Moon Day Magick & Medicine Comparative Practices 101: Wahya Circle Contemplations 101: ‘A Turn and a Day’ Beginning Practicum: Witch or Not Beginning Practicum: Conical Hats and Green Faces Contemplations 101: Organized Thoughts Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows SUBMISSION: WA1 MON ORGANIZED THOUGHTS (Due by Sunday)
Tyr’s Day Beginning Pharmakeia: Dandelion Beginning Crystalium: Quartz Deities of Earth 101: Tyr Contemplations 101: Deity Reveal Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows
Odin’s Day Beginning Pharmakeia: Mugwort Beginning Crystalium: Citrine Deities of Earth 101: Oath to Odin - a Var Specialty General Knowledge 101: What Is Your Learning Style? Book of the Week: The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal Contemplations 101: Integrating Learning Style Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows SUBMISSION: WA1 WED LEARNING STYLE (Due by Sunday)
Thor’s Day General Knowledge 101:What is “Black Hat Society”?: National BHS Beginning Practicum: What is Magick? Deities of Earth 101: Thor Beginning Psychic Work: Meditation - Protection Contemplations 101: Learning Style Evaluation Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows
Friday – Ijumaa - 星期五 xīng qī wǔ - शुक्रवार Shukrvar - Пятница – Freya’s Day - Venus - Tsungilosdi Involution Friday through Sun Day, NO LESSONS. This time is intended for you to absorb what you have learned and incorporate any new knowledge into practice. Lessons are subject to change without notice.