Wahya Circle
Moon Day
Magick & Medicine


Beginning Practicum
Esoteric Vocabulary I

Before we go much further into our studies, we are going to start introducing esoteric vocabulary. We will begin with a few words a month to just open the door to seeking out more knowledge. We will not overwhelm you with it, as much of it is founded in various Paths and unless you are going to walk that particular Path it is not always necessary to know. However, if you find that a word is utilized in common vernacular more often that not, it is good to know to carry on intelligent communication.

Dark Half: In various esoteric Practitioners, it is the process of looking inward during Shadow Work, Ego Work, Involution, etc. “The process of looking inward.” Some perceive “darkness” because it is a part that is pushed away, out of the “light of day”. As seen in nature, it is seen as the “dark half”, or waning portion, of the lunar cycle. Winter is the “dark half” of the year, etc.

Esbat:   A specific time set aside for formal worship that has been described as similar to that of Sundays for Christian Paths or Friday nights for Jewish Paths. Typically ceremonies are held at specific moon phases, Full; Dark; New.

For many Practitioners of the Arcane, it can be of any time to gather with others, with or without ceremony.  

It derives from the Old French s'esbattre (Modern French ébat), meaning to frolic and amuse oneself, diversion. It is pronounces “EEs – bat” in most French dialects.

Evolution – Involution: Involution is the process of turning inward to learn of Self and focus one’s view so astutely on the personal “why” that one can begin to understand actions taking place. It is understood further that when we begin understanding Self in Truth, i.e. personal accountability, unconditional love of Self and others, evolution begins to occur in the Spirit. It is narrowing the view so acutely of the individual that one begins to move away from “personal” and begins to unify with their Higher Power and those around them.

Evolution often moves a Practitioner away from the “physical” view of their Experience and towards the “spiritual” or Universal view of “everything” and its connectedness. As this evolution takes places, one begins to reintegrate with God/dess; Divine; Light Body, etc, into the Higher Self or Being you perceive on your chosen Path. The physical load is lightened and you begin to leave this plane, not prematurely, but more so in a better contented and whole Spirit.

Imperium of Knowledge: The realm of knowledge you contain and control with instant recall on a subject in which you have direct control in the physical. “The imperium of (knowledge) of the Herbalist was vast.” This can go for ANY skill and we all have one, or many, to discover. Another example, “the orthopedist has a vast imperium (knowledge) of bones in the body.” While “imperium” is a strong word and one that leads to ill will, or command of our Knowledge and intellect is a tangible goal for many.

Physiognomy: The art of interpreting personality characteristics by studying any and every part of the body of humans and other animals, mostly mammals. “Palmistry is a form of physiognomy.”


Divination 101
Tarot Thoughts

Before you begin reading cards for yourself, or if you already do, consider these questions to ask as you divine with this tool, if you do not already:

1.      What is this card doing?
The scene or character actions on the card are as you perceive them, atmospheric cues, etc. Not always as they were drawn. Compare what you FEEL with the artist’s Book Meaning.

2.    Intuitive - As mentioned above, what can you feel, are there any “first” impressions? TRUST that inner voice, and your mind’s eye. Working with tools such as those for divination can assist us with learning to hone in our intuitions.

3.    Thinking - Is this card telling me with its definition or is it a meaning of what action, reaction to take with a matter literally? (Consider its relevance to the question being asked when you ready the Book Meaning.)

4.    Actions – Clarify. Sometimes we have to draw a second card. We cannot always See directly if a card is showing what actions to take or not take. If you doubt, clarify, then TRUST that clarification. Sometimes the action taken is not related to now but future.

5.    Analytical – Is this card asking me to break down every minor detail of what was asked versus what the card in showing? Is the card asking me to “explore”, “be curious”, “question further”… what is interpreted? (Notice we did not say “doubt”.) A card in the Suit of Swords will sometimes represent this Thought leaning answer.

6.    Spiritual – This card has a focus on Spirit, stay in THAT energetic vein no matter what is revealed. Aces are notorious for representing Spirit in many circumstances.

7.     Remember this is the story of the Universe as magickally perceived by you and how this divined answer plays into your role in the Universe as Spirit Experiencing Matter.
It is YOUR interpretation.

8.    Channel - Anything and everything you wish, from Ancestors, Spirit Guides, Allies, Deity, any one of these things can step in to help you and your Medicine or Magick. Do NOT be afraid to ask any one to actually “speak” to you through this tool of the Intuition. Create your space. Set your mood. Flow. TRUST.


Talking Tarot with Benebell Wen
(43 minutes)

Divination 101
Intro to Cartomancy


These are some, not all, basic concepts of the Rider Waite Smith system of cards. The RWS deck is based on the Marseilles System from the 1700s. While the majority of modern tarot decks, and some Oracle decks, are modeled after these two, you DO NOT have to subscribe to the RWS System of cards. For example, Priestess Phyllis Curott has created an extremely versatile deck that is the REVERSE of the RWS System to move the energy more towards Goddess energy over God for example, into a more balanced, “life giving” state. When TCMed divines for Wahya Circle, this is typically the deck we pull from.

If you do not own your own deck, you may view a variety of these cards online.

To view online: www.tarot.com

Keep in mind: No matter what your opinion is of the RWS system, until a Practitioner rewrites/writes the Monad theories with a system other that RWS deck, it will continue to be utilized to walk through and explain the different Streams of Consciousness. Should you continue on with Yona Circle, the RWS system is utilized for that learning Experience. Reverend Richoz is actively working on this task and welcomes input from other Practitioners.

Basic Tarot Facts

I 78 cards

Major Arcana 22 cards

Minor Arcana 56 cards

Meanings for all cards and all decks are strongly dependent on the card spread utilized.

II.               5 sets of cards in deck

A.   Major Arcana
1. 0 Fool through XXI The World

B.    Minor Arcana
Consists of Four Suits
Earth, Pentacles, Diamonds
Air, Swords, Spades
Fire, Wands, Clubs
Water, Cups, Hearts

1.      Court cards:

King, Queen, Knight, Page

a.     Describe People, Attitudes or Events

b.    Elemental Vibration

i.      King: Fire

ii.      Queen: Water

iii.      Knight: Air

iv.      Page: Earth

2.    Ace thru 10: Pips: 40


Pentacles - Coins, Diamonds (Physical)

1.    Feminine Energy

2.   Earth

3.   Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

4.    Physical. Material. External reality. Easily seen. Manifestation. Organized. Practical. Material possessions come easily. Help is coming. Person is a political news junky, likes to travel, etc.

5.     Opportunity: given and taken. Good money management. Increase. Need to be grounded or is. Desire to build. Spirit. New job, house, project, etc.

In a spiritual context, the Ace of Pentacles indicates that now would be a great time to try something new in terms of our spiritual practices or development. Do not be afraid to experiment with different practices. The Ace of Pentacles brings fresh energy with it so we should be feeling motivated and inspired in our spiritual pursuits when it appears.


Cups — Chalices, Hearts (Emotional)

1.     Water

2.    Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer

3.    Feminine energy

4.    Feelings. Emotion. Healing.Wisdom.

5.    Can trust this person. Loving family. Inner peace. Synchronous event. This is your time. Embrace intuition. Abundance. Intense relationship. Primal force. Pure spiritual love. A spiritual path. Do not lock away emotion.

Spiritually, the Ace of Cups is a sign that we will open our heart to the love the Universe is sending to us. We should feel a deep connection to Spirit when this card appears and we may find new spiritual gifts or abilities come our way.


Swords - Scepters, Spades (Thought)

1.      Air (sometimes Fire)

2.    Aquarius, Libra, Gemini

3.    Masculine energy

4.    Obstacles. Self issues. Clarity. Mental attitudes regarding question: intellect; originality; creative thinker, expanded consciousness. Can see through deception. Changing mind. Authority. Pursuit of truth. Philosophies of various paths. Possibility of quarrel. (usually own mind) Out with the old.

Fresh new ideas abound when the Ace of Swords appears in a spirituality Tarot reading! We may be letting go of old belief systems that don’t serve us any longer. Or, we may be realizing a new spiritual truth when it appears or we embracing new spiritual ideas or attitudes. Exciting times lay ahead.   


Wands — Staves, Clubs (Transformative Energy/Spirit of Fire)

1.    Masculine Energy

2.   Fire (OR Air)

3.   Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

4.    Self-realization, awakening truth, possessing masculine energy, high energy, creative process, business affairs, social aspects, Spirit, community, personal past.

5.     Insight, authenticity, torch of Life Force within, optimism, community, ready to burn away obstacles/hindrances. Spontaneity. New project, successful. ACTION ORIENTED.

6.    Pure, raw, focused energy. Person is READY.

In a spiritual context, the Ace of Wands can see us beginning a new spiritual path or receiving an invitation to an event or gathering with other spiritual people. It might be a good idea to accept the invitation as we could gain more from the Experience than we realize.


ACES in General

  1. Represent One Year

  2. Powerful Number

  3. Sureness, giving - receiving gift, opportunities. Light. Open. Growth. Generosity. New beginnings. Purest form of aspect.

Symbolism: Clouds = epiphany or confusion. Mountains – triumph, endurance.
(This is what you see when analyzing the art on the card. It is the artists interpretation.)


Ace of Swords

1.     Mental clarity

2.   Focus

3.   Vision/ary

4.   Insight

5.    Innovative

6.   Dreams actualized

7.    Alignment with desires

8.   “that is why xyz happened”

9.   One-sided relationship

10.    This is YOUR time; time for growth

11. Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

Ace of Cups

1.    Consciousness

2.   Love

3.   Spirituality

4.   Relationships

5.   Feelings, pure

6.   Can communicate thoughts.

a.   Measured words

7.   Ask Querant how this card relates.

8.   Follow your heart when reading this card. (Or any) There is a price sometimes.

9.   Regeneration of a magician.

10. Says you can “trust” person in question.

11. Family, here or there

12. Senses: overflowing emotion: inner peace.

13. Feasting

14. One is a powerful number in the task


Ace of Wands

1.     Core beliefs

2.   Action oriented

3.   Intuition is trusted

4.   “trust yourself”

5.    High maasculine energy

6.   Spontaneity

7.    Birth, new …. Project, relationship, etc.

8.   Aries, Leo, Sagittarius


Ace of Pentacles (Coins)

1.     Manifestation of desires

2.   Intrinsic values are to be considered, richness does not always equal money.

3.   Organized

4.   Look at other cards to determine if material possessions represented by other cards in the spread are maybe too important to Querant.

5.    Growth.

6.   “time to plant”

7.    “help is on the way”

8.   Perfect contentment


Aces = “Ones People”

While other humans are perceived as “less” —- THEY ARE NOT. At the time these cards were created there were great divides in equality in every aspect. We ask that you please keep that in mind when reading their creators meanings.


1.     Middle class

2.   Trades people

3.   Transition will take place

4.   Support community



1.    Lower class

2.   Pay attention to smaller things

3.   Everyday, physicality, bills, home, food, etc

4.   The Magician, all things are important



1.    Versatile

2.   Hard to pigeon hole; good at many things


1.    Nobility

2.   Wealthy

3.   Highly cultured, religious, business, etc…

4.   Sciences


Everyone has a piece of all cards in daily life.


Ones in the Major Arcana

I The Magician (The Magus; The Juggler)

Well formed thought. The seed. Deliberately initiate every day.

As above, so below.

Macro, Micro.

We are the channel for manifestation.

The Healer moves through us.

Infinity: Key: Crossing: Space between the realms.

Crown: Everything starts with thought.



Also seen as a reduction numerologically to 1

X The Wheel of Fortune
(1+0 = 10)

We can use the Wheel in any way to manifest.

All suits represented, full and pure. Birth. Death. Fate.





Hebrew symbols for “God”

Sphinx: Riddles: If incorrect, you are “eaten”.

Gamble or not. Fluidity. Reap/Sow.

Four visions of Ezekiel in corners.


XIX The Sun
(1+9 = 10, 1+0 = 1)


          Sunflower: Soul

          Child: Inner Person

          Good success. Bright side. Perspective change.


Selenology 101

You have Attuned to the Higher Self, were you able to rest better for the last bit f downtime? Recharge? Did you have to perform Attunement again?

Below you will find the moon phases and their uses one more time, the same ones from before. This time, begin to step into the mindset of a “partnered spell”, or “spell multiplying”, or “Multiplier Magick” - which complements our Additive and Subtractive Works. In the weeks to come, you will be partnered with someone from Wahya Circle to corroborate on the next REQUIRED Spell for your Heka Certificate of Completion.

(PLEASE WATCH THE WAHYA CALENDAR FOR UPDATES!) Practitioners will be emailed the Partner List afterward. Details will be provided.

Again, we will be working WITH our Practitioner Partners.

What will you both agree on? Remember, your Intent must be the same!

Write down three ideas to present to your partner when the time arrives.

Some things to consider:
How do you want to banish? Draw Abundance? Healing? Jar? Candle? Words? Glass breaking? Cord cutting? Ribbon? Energetic? Sigil?

Do you want to call upon anything on your Path? Elements? A Deity? Animal Ally?

What do you feel?

What is calling to you with a desired magickal purpose behind it?

There are as many approaches to this type of magick, Partner Magick, as there are people on the planet.

PLEASE NOTE: There is NO “wrong answer”.

All Moon Phases (Trusted source)


Beginning Practicum
Zodiac and the Moon

Your Moon sign—the placement of the Moon in the zodiac at the exact time of your birth—tends to describe your emotional life, feelings, desires, and all the stuff going on below the surface that might not be apparent, even to you. Your Moon sign is perhaps your clearest indicator as to the workings of your inner world. It can reveal places of need for Shadow Work, and often reveals our “hidden” portions of ourselves.

With that said, not many Western Practitioners keep in mind that they do NOT function on a solely Lunar calendar. They actually more often function on a Solar-Lunar calendar. However, it is noted that some Lunar calendars attempt to “sink back up” with Solar calendars about every 33 years. (Interesting number. As it is considered a "master number." It radiates harmonious and caring energy, emphasizing the importance of helping others and fostering unity. It also promotes creativity and expression, encouraging you to let your artistic side shine.)

Even long ago, we could see these differences. Numa sought to regulate the lunar year by inserting intercalary months so that, at the end of every nineteen-year period, the lunar and solar year would coincide. This is the Metonic cycle, named after Meton, who introduced it at Athens in 432 BCE.

In reality, that separation is much greater as the Lunar calendar seeks to align the perception of Time with the Universe, or sky, and the Solar with only the Star Sol. In the opinion of some, a very short sighted amount of time. In Eastern Thought, the use of the Lunar calendar is found more often as it aligns with the many other celestial bodies which influence us, rather than just the sun.

”Universal Time” is a real thing.

What is your ‘Moon sign”?
Use the app below to determine your zodiac for the Moon Sign related to your birth.

Cafe Astrology Moon Sign Calcultor
(or, use one you prefer.)


Wahya Walker

How do you feel about being in this Circle so far? Can you see yourself growing closer, even in Spirit, to anyone in the group? Has a story been shared at a Moot inspired you, or do you have a “feeling”, not necessarily a thought in consciousness about this? How do you feel about your personal practices as they relate to those around you at this point?
Sit with that.
What do you see in your mind’s eye?


Moon Day WM3

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

(Due by Sunday)

you have determined your Moon sign above, let us evaluate the heavens to determine where Luna currently is located in your sky.

Use a standard “moon phase” app. Something like “My Moon Phase”, “Daff Moon”, or a web-based calendar such as Astroseek’s Moon Phase Calendar. (You can use a search engine to seek out what works BEST for you.)

Write down the zodiac sign it says you are passing through.

Use an astronomy, planetarium, or star based “sky map”: such as Sky Map, Starwalk, or Stellarium. You may even seek out a web-based program to determine what zodiac based constellation Luna is currently passing through. (These are the apps you can hold your phone up to an area of the sky and it will show you what is thre. You may also visit a website to do the same thing based on your location.)

Write down the sign you discover from this app.


These two answers will NOT always be the same if you have searched as we have stated. For example, a “moon phase app” may tell you we are in Capricorn, while a NASA based planetarium app, or sky map, will tell you that the moon is passing through the Constellation Sagittarius. The latter is what is ACTUALLY happening at that moment in our sky.

THIS is the energy you should be most mindful of and which energy MOST benefits you. Take for example, if you wish to do a Work for Grounding. According to popular western thought “moon phase apps”, we are “falsely” in the correct sign for that work. The latter sky map will tell you to NOT do this working because we are passing through a “firey” sign, not a “grounding” one. (But, this is all personal to YOU on your Path. What do you feel?)

Moon sign at birth.
Current moon phase app sign.
Current sky map app sign.

Three Circles Medicine
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