Wahya Circle
Thor’s Day


As We Will It: continued Protection

Petitioned true, Protect this night.


General Knowledge 101
What is the
“Black Hat Society”?

National Black Hat Society™

National Black Hat Society is an “all inclusive” Community comprised of many Practitioners who walk differnt Paths found on Earth. National Black Hat Society is defined by many things. Not the least of which are the members who have mutual awareness of energies in the Universe around them. Our Society has members who have many common interests expressed through both their public and private methods, from personal practices to how we operate within the societies we choose to live.

We strive to understand all of Mother Earth, as well as the Universe with its many cycles and circles, as “Change in the Universal Constant”. We understand the same principle exists throughout this Universe, and in all Universes quantumly. We strive for peace amongst all beings, although, we understand that strife is an integral part of that — and strife, discord and chaos, in and of itself can bring about change and is needed for homeostatic balance.

The founders of the National Black Hat Society, here in North America, understand the nature of other humans through the understanding of Self and acknowledges that not all of us will be in the same place, mindset, time …at the same relative time. We understand the quantum and chaotic magick that resides in All That Is. We embrace the vastness of it without tossing even the smallest of details asunder.

There is much to learn!

COMMON Frequently asked questions.

MAGICKAL (A trusted resource and a knowledge primer for Quantum Magick)

#ThinkAboutIt …just don’t over think it!


General Knowledge 101
What is “Magick”?

Magick has a different definition for every one you ask. Depending on where that Practitioner is in their personal practices will determine how involved magick, or energy, is in their day to day life.

We in essence are born as magickal creatures. We are part of the energy that flows throughout this entire Universe. Magick … is learning how to work with that which Is. It is the ability to integrate Ego, Shadow, Self and anything else, seen or unseen, you deem a functional source to you PERSONALLY. This pursuit in turn becomes the making of a strong Practitioner of the Arcane Arts who endeavors towards a clearer and clearer understanding of the energy that is around everything that is Spirit into Matter.

This energy has been utilized by many cultures for thousands of years. From Scientists to Vedic Sages, this energy, magick, is known. It is understood by many terms throughout our human history. Terms like Mana, Chi, Prana, and dozens of others are accepted world wide in many practices.

This energy has a mannerism not unlike water, as it flows. The waves of this eternal energy have been seen throughout all of time and space, in this Universe and presumably others. Like water to a glass only much stronger, this energy takes to the shapes of all that we see, touch, smell, hear, taste …feel, emotionally, inside.

This energy, Spirit as some call it, is stronger than water as it is an amalgamation of all elements. Element Water, divine in its knowledge and Memory of Everything, can only know how to be “water” on the physical plane.

The Magick, the Energy, knows all. The energy can never be “created” nor “destroyed”, yet, as Practitioners, we can call upon it as we are part of it. Unfortunately, most humans spend their life unaware of the Energy, unlike the herring or starling, which move with it in a beautiful dance of shimmer and sight.

It is becoming well documented on many levels that we do actually exert force on this energy we are a part of, in a quantum way. Whether it be a kinesthetic pre-pubescent child causing “poltergeist” activity or a chimpanzee controlling a computer with its mind from miles away, we must now relearn what we have lost. We must relearn how to have a single thought, together, such as “healing of Earth”, or, “safety of ALL beings”.

This is a lot for some Practitioners to digest in one week. We will continue to work with understanding Energy as we already work with it through “Magick”.

For more “food for thought” there are added links regarding the above mentioned Energy.

COMMON (Although biased on some topics due to dogmatic differences, this is a trusted source for learning. We will go deeper into this in the future discussions of “energy”.)

MAGICKAL (Although biased with the trappings of duality in dogma, this is a good start and a much trusted source for learning. This is one of the MANY Practitioners we have in our time that shares Knowledge with us.) This is quite a long video but well worth the watch.



Deities of Earth 101

Thursday, "Thor's day," as we know, gets its English name after the hammer-wielding Norse god of thunder, strength and protection, Thor. Who, in turn as I hear tell, was taken after the Roman god Jupiter. Each day of the week has an origin. “Thursday” comes from Old English “Þūnresdæg.”

Follow the link below to read about all of the days: 

Day Name Origins

(Verifiable and trusted source)


Psychic Work
Meditation - Protection

As you have been reading this week, you have been going into what all Practitioners should come to know as “Alpha” state, achieved by most during disciplined meditation. A protective, or shielding, of the mind does occur naturally as you read. As Practitioners, we want to tap into this power. When Practitioners read, many “visualize” what they are reading about in some way. They see themselves, that thing or a way relative to what they are attempting to read. This is a “protective” state for most minds.

This is where we will begin.

At the first of the week you may have explored and seen your Practitioner’s Welcome to the Circle, “Wahya Circle”. Do you remember what you saw on that page? That image was created specifically for this class with the utmost care and thought. Protection. The colors. The origins. The moon phase. The numbers of items present. Every Element was carefully thought out to present to you.

Do you recall the picture?

Keep that picture in your Witch’s Eye, your Mind’s Eye. What you see is a wolf. The Wolf, Wahya, is representative of strong protective magick. It was divinely chosen for this class. It was chosen to be with you always while here, in your Circle and to carry with you out into the world.

“Wolf Medicine is strong, fierce, protective, healing and wise.”

For us, and this image, Wolf is intended to be symbolic, as is the full moon. This represents all of us. This is the Universe. This is the energy that Is.

Be well, have a pleasant down time, Invol.


Think About It

Here we are at the end of our “first week”. Congratulations! All of this may seem tedious or extraneous, but, bare with it. Sipping from a fire hose may seem difficult but with practice, you can quench your thirst for which you seek.

Think About It
What do you think? Do you have things to ponder or talk about with others to stay your course? Did you already know everything you were presented? Do you have anything to add?

Feel free to have open dialogs with the group in our group on Social Media. Remain respectful and have healthy debates. Leave comments there, send emails here, or share in the Private, Hidden, FB Group.


Thursday WA1

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


Three Circles Medicine
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