Wahya Circle
Moon Day
Magick & Medicine

Your Journey with Wahya Circle begins…


Comparative Practices 101
Wahya Circle

All of these activities are designed to hone and further develop your natural skills of Magick with Self, one building upon another, from historical knowledge to pharmakeia. These Lessons are designed to help hold a better understanding of your place in the Cosmos and with your Self.

We utilize magickal items that Divinely Vibrate with certain energies that can help you further develop the Intent of your Magick, strengthen your Intuition and solidify your Works and personal Practices.

We will spend our first few Lessons on portions of this goal in both Magick and Medicine. Journaling. Writing. Sharing. Recanting History. Refreshing the mind. Learning these topics will aid in your being ready to discuss your finds with other Practitioners as you walk with us. Then, for your Submissions, you will discuss what you have discovered.

There is no “pass/fail” mechanism per se but these Submissions assist us in determining your understanding of the topics provided — FOR YOU. All of this builds to your Heka Certificate of Completion goal This is your gauge to determine personal weaknesses, personal strengths, places to build or something that may need to be “put in check” with Ego perception. If you find you are struggling, please reach out. Knowledge is power and here is your first sip.

A ‘Year and a Day’

Over the years, many Practitioners have asked the question. “Why ‘a Year and a Day’?” The long and the short of it is that here on Earth it takes approximately 365 days, or one ‘solar year’, to move through all of our planetary seasons. With that said, without moving through those seasons, you cannot always grasp what is being taught about that season, the Plant or Animal Allies in it, or the feeling energies found in that season and its Magick or Medicine.

As time progresses, and if you stay this course through to Yona Circle™, you will navigate through the seasons thrice, expounding upon previous Knowledge each time, always building.

At Three Circles Medicine™, three Paths have foci as follows:

Wahya Circle: See One
Equivalent to the “First Degree” of other Paths, this perspective is presented as Out There (Earth) - Where We Were - Past - Shadow.
See One” - See the magick that is all around us! #SeeOne

Golanv Circle: Do One
This course of Lessons is equivalent to a “Second Degree”. It is viewed as “In Here” (Self) - Where We Are, and a ”Do One” approach in the present. We begin to do more personal practice every day, spending more time in service to continued Self healing, and learning to become Selfless with the universe we now see around us.
#SeeOne #DoOne

Yona Circle: Teach One
Very similar to a Third Degree, “All Around” (Universe) - Where We Are Going - Future
”Teach One” - Teaching others the Medicinal and Magickal Self we have explored and the knowledge you have garnered on your Journey. Although not mandatory, after completion of Yona Circle, you have the option of receiving either a Clerical or Teaching endorsement from TCMed. This indicates to others that you have a solid personal practice, work efficiently on Self through Shadow and Ego, as well as a strong grasp of Ethics in both Magick and Medicine.
#SeeOne #DoOne #TeachOne


Beginning Craft
Witch or Not

All Practitioners do not call themselves “witch”. Those that do, have a very strong opinion about what to call - or not call them. Most of the Practitioners that start TCMed, change as their practices evolve, some losing a name label altogether.

No matter what label you decide to place upon yourself, feel good about it. Love it. Embrace it. Respect it. Be proud of it. Above all else, KNOW why you have chosen what you chose or are choosing. All humans are magickal and can utilize the same energy as everyone else, it just takes PRACTICE. Hence, Practitioners.

Below you will find links to others who share what they “wish they knew” before they started this Path of Magick or Medicine along with a simple Wiccan perspective out of New Zealand to showcase inclusiveness from other places on Earth. (Males and females can be “witches” if they choose to be.)

After listening to ALL of the links, submit a minimum of ONE PARAGRAPH about what you learned, or hope to attain, from these Lessons.
(This is the bulk of your work for the week.)

(Be sure to give a “like” or “comment” on their respective pages as a show of gratitude for their sharing of their time and knowledge.)

A Wiccan Perspective, a Path of many.


The Modern Witches: Eliza (18 minutes)


The Green Witch (13 minutes)


Coven Convo (33 minutes)

If you are unable to view the videos directly, here are the links to each one:

New Zealand Wicca: Men are Witches Too (4 minutes to view)

The Modern Witches: Eliza
(18 minutes to view)

 The Green Witch (13 minutes…)

Coven Convo (33 minutes…)


Beginning Craft
Conical Hats
and Green Faces

Below you will find a link to TCMed Georgia BHSs article written about the “conical hat” which has around 6000 years of its history that is easily discovered. It is a lengthy read, but well worth the knowledge.

Next you will find a link to a short read with verifiable evidence of one of the origin stories of the “green faced witch” that circulates in many cultures’ histories. Some of you may recall childhood stories that are similar, or maybe you have heard an Elder speak of it. Take heed. There is a little ‘truth’ in all things and these are meant to challenge your beliefs or help solidify your principles. Either way, we hope you garner some insight to the thoughts of others and their viewpoints.


History of the Conical Hat
(7 minute read)

Why No Green Faces?
(4 minute read)


Organized Thoughts

A “Book of Shadows” or Journal is not required to walk this Path, or any Path for that matter. Having the ability to deep think and challenge Self, is.

Preparing early in the Journey is important to help you ease along without crowding your mind with Knowledge not meant to be logically learned in a day. A strong Practitioner is organized of Thought.

Think About It
Will you be keeping a Journal or BoS? How will you organize your thoughts, spells, Petitions, Rituals, etc? Written word? Digital?


Moon Day WA1

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Please read and answer
Contemplations 101 above
for your Submission

Three Circles Medicine™
Please utilize the above email link
to receive full Submission credit.

“For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.”