Herself through the nine Monads with countless Souls that emanated out of Her. 

It is believed that ALL myths are essentially humans trying to understand creation in physical human terms so that Divine Energy can becomes more approachable and understood for our species, our Awareness, balance is achieved. We really are a simple creature who began to Experience Awareness of Self and all the perceived “burdens” that can be brought forth with Experience without understanding all of the solutions, or cures, or ways for that Experience.

How fortunate the human must be to Experience all of this outside of Anima Mundi, where our brothers and sisters are still connected. What things we have created for ourselves to “worry” or “grieve” over. Mundane things such as “lovers” or “light bills”. Is it not interesting the many things we have created for our own Experiences of Life? Is it not intriguing how we have manifested?

How will you move forward, KNOWING you actually have more control than you sometimes are willing to exhibit
? Why do you have “fear” of anything? We are wisest to ponder this for Self, and once a course is set, holding our torches higher to see EVEN FURTHER. Ever mindful are we of the Experiences we can see that fall into the light we cast.

What Path will you choose for your life of Experience? How shall we become more aware of our multi-dimensional selves?  We have all of eternity to become what we strive to Be and then achieve that which we set sail for in our Time.  Approaching our lives, clean – clear – curious, with wonder and awe helps clarity to be realized as we move with the stars. ☼☆

So, start learning to dance, sing and celebrate your personal Experiences and then you will see even more is learned, received and retained through that memory of doing what brings you Joy. This personal satisfaction and success is how manifestation operates for the most part of our Magick and Medicinel.  Tap into that Universal Energy that we are ALL a part of. Start dancing.  Yes Lessons are sometimes learned through hardship and pain. These are all valuable teachers and divine Experiences to be had and shared with others through Divine Empathy and Understanding. Many times we forget there are many ways to Experience Matter, not just “love and light”. While many are more contented to place blinders on their Experience, judge not the rest. Manifest in your Experience of Life to its fullest.

Sip slowly.

Moon Day YS4

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


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