Wahya Circle
Tuesday Travels


World Studies 101
Origin of May

As you have learned by reading the Month Menu page, May is named for the Goddess Maia, who oversees Plant Allies and their growth, as well as fertility. The name was an obvious honor. It also comes from the Latin word maiores, or “elders”, who are venerated during this month in the Southern Hemisphere.

Maia is considered a nurturer and an Earth Goddess, which gives credence to the connection of this month with Spring. Maia is the eldest of the Pleiades, the seven nymphs of the constellation Pleiades, hence again -- Ancestor Veneration. In Her stories, Maia is a shy Goddess who has dwelt alone in a cave near the peaks of Mount Kyllene (Cyllene) in Arkadia where She secretly gave birth to the God Hermes (Mercury in Roman), Her son by Zeus.

Her symbols are often braided and knotted items from bread to reeds. This assimilated from Akkadian to Greek to Roman Goddess, name also means 'mother', offers all who seek Her, fulfillment and renewed zest through Her fertile energies. It is said that Maia gave Her name to the month of May as a random act of beauty and kindness, this still holds merit today and certainly honors Maia continuously. How will you utilize Her magick during this month? Will you? Will you venerate an Ancestor?

Ancestor Veneration

The Veil is thin in the Southern Hemisphere right now, and it may be difficult here as we have tilted back towards the sun and increased our EMF exposures. But, a lot of energy is going into this act of Veneration with Practitioners —right now just on the other side of the planet.

Do you do venerate? How do you celebrate those who have gone before you? Did you know that an entity does not have to be of this plane to be venerated? Did you also know, you do NOT have to be “blood related” to someone in order to venerate them? Have you considered honoring Ancestors at other times, or year round? Do you have an Ancestor Altar?


World Studies 101
Days of the Week

Alkebulan: Africa

This is a heavy read, but is required to understand what is around our perception and what motivates its energy. This is kind of why ‘days of the week’ Correspondences are only as relevant as you wish to make them. There IS power to tap into but you need to know where and what you are looking at to call it in.

To use a modern phrase, we are going to “circle back” to Alkebulan (Africa) and start with day names there. The names as you recall are thus:

Jumatatu – actually DAY THREE, Western Moon Day

Jumanne – (FOUR) Western Tuesday

Jumatano – (FIVE) Western Wednesday

Alhamisi – (SIX) Western Thursday

Ijumaa – (SEVEN), Freya’s Day or Western Friday (Isn’t that interesting?)

Simply put, “juma” (joo – ma) means week and “tatu” (ta – too) means three. This is understood to mean “day three of the week”, Jumatatu.

The days of the week begin on Saturday and end on Friday.

Thus it is also true that if you are going to “count” the days of the week, versus name them, “mosi” in Jumamosi means it is day “one” of the week. –”pili” in Jumapili means the second day of the week. (“pili” It is placed after the word it is describing as with many other languages.)

The days take a number as its identity. The days of the week also follow the Islamic calendar of worship as Alkebulan began quite some time ago as the “Land Under Allah” (The United States is “One Nation Under God”) and some moved away from native or aboriginal traditions in BOTH places when that was declared. Most indigenous Practitioners want no part of politics or colonized mentalities.

The names of the days follow their pattern of worship,. As you read, Saturnday, or Jumamosi, is considered the first day of the week, and, since Friday is the Muslim faith’s main day of worship, it is regarded as the “last day of the week”. The two exceptions you see, Alhamisi  (the day preceding the day of prayer) and Ijumaa (the day of prayer). These two days have a strong bearing in Islam and its conquered people, a consequence of the strong Arab rule of the East African coast since the 7th century.

Originating is Mecca, Islamism, Judaism nor Christianity originated on the continent. Christianity first arrived in North Africa, in the 1st or early 2nd century CE from Judea or what we now know as Israel. The Christian communities in North Alkebulan were among the earliest in the world. As also in the United States, a conquered people assimilated to the rule of its colonizers.

Zhong Guo: China

What we have been taught as “Asia”, meaning “land of the rising sun”, is not what the indigenous who live there call themselves. The days of the week in specifically Zhong Guo, Chinese, are quite extensive in their history. Days of “worship” were present in the land pre-missionary and most likely pre-Buddhist. Try to read the link to the article below and grab the high points. The history of the land, especially that of the language and its multiple forms of words have obviously been assimilated or changed at times. It is considered one of the most difficult languages to understand on the Earth, though, it can be done.

Of note as you study, 星期 xīngqī literally means 'star period'. (Depending on dialect, “xing” is pronounced simply “sing”)

星期一 xīngqīyī

星期二 xīng qī èr

星期三xīng qī sān

星期四xīng qī sì

星期五xīng qī wǔ

Sindhu: India

Sindhu has some of the most interesting weekday names that we have come across in our travels in Wahya Circle.

सोमवार Somvar

Literally सोम (soma) +‎ वार (vāra) or “Moon Day” when borrowed directly from Sanskrit. However, the names have deeper meaning. Follow the link if you wish to learn more.

Of note from these names are  बुधवार Budhvar and गुरुवार Guruvar. See if you can find out their meanings on your search!

मंगलवार Mangalvar

 बुधवार Budhvar

गुरुवार Guruvar

शुक्रवार  Shukrvar

Correspondences 101
Element Air

As stated before, Elementals are eager to work with us ALL in Spirit. We embody the energy of every single one to varying degrees. Air is the most precious for us humans, next to Water on this plane. Without it, it means instant death and we could not have this Experience we call “life”. We are essentially Air breathing creatures after birth, taking in our first breath of Air AT BIRTH. Greeting it. Grabbing its life sustaining abilities, as we choose to stay.

Each morning, as part of your “Hour of Power’ OR your “Five Minutes of Self” or whatever moment you are carving out, breathe. That is the simplest Medicine or Magick that you can do in your life.

Thank it.

Show gratitude. Every time you breathe in, you are breathing in all of Creation, across all Time, as we not only live in a “closed system” on this planet, but many have the Universal belief of Oneness. As a closed system, that means our atmosphere is sealed with the same Air that has been here for many millennia.

Do you think about that?

That breath leaves you and goes into a tree, leaves a tree and goes into another being. It then leaves that being and is taken into the ocean. In the ocean, it filters through things like kelp. Air is the expelled from the kelp and goes into a sea creature. It leaves that sea creature, back into the Water, evaporating at its surface into the atmosphere and back into you.

It can also travel to one of the shrinking forests we have on this planet —but the ocean recycles about half the Air we breathe. It is changing too. It is becoming less oxygenated due to the warming of the planet.

LINK: Learn Religions: Element Air
(Trusted Wiccan Source)

PLEASE NOTE: All of the Elements are mentioned on this linked site. However, it is only the view of one Path. We respect the views of ALL Paths. This concept as presented is accepted mostly by Western European Paths and a few others.

Tuesday WM3

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

(Due by Sunday)

or more answering one of the following:

Please answer Contemplations 101: Ancestor Veneration

- OR -

What did you learn the definitions are of the following two words? What does that make you think? Feel?
बुधवार Budhvar
गुरुवार Guruvar

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