Wahya Circle
Wednesday Works

As We Will It: Protection

Before we utilize any magickal practices, for some of us —before we step out of bed, we protect ourselves and those around us from rogue energies that may escape, become residual or stay in an unexpected way of collateral fallout. After our Work, we cleanse, clear, release, ground.

Do you?


Beginning Pharmakeia
Old Man Weed

Centipeda cunninghamii

Gukwonderuk (Koori name)
Old Man Weed or Centipeda cunninghamii from the Greek word for “one hundred feet”. cunninghamii honours Allan Cunningham (1791 – 1839), an English botanist and explorer, not of Wiccan authorship.

Gukwonderuk  is an erect or ascending, endemic Australian perennial herb of the Daisy family (Asteraceae), glabrous or rarely woolly. It is native to Australia, specifically the Murray River, and most of the other “marshy” areas of the continent and now in Europe through “accidental” introduction.

Other names for this plant that have begun falling out of favor as we further accept indigenous medicines are: “Cehami”, “sneezewort”, “sneeze weed” and “scent weed” for obvious reasons.

It is usually used for colds and coughs and chest infections, but, being a natural restorative Plant Ally, it can help strengthen the immune system and mobility. It is administered as an extract in water, or sometimes rubbed onto the skin.

Healing. Protection. Wisdom. Fidelity. Confidence.

This plant is considered Masculine and of Sun Energy although it is recognized by Venus, it is more for platonic types of love.

Further reading for common use of various plants by Indigenous Australians.

(Western Sydney) FURTHER READING


Indigenous Reparations?

Hate is world wide.
Racism is world wide.
While we have been tumultuous here in our United States, countries around the world have been sounding the alarm too, and this includes the Indigenous populations of Australia. We saw it with the Jarawa, we see it with the Aboriginal, we see it everywhere. Those who came before us, those that are still here, those that will come after… are ALL human. Land was taken but treaties were made amongst many.

So, now what? Were the treaties “empty” or placating words?

Think About It
What do you think or feel would be a beneficial action to take moving forward with this notion? What kind of change should occur, if any? They already have a “Reconciliation” league in Australia and in several other countries to make amends for the damages incurred by colonization. They are even beginning to review the Treaties written to many tribes in the United States.

Do you feel, or think, America should make reparations to the Indigenous people in regards to the lands that were forcibly taken?

Sit with that.

What are you feeling in regards to “fairness” or “righting a wrong”?

Does it make you angry? Explore that. Is what has occurred “okay”? Explore that. What if this country were overrun by another country again?
What if the land was taken by force again from yet another invader? Should those people in turn make reparations to those that suffer loss this time?

Write. Journal. Meditate. Explore this part of your psyche and ask yourself WHY  you have the responses that you do. Explore all avenues of your life and those around you.

Beginning Crystalium
Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian, or “volcanic glass” has been carbon dated from volcanic fissures around Australia that trace back thousands upon thousands of years. To the Indigenous, it is the second strongest “medicine” they have behind quartzite.

Obsidian aids the digestion and detoxifies.  It reduces arthritis pain, joint problems and cramps.  Warms the extremities. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension.

Obsidian is truth-enhancing
. A strongly protective Stone Ally. When called upon it forms a shield against negativity. It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment. This stone is also ideal for seeking out past traumas to heal when doing Shadow Work, although it is HIGHLY recommended to use Snowflake Obsidian at first.


Book of the Week

Aborigine Dreaming: An Introduction to the Wisdom and Magic of the Aboriginal Traditions by James Cowan

“In the vast silence of their isolation, the Australian Aborigines have learned the ways of living in harmony with the Earth and kept a sacred perspective on the natural world. This text looks at the fascinating history and culture of the Aborigines and explains: the world of the sky heroes, and how the Earth was formed by mythic creatures from the Dreaming; the secret rites of the Aborigines, their ideas of reincarnation; their stories, fables and myths, which form an extraordinary testament to the human spirit; how the Aborigines represent the conscience of mankind, offering a parable of human survival in harmony with the environment.”

This book is a great primer for deeper studies of the indigenous people of the continent of Australia.

Deities of Earth 101

We wanted to expose Wahya Circle to Her as She is a Goddess from this region. She represents to many on the indigenous Path, and to many others, what is perceived as the Dreamtime. In Buddhism belief, it is when you go into your “Light Body”. In Hinduism it is Reincarnation until Moksha, or “release”, is achieved. The world over, there is the basic belief that one day, the “soul” releases from this plane. Even in our young Wiccan beliefs, the “soul”, or “spirit”, reintegrates into the Divine. This is a common thread amongst ALL “Divine” belief systems.

Regardless, “Eingana is a Creator Goddess, also known as the "Dreamtime Snake", She is the Mother of all Water animals and humans. She is also a Snake Goddess of Death who lives in the Dreamtime. She has no vagina; She simply grew in size and, unable to give birth to the life inside Her, had the God Barraiya open a hole with a spear near Her anus so that labor could commence and Life could spring forth.

It is said, Eingana holds a sinew that is attached to every living thing. And, if She lets go of one single sinew, the attached creature dies. To Reverend Richoz, this is the Golden Thread that is found in other cultures and a belief that is held close to her.

”The Golden Thread connects us all.”

The people of the oldest continuing culture on the face of Earth appears to be the Australian natives. The tribes have named Eingana as the Mother Creator, Maker of all Water, land, animals, and kangaroos, This huge Snake-Goddess still lives, they say, in the ocean, rising up occasionally to create yet even more life and raise land.

To go back before the spearing took place, it is said that Eingana vomited all of life from Her mouth.  Spirit studied how the energy, Her energy, worked in Matter and contemplated a more efficient way. Dissatisfied with this crrent method, She swallowed everything again. 

Continuing Her contemplation, She began feeling the growth of everything inside. Armed now with new Knowledge of Her contemplation, the primordial snake — who had no vagina, as there was yet a ‘binary’ as we know it, could feel Her offspring begin to move inside of Her. The Goddess had swelled to an enormous size.

Eventually, tortured with the growth of life inside of Her, Eingana began to roll around and around on the ground and moan.  This attracted the attention of God Barraiya. He noticed Eingana’s pain, and saw Her agony. This troubled Him, but he too was busy contemplating His Spirit in Matter. After a moment of observation though, He speared Her so that birth could take place as all creatures now give birth.  From Eingana poured all of Her reborn creatures from the first vagina of binary — created by Barraiya.

Upon birth, all life was chased by Dingo. This forced the energy to take on their earthly forms as they flew, ran, or hopped away. To this day, dingoes are said to be able to sense all Spirit as they walk between the planes.

Once Divine Spirit began to Experience Matter, Marmoo, God of Chaos, began to keep the balance in His destructive ways on all life.

The Birth Mother to Aboriginal people is also the Death Mother.  They say Eingana holds a sinew of life attached to each of Her creatures, all that She creates. When She lets it go, that life stops.  If She Herself should die, they say everything “that is” would cease to exist.


Wednesday WM1

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


Please take a moment to read over Contemplations 101. Sit with it.
In TWO PARAGRAPHS or more, answer the questions presented in the passage.

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