Yona Circle
Wednesday Works


Advanced Practicum
Monad Theory in Matter & Spirit

Once you understand Monads,
you immediately become incapable of explaining them to anyone else
— Lady Monadgreen’s curse, Gilad Bracha


Whether you are a Practitioner or Programmer, the term “Monad” is one of the most difficult concepts to learn for each. This concept is deep and mathematically related in both Matter and Spirit.

As above, So below…

Taking the approach of chainability, connecting the Monads like steps –even though they are not linked in that way, seems to be the easiest way for a novice to grasp the term. We have also agreed as communities of Matter and Spirit to explain this AFTER Seekers have begun learning the concepts as to NOT plant the seed of “chaining” the Monads together. Why? As stated, to acknowledge that we do not have to Experience each as it arrives. We may pass through one altogether, to only Experience it is the “next life” as some believe.

Sadly, it seems like our internet kindred are diving deep into “block chains”. Let’s hope they do not lose the quantum aspect of energy in programming as a base step. It will really set us back in the future if we have to come back to the start because we “didn’t do it correctly”. And by “correct: we mean, “understood to our Highest Benefit” as a species.

They are not “fixed points”. After we learn the term “Monad” and have been given the Spirit-based meaning behind it, most Practitioners immediately go into overload and fog up in their minds or glaze over in their eyes, much like their Functional Programmer counterparts. But, that’s Third Degree Knowledge.

And, this is where we are RIGHT NOW, in 2024. In Matter, accurate records have to be kept for data to work. In Spirit, truths have to be told for Spirit to evolve. To evolve even further, those Told Truths have to be Acknowledged, and then Experienced after applying all of the Knowledge that is learned.

We are simultaneously evolving through Spirit and Matter at varying speeds of Experience.

As above…

While the term Monad is EXACTLY as dense as it needs to be, it is inherently confusing, even to those of us who have been walking the Path of Practitioner or Programmer at the proverbial “master” levels over time. We get it wrong sometimes too. Don’t forget that.

The biggest take away we can absorb from this material, as we have ONE MORE MONAD to examine, is to understand that each of us are capable of being in ALL of these Consciousness Streams and Monads at once as we are evolving and Experiencing this Dimension. This adds to the Experiences of the Monad. We not only have the Monadic Experiences, we have the Experiences brought on by Ages and Stages, genetic predisposition, Familial Shadow (resolved/unresolved), Community Shadow, Global Shadow, Ego, and on and on. Add to that, Time, Space and Dimensional Experiences. We eventually Experience ALL of the things inside each Monad over lifetimes. There are an infinite and eternal number of Experiences to be had, and we get to have them all!

Isn’t eternity exciting?

Divine & Intuitive Guidance

A “huge hack”, or trick, or way, to the whole concept is to be Divinely guided through them, while listening to that ever so small voice —and walking Intuitively. TRUST. SELF. Even as a Programmer is learning this concept, Intuition is taught. Why? Because this Artificial Intelligence driving concept that exists in programming also does so in the Quantum field. It is a moment in Time where Matter is acknowledging the lead of Spirit for growth and change. The transverse is also true. We teach Intuition in Magick because that “artificial intelligence” (us) also exists in the Quantum Field. That moment in Time is considered to be where Spirit is acknowledging our Experience of Matter in its fullest.


Understanding “how this molecule will react in this situation”, again, “as above, so below”.

The primary difference in the approach of the two Paths to Monad is functionality. Matter is attempting to DECONSTRUCT (work backwards) while the Path of Spirit is CONSTRUCTING, working with a simple concept and adding complexity and utility through Intuition.


Look at it this way too if you can. In Matter, a result is being viewed and the question is being asked, “why did it respond that way”. In Spirit, a result is being observed and it is stated, “at this Monad, this is found”. Both Paths are trying to elicit Intuition out of their practitioners in being able to understand where something is — without reinventing the wheel every time. (Relearning the Monad)

That should be clear as mud. Bottom line,  Spirit and Matter are now in the same “room” for us, but they have yet to speak to each other.

Now, you too know that reaching the “8th Stream Cycle* is pretty indicative of one’s highest evolutions of Spirit Self in Matter. You embody Divine presence, whatever that means to you as “no two Paths are the same.”

Advanced Practicum
Monad Eight Correspondences

Eighth Monad: Ogdoneira

Key Concepts: Establish and Leader  

Eighth Stream Cycle: Experience

Pythagoras’ Eight: Leader

Planet: Mars

Virtue: Compassion

Muse: Thalia

Animals: This correspondence begins to vary by Practitioner. At this point in your spiritual evolution, animals from other areas that are exalted, evolved, to this stage of their Experience appear to assist as you traverse your continued Experience. This is where the concept of “Crossing the Rainbow Bridge” is truth. On many Paths, connecting to or receiving from the 8th Chakra is called “crossing the bridge” as you are not dealing with Matter anymore. Felines seem to have some Experience with this concept more than others. Animals begin to appear as simply their energetic form, an orb, etc. They give you the IMPRESSION of what energy you require —yet they take no form.  

It is also of note that animals, Spirit Animals, that appear to you in one Monad of spiritual Experience may not appear to you in another Monad as that is not where they vibrate. Keep that in mind as you are doing Magick and Medicine with an animal you have traveled with since Protoneira but that has not yet evolved to Ogdoneira itself. The transverse is also true. For example, Dragonfly. Dragonfly appears at Protoneira Experiences but cannot assist fully until Tetroneira. (Yes. It gets deeper.)

Stone Medicine: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Selenite and Indigo Kyanite. Each stone assists with different medicines of Higher Self. For example, Indigo Kyanite assists with Soul Retrieval and Soul Healing of Shadow. Amethyst assists in the communications with Higher Self.

Chakra: Soul or Star (white)
A little about the Soul or Star Chakra:
“The final, and least known chakra, is called the Soul Star and is found floating above your head. (about 18 inches) This chakra is often symbolized by a glowing star of bright white. This chakra is seen as the gateway of divine love and spiritual wisdom. This chakra is connected to your Higher Self and can be used as a powerful balancing and self-centering tool.” It is where you connect from Spirit to Matter, but is not of Matter at all.

As stated, when continuing to do Shadow Work or Ego Work during Involution, if you have done Soul Retrieval or you know where you spiritually vibrate, knowing these correspondences can help your magickal practice become much fuller and stronger!

Happy Crafting!

Divination 103
Eighth Stream Cycle - “Awake”
Wheel of Fortune

When one begins to awaken, it may begin as fuzzy memories, peeks, or glimpses of What Is. These single moments of Brilliance seem to become longer and longer in time, as perceived time becomes shorter and shorter, yet – sometimes we only have this single moment each lifetime.  Why? Some believe it is because we “get out” what we “put in”.  In other words, the Cosmic Energy Exchange.

Then, at some point, WE WAKE!

In wakefulness we are Aware of All That Is around us.  We feel energetic presence in the world, our Self and Others included.  We can feel when a Plant or Animal Ally is in need.  We FEEL the Time and Space of Change with Mother Earth.  Good. Bad. Indifferent.  It goes on and on for the number of things we no longer “have to see” to believe. Why? WE FEEL IT.  Whether you call yourself “Witch” or simply “human”…. you will FEEL it and KNOW it Intuitively. 

So what does this ability give us?

We can easily see many perspectives at once, and we see Peace between them.  We see the Path to Harmony, Joy, and Balance.  We embody Unconditional Love, Compassion, Empathy and Forgiveness.  We Protect our Sovereignty with Strength as well as that of others whom cannot for themselves. In wakefulness, we are not driven solely by Matter, not in pursuit but the solution that may be found there and the Understanding of What Is.


With all of that stated, let us then work to our Highest Benefit with our Soul’s Journey.  Pouring endless Divine healing over the wounded Self in every aspect.  Let us continue tearing down walls that encase any limiting belief systems that we may hold.  We pour Hope over the hopeless.  Planting seeds that will grow for countless generations. We no longer work for solely Self, for we alone are not Consciousness. Therefore, the seeds we plant are to take root and grow into Trees of which we may never see the shade, and that is okay.

This is the time to begin asking, are you doing what brings you Joy or are you wallowing in sadness? Do you walk in Fear or Love?  What are your authentic Experiences?  What is the authentic you?  Are you living your life to your Highest Benefit?  Have you done, or are you doing, Soul Work? Soul Retrieval?

In full awareness, ask, “What is authentic about mySelf?”



Wheel of Fortune – Rota Fortunae

The Wheel of Fortune card is a complex card to study with Monad Theory. It is quite representative of the unpredictable nature of Fate. (Or What Name You Call It) It is said to encapsulate every major arcana card. It is also said to represent every major spiritual Path. The Wheel of Fortune describes through symbol the whole of What Is.

The wheel of fortune is also at times, a model of existence in its entirety and a person of the Eighth Monad.  As you know, every symbol on every card conveys a message. This is truer for the Wheel of Fortune than any other card in the RWS system of cards. 

As we learned before, the following meanings can be found in this mandala card when it shows. Above all else you study, find or recall from previous Lessons, KNOW that there are more than one clue that this card is of the 8th Stream Cycle.  From the spokes of the wheel to the number of creatures present, including YOU… there are 8. 

For an upright showing in a reading, we recognize that Fate is smiling on us with the Wheel of Fortune present. In a spiritual context, we are wise to utilize this time to develop and grow our spirituality. Invite and welcome Change

The Universe guides us Intuitively through the change on our spiritual path.  As it does, we must continue to “play our part” and seize the opportunities that are opening up for us. We may find that situations will simply fall into place to help us along when we are immersed in this Eighth Stream Cycle.  We regularly meet spiritual people who can assist and guide us just as we Divinely need them to. We notice a lot of synchronicity happening all around, signs and symbols alike

For the less fortunate showing of this Eighth Stream card, we feel that the Universe is working against us.  Why? Why do we feel “nothing” is going our way?  If this card is showing up reversed in this Cycle, someone may not be giving as much credence or voice to Self as they are wise too. 


For the Eight Stream Cycle, this card reversed indicates that our personal practices are being challenged and we cannot stand the test.  We are wise to remember that even in the seemingly darkest days, there is Universal Change occurring. We are wise to utilize the time to deepen our connection with our Higher Self, and to further hone our Intuition and Focus. This will pass, try not to resist the changes it brings and we will come out a more connected spiritual person.

The Eighth Monad Wheel of Fortune tarot card symbolizes life's cycles, turning points, and luck. It can also represent the importance of being adaptable and embracing new opportunities.

Please note, the symbology on this card is endless. You are challenged to find something that speaks to you.  This can be anything from what Deities and Paths are represented by the Beings that are present on the card to the Elemental Symbology.  What SPEAKS TO YOU is what you are wisest to Focus on… not someone else’s interpretation of those symbols for your guidance and Intuition honing. 

Wednesday YN1

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Please take some time with this Soul evolution card. Look at it, put it away. Look at it a second time and put it away if need be.

What TWO SYMBOLS jump out
at you the MOST at this time?

Utilizing all resources available to you, answer the following for the two symbols:

1 What does the symbol mean to you?
2 What does the symbol mean to the author?
3 What is an alternate interpretation of this symbol out in the world that is NOT of the Path of the card creators NOR YOU?


Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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