Yona Circle
Tuesday Tarot

Divination 103
Eighth Monad
Queens - “to Experience”

Queens of Spirit Experience in Matter

Now that we have learned to apply the Knowledge gained through the King of Experiences in the Monads of Matter, we are ready to exquisitely Experience our Spirit Monads in Matter, in a way that is intimate, personal and loving to each who achieves even a small part of the Experience. We understand how long it actually took us individually to arrive at this point. Some, eons. Some, a few lifetimes. All in all, to arrive here, integration of many Experiences had to occur. To arrive, or Awaken into the Eighth Monad, one can easily swim through any Stream of Consciousness with virtually no “Trauma trigger” nor significant setbacks to Self. In this place, we represent a variety of characteristics, including continued Self-Awareness and evaluation, confidence, and the ability to stand up for Self, our beliefs and others all while Protecting ones own Sovereignty. It is the apex of Divine Feminine energy, the energy of Creation and no one “has to” be of the female persuasion to Experience it.

Here, in the Eighth Monad, we can now fully Experience the Queen of Spirit in Matter.

Remember, there are many perspectives. No two are the same. Those who believe in this perspective of Divine Feminine Energy do so because it “gives life” in most other things known to Consciousness and THIS is where their understandings vibrate.


Queen of Pentacles (Diamonds)

In a spiritual context related to the Eight Monad, the Queen of Pentacles tells us that we have complete love and trust in Self, Instincts and abilities of Matter with our Descernment. We feel completely grounded and spiritually fulfilled when the Queen of Pentacles appears. If we feel like we are on the right Path, for us as an individual, TRUST THAT WISDOM. It was not come by easily.

This card also indicates that there is a natural ability to heal, be a Healer, or call upon Healing Magick as well as the ability to Ground Others with Earth. The QoP aligns with the Plant Allies most succinctly of all cards. This ability is not only for Self, but Others, Plant and Animal alike. The upright Queen of Pentacles can also signify one’s alignment with another Practitioner on a similar Path. It can be an indication that you may have an interest in or a natural talent for Earth Magick such as Crafting Potions, Tinctures and Knowledge of various herbs and their Medicine.

This Knowledge also includes natural made items such as Crystals, Stone Allies, Amulets, natural Talismans, as well as various Animal Allies of the Earth and those of the Gnome or Tomte persuasion.

When reading the Queen of Pentacles for the Soul Journey, this card depicts the greatness of the Soul in its understanding of Self acrross Time and Space.  Not just this Soul but the unified collective Soul in Element Earth.  The Queen of Pentacles Practitioner is bright minded and very capable of deep contemplations regarding the world of Matter around them. They have a solid reality map that affords them great travel in this way, whether that is literally, in Thought, through Memory, or in other ways such as Astral. . 

As seen, the Queen of Pentacles sits on a substantial stone or wood throne while firmly grounded in Mother Earth. While its carvings are said to depict pears, a symbol of Feminine Energy, this is a great sign for positive effects in one’s practices and good yield in the endeavors of life.   They are comfortable in home and surroundings which leads to Soul Work being well established at this level. #EarthMother A Queen of Pentacles when connected with the Eight Monad is an individual who is adept at all aspects of Matter and how they can work for them. They have mastered them in some cases and not only ground, heal and provide for Self, but Others with expectation of return. They do it all out of Unconditional Love. The Queen of Pentacles is a mentor and guide who shares their practical wisdom and business acumen with others. 


Please note, when found in a reversed card pull related to Monads and Cycles of the Conscious Awareness of one’s life, it screams that one is not living up to their potential despite having the ability to do so. Accountability to Self has not been fully embraced. Self Work is undone.

How do we know it represents the Eighth Monad

The Queen of Pentacles has a garland of 8 flowers, in some decks — roses, above her head. These remind us that we are looking at the Eighth Monad sometimes. Recall also that she sits upon a throne adorned by symbols of Element Earth, pomegranates, pears, and a pear tree, symbolizing the fruit born of Mother Gaia or Divine Feminine energy. The Queen’s goals are being met and she is typically having great success. She also has goats on her energetic throne, the symbol for the Earth sign of Capricorn. Looking further, we can again see that she is dressed in rich earthy colors, her gown a russet red and her robe a rich earthy green.8 flowers. #EarthMama #EarthMagick #EarthMedicine

Within this card is found prominent threads or Keys that run through the entire RWS Tarot deck unlike any other deck that has attempted to explain the Monads and Streams of Consciousness. (Please share if you are aware of a deck that can be utilized in conjunction of teaching the Monads.) Two of those Keys on the Queen of Pentacles card are the red feather of a full life.  She wears two feathers on her crown because she is BALANCED in both Matter and Spirit.  The second Key are those perceived red roses that canopy above her head, just like the Magician card.  The Magician represents the beginning of mastering aspects of one’s Journey through Matter whereas the Queen of Pentacles represents one who has achieved that Matter - Spirit, Work - Life, BALANCE.

Other rose Key cards as learned in Wahya Circle are Strength, the Empress card, Ace of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles, Two of Wands, Five of Wands, Nine of Swords, , the Hierophant, Death cards. As we acknowledge that their is belief that “there are no coincidences”, these Key cards just happen to total the number ELEVEN. A Master number keyed in on those well versed in their Psychic abilities and Works. They See the Universe in the smallest actions and all things.   There isn’t much “hidden” in Matter from the Queen of Pentacles.


Queen of Cups (Hearts)

The Queen of Cups is the Master of Her Divine Emotion. Those found here with her are Compassionate, Kind, and Sensitive not only to Self, but Others. Intuition at this level in unparalleled. The ornate chalice is CLOSED unlike all other Cups in the suit. Why? This is a card of Intuitive connections, tender love, spirituality and devotion. Unlike any cup illustrated in the Tarot's suit of cups, the Queen's cup has that decorative lid on it as a metaphor for holding in a deep Love.of Self and Other, in Balance inside her between Matter and Spirit. The Eighth Monad individual is not easily, if ever, “knocked from their Tree” They do not misdirect their emotions at others. They do not often “spill” their energy all over their Journey. A firm grasp is held on healing Self, Protecting Sovereignty, healing Shadow, and Unhealthy Ego. They are emotionally moving towards Spirit from Matter. Or, they have returned as a Conscious Incarnate with Knowing and Understanding without having to “learn from pain”, “mistakes”, etc.


Around her is found the edge of a flowing lake or ocean, representative of the Consciousness of Self, and the Awareness of All, found in the Eighth Monad person. The ripples are indicative of Universal movement without harming those balanced within it, within Self. New growth is always a potential, especially when regularly doing Soul Work.

Those in this Monad are quite at home in Matter and with their physical surroundings and have great emotional integrity.

The main vibrational influence here is MermaidSee the two Sea Nymphs carved on the top of her throne and one holding a fish on the side of her throne? What about the scallop across the throne? Some say there are eight fluted pieces to the shell but only seven are seen, which could represents a recent transition.

Fish, especially Mermaid at this level is symbolic of one reaching apex understanding of one’s emotion. Fish are symbolic of our Rebirth as we are at the furthest point of our evolution before transforming back into Energy. Fish are also significant to those who have achieved Emotional Well Being, are seeking to Work in the Astral, Shadow, Soul as well as Dimension, Time and Space. This further evidenced by the Mermaid in the Eighth Monad, as it symbolizes Awareness, Insight, Transformation and Metamorphosis. Matter to Spirit. This transition can happen at any time as we are NEVER “promised tomorrow”.

In here crown, you will notice “squares”, which are representative of Earth, again with 8 stones surrounding each. This Eighth Monad person is at ultimate peace with Earth their surroundings.


For those that find themselves deep in Astral Work, Psychic Work, Mediumship, and Lucid Dreaming, they find that their waking period begins to keep their Time of Slumber in an overlay. “I dreamed of that” is a common phrase we will hear. Dreams are very significant as well as the Thoughts and Memory of Time and Experiences that occur during meditations.

Can someone have these abilities but NOT be evolved with Self?
Absolutely. Will they benefit if they are only glimpsing the Eight Monad? Yes. You can Awaken … sometimes with little effort, sometimes with effort to even take a breath. The Strength in one’s abilities are shown here. (

Highly Intuitive, the Eighth Monad person has the ability to express Self clearly to Others, Protects one’s Sovereignty and they stand in their power.  They are Visionaries, and are capable of presenting Knowledge that shines the Light of Truth to reveal answers. And not to answer simple tarot questions. This card can reveal a lot about where someone is or IS NOT spiritually. Evolved, the Clairs are amazing and strong. If not evolved, the opposite is true as there is willful forcing and heavy handedness seen by this Monad.  This card is like the eighth Monad giving birth to new order, new forms or new ways of Being in Matter. This card represents the integrity of Self, birthing the pathway to the next step of personal evolution. 

How do we know it represents the Eighth Monad?
Each stone on her crown has EIGHT stones around it.


Queen of Swords (Spades)

Some say that if there was ever a Tarot card that describes the Eighth Monad it surely is the Queen of Swords.  A person in full command of their Thoughts and Memory. Seemingly sitting out of perspective, meaning her throne does not sit correctly with the rest of the scenery to most.  (Reverend Richoz thinks she is floating through the Air.) Look at the stream on the left of the card (RWS), is she on a mountain, a higher place, or not? (As evidenced by clouds all around.) There are a few cards in the Tarot deck that are purposefully drawn out of perspective and there are cards that draw the scene as if it is being played on a stage. 


Depending on one’s perspective of Reality, life can be perceived as being played out on a stage of Thought and Memory of sorts. Everything about this card says Air. Look at the thick stand of clouds we mentioned, look at her butterfly crown. With an understanding of Geometry, we can plainly see that the butterflies we can see are presumed to be equal on the side we do not. “As above, so below.” (4 pair, or 8 wings) We Trust the Universe. We recognize the Butterfly Ally as a symbol of Hope, Joy, Transformation and New Beginnings.

Are we new to the Monad? Have we ‘been here’ Are we allowing the things to Change in our Life Journey as prompted by the Universe? Or, are we standing in the way of Change and Transformation/

See the single bird flying directly over her head? It is symbolic of this queen’s, or this person of the Eighth Monad’s Wisdom. They posses an enormous amount of Experienced Wisdom and they now embody it. This comes from growing Wise through Pain, Sorrow, Grief, and many other non-beneficial methods. This can be due to a person’s choices prior to this level of Consciousness or one’s upbringing and past life Experiences. Remember, the Queen of Swords is Air of Water as all queens are of Water, and as such, are deep in their states of Emotion and a fine balance of both the yin and the yang energies of the world around them.

Although most Sword cards are described in “the negative” light, it is sometimes only through the aforementioned that Wisdom is achieved or gained. Unevolved, or for someone not having worked through those Traumas, it is noted that they can be too forceful or heavy handed at times.  This person is trying to control life or another, because they feel it was done to them. Ownership and Accountability to Self has not been achieved. Evolved, this strong person respects other’s Free Will and knows when to back off.  Again, not evolved, they can be perceived as callous, bitter, spiteful, and an obsessive bully.  An individual that desires to help yet, if this person feels disrespected or not heard, warranted or unwarranted, this individual can become severe and cold hearted.

Sound like anyone you know?

This person’s strength is Communication. The line is held that there is more than “one truth” in the Universe. Unevolved, if they do not respect other’s boundaries in life, pressure decisions to be made that only the unevolved Eighth Monad person sees, others will tend to move away from them and stop listening to them. The evolved Eighth Monad does alot in the name of Justice.  Another character aspect is that they can cut right to the core or root of the problem. HOWEVER, if one’s Communication ability is not aligned with an evolved individual, one who has done Shadow and Ego work regularly and has their “shit straight’…. the opposite effect for which they are striving can occur. This woman or man knows pain and this may be the reason why she or he is so harsh if not evolved.  This card says something is ending. It is strongly advised to keep Ego in check and continuously do Shadow Work as we move through our various processes and stages of life.


In a spiritual context, the Queen of Swords can indicate that “RATIONALIZING” things too much rather than following Self, the Universe, or beneficial and Intuitive emotions, may be delaying progress on our spiritual path. The Mind is wrestling with the Heart too much. Why? Emotions and Intuition are just as important as a rational brain, don’t disregard them. Sometimes we need to trust our gut even if our head is telling us otherwise. It can also indicate that past personal struggles have given that Wisdom, Strength and Compassion that allows to not only relate to others in Empathy but to understand and defend those who cannot defend themselves.


Queen of Wands (Clubs)

A celebration of Transformative Magick and Cat Energy, or Ally Cat, are primary in association with this card of the Eighth Monad. The Queen of Wands also celebrates the energies of Hunter, regardless of Path.

A magnetic personality is expressed in these energies.  Cats and Sunflowers are above, beside and in front of this Queen of Wands.  Cat energy, much like the Queen of Wands, is gentle confidence.  She is ready for endless possibilities and opportunities from the Universe.


For the Eighth Monad, this card is representative of great life, energy and transformational Change… a Universal Constant. The Wands of Fire are transformational and prepare us for the next page in our Book of Life OR Spiritual Journey. Cats and Lions adorn her throne, and this card is representative of the fire of the Great Leo cat. The Black Cat Ally at her feet is symbolic of her balance and recognition of her Shadow Self. It stands before her, is acknowledged and she has reclaimed most, if not all, Shards and Shades left from this life and has been working on Past Life collection and absorption. Felines are “between the worlds” as this Eighth Monad individual often finds they have Great Strength and ability, a grasp of Soul Work, Astral Work and Mediumship.

Since we are identifying a few Keys that we may have already picked up in Wahya Circle we take note of the following:

If unevolved, this person insists that they must have the last word in even the most mundane of discussions.  Do you know someone like that? It may also be noticed in the unevolved, that they have an issue with over self-importance and attention seeking behaviors.  DO. SHADOW. WORK. When evolved, as evidenced by the Sunflowers, this person is an excellent worker, is warm, kind, and a STRONG proponent of Self Evolution. They also add fire to a situation which can be good or not so good.  This card represents a person that does not like others telling them what to do, if not evolved.  If evolved - very loving, explorative and open with Self view.  They understand the importance of surrounding themselves with helpful, talented, happy individuals.  The Queen of Wands is all about the Work of Self in Self Evolution.


In a spiritual context, the Queen of Wands indicates that there is a desire for NEW spiritual knowledge and practice when it appears. It tells us that while we are well versed at our current Path, we are being urged to expand, learn and grow. That does NOT always mean to “stay on the same Path”. Enthusiasm is commendable but make sure to put a bit of thought into the direction before deciding on the best course of action. Change is coming!

Together, the Cats (including the Leo this card represents) and Sunflowers add up to 8.
Did you notice?
When this Queen shows, her energy bathes everything in the warm fiery glow of Change. The healing found here transcends the Monads of the Physical, as it is a centering of all four of those levels that are taking place. We are awake now through Time and Space… Dimension is coming!


Tuesday YN1

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Please sit with the Lessons presentation of tarot for study
of Monadic Theory.
(These will be on the Knowledge Check.)

Three Circles Medicine
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