Yona Circle
Tuesday Techniques

Advanced Practicum
Teaching through Suffering

As we dedicate further techniques to teaching, let us share a story with you. See if you can keep this story close to your heart as you move through your Cleric and Knowledge Sharing throughout all of life.

This story is a loose adaptation of the story shared by Harvest McCampbell in her writings. She comes highly recommended. (The story is actually much longer than we can present here.)

The Story…

Having a class on basket weaving is no easy task. To understand the story behind what you are creating, to see the magick that these tangible things represent is powerful.

In Dineh, when we weave our baskets, the first thing we create is the base of the vessel. Us. Our Spirit. Likened to a star, we are pulled from chaos. As such, when you weave this star pattern in your base and when the “correct string” is pulled, a star is formed from chaos.

This is teaching.

Seeing these stars form all around me, I see one young person struggling to make the star from the chaos. They cannot seem to pull the strings and “make it happen”.

I do not rush over. I see them struggle. I see them suffering under the weight of the inability to complete the task that everyone around them has, a seemingly simple task. Pulling stars from chaos.

Carefully I make my way around the room, helping, assisting, giving empowerment where needed. This person continues to suffer with their inability to create the star.

I can feel them look at me as I cross the room. I know they are having difficulty pulling that lazy star from the power of that chaos. I know that star needs a push. Encouragement. Love.

Several others have finished their base now and have left their seats to mill around. I see the look of anguish, of suffering, fall across this person’s face at an incomplete task. I sense frustration in their actions. They continue to sit and struggle quietly.

Slowly I walk over and sit down next to them at their table.

A sense of calm washes over them, as I am calm.

Finally, a sense of calm enters their actions and they find the “correct string” to pull to bring the star out of chaos into the circular base of the basket. I smile. “Well done.”

This is the human way. We do not turn away from suffering. We endure. We try. Even when we know odds can be stacked against us, we try. This is our Spirit. We know that star will be pulled from the chaos into the spiral of life. It happens every day.

This is what is most helpful sometimes when teaching others Craft, or a new magick. Simply our whole, calm, grounded presence is all that is needed to bring forth new life methods, how to use tools of magick in a more beneficial way, etc. Many Practitioners do NOT respond well to, or need to be told “how” or “when” to do something. They simply need to feel that what is inside of them is good and okay. Self is a powerful source of the magick that is in the Universe. We are all stars.

We do not need to negate or criticize anyone for anything. It is their experience to have and ONLY if asked to give input should we do so. As teachers, we must Craft our responses and actions carefully as we go down the Path of Cleric or Teacher.


Tuesday Y14

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

(Any thoughts on the Lesson are welcomed!)

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