Wahya Circle
Thursday Thoughts

Divined for you Today

Baboons have gathered to greet the Sun. They sit silently, waiting. The sky turns crimson as the blazing light rises from a slumbering Earth. The world is bathed in gold and the tribe rises, waving their arms, exclaiming, ecstatically, as if the hadn’t attended yesterday’s dawn, or the one before, or every dawn since since the beginning of time. And who is wiser? You, sleeping and unaware in your dark room, or your cousins, whom the Egyptians honored as gods? Wake Up and welcome the Sun!

Wake up!

Each sunrise offers the chance to be grateful that you’ve been given another day of life. Today, you have another chance to make the dreams you’re working on come true, or to heal and begin anew. Every moment you’re here, in this world, in your body, in the natural world, the Divine is embodied and offering you reasons to rejoice. Accept the invitation to Wake Up to the magick of your life.

-as inspired by Phyllis Curott


Set your alarm and rise before the dawn. Go outside. When the Sun appears, stand up. Take the Sun between your hands and bring it to your heart. Feel the Fire in the center of your being, awakening every cell and igniting your life. Honor the Spirit of Fire. Honor your own Spirit. Give thanks for another day and use it well.


Beginning Perspectives
Arcane Arts as a
Mystery School

For thousands of years we have been Initiating our Practitioner kindred into the fold of our Knowledge Seeking through Practical Magick with the Arcane Arts. We have welcomed all to walk with Wahya Circle, becoming a Golanv Guide and trodding the Path to Mother Bear, Yona Circle.

Walking this Path, this Circle, may eventually lead into what some deem as “Clergy for the Pagan” or more simply, enhancing what is already inside all of us and bringing it forth. We all feel it. We all know it. But, through the evolution of industry and the rise of technology, we have seemingly misplaced our natural connections to the Universe.

Many humans, not just Practitioners of the various Arcane Arts of the world, believe that we lost track of ourselves for a bit. Now refocused, we must regain that which we have lost… Knowledge. We are wise to again understand concepts such as “Dreamtime” being commonplace, or be able to articulate the flow of energy “…as trees leave, the Universe peoples…”.

There is much to remember, learn, know, and gain from this Journey, or Experience, we call Life. We at Three Circles Medicine are ecstatic that you are walking your Circle with us, no matter how far you walk, nor what you are able to glean from each adventure!

Correspondences 101
Element Fire

An Elemental is an energetic being that is described in alchemical works from around the time of the European Renaissance, and particularly elaborated on during the 16th century works of Paracelsus. It is an Energy, or Being representative of that Energy.

Fire. Air. Water. Earth. Spirit.

Our earliest identified manifestation of this Energy is Sol, the Sun. This is our bright, warm, shining, star. The closest to our planet, the Star Sol, is the strongest representation for us here on Earth of the Element of Fire. It makes for extremely strong magick in its own right. It at times can be good Medicine.

Veneration of the Sun, as a powerful gift from the Universe, dates back tens of thousands of years. The ancient Mesopotamian "Star of Shamash" could be represented with either eight wavy rays, or with four wavy and four triangular rays.

The God Shamash, the solar deity, exercised the power of beneficence over its undoing and things that caused harm. Shamash became known as the God of Justice and Equity and is the judge of both gods and men.

The Vergina Sun (also known as the Star of Vergina, Macedonian Star, or Agead Star) is a rayed solar symbol appearing in ancient Greek art from the 6th to 2nd centuries Before Common Era.

Perhaps the oldest of these sun symbols is the winged sun. The winged sun, utilized as a protector of pharaohs, dates back at least to Egypt's Old Kingdom, a period lasting from 2575 to 2150 Before Common Era. To compliment that, the petroglyphs of the Aboriginal Indigenous of Australia are estimated to have been drawn between 6,000 and 9,400 years ago.

Clearly, the star has always played a vital role in life on this planet.

Moving toward modern time, we see the via solis, or Path of the Sun, dictate the practices for the “Wheel of the Year” for many cultures, including those of modern paganism. Bottom line, Fire is a pure, transformative Energy that has been present for human growth through all of time. There are hundreds of “masculine” gods associated with it, select goddesses, but it is the simple face of the Element Fire that we have come to see. We have come to know the flame, or the Salamander.

We are wise to have fear out of respect for this Element that has empowered us ALL, but in a healthy way as we are NOT creatures of it. We are not made of, nor by, the flame. We embody it. We can be tempered by it —and it can destroy everything we know. We have come to rely heavily on it each day, despite being who we are. Fire can be eager to work with us too, if we are paying attention.

Element Fire can provide Vision, Clarity and Enlightenment. As stated, all of the Elements are eager to work with us as we are the embodiment of all Elements plus Spiritual Divine, but we are wise to continue to respect Element Fire at all times. For those of Fire in Zodiac, know that it can also provide you with Inspiration and Vitality if you align with it. It can utilized for Banishment, Scrying, or Purification by EVERYONE, though.


Additional Fire Correspondences

Colors: Various: (Cold Flame) White/Blue to Red/Orange (Hot Flame)

Magickal Tools: Wands, Candles

Stones: Those that contain “sparks of light” or retiles, such as, Fire Opal, Star Sapphire, or Red Flame Quartz

Tarot: Wands/Rods/Staves

Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius


PLEASE NOTE: These items are for working with Fire specifically or enhancing other works with Fire.

Beginning Practicum

Until Involution becomes 'habit', it won't be. Practitioners quite often find they do NOT keep time for themselves and their pursuits, Life. Time. Work. Children. Anything but SELF stays in the driver seat of many Practitioners' lives. 

If YOU are going to be a strong Practitioner in your practices, YOUR MAGICK AND MEDICINE, you have to take control of your life. Manage that time and move things that are drawing energy away from you unnecessarily.

Children go to bed.

Spouses have a hobby or a show to watch.

Friends do NOT need you to be at their every beckoning call.

Work is NOT life. (Unless you love what you do!)

As far as “health”, Death comes to us all, it is to be embraced, not feared. Even health that ends in Death is an Experience that WE ALL are going to have. Why not prepare for it?

How are you handling all of these things we named?

It is wise to NOT wait until you are into Golanv Circle, or your Second Degree walk to figure this out. Take this Involution time to meditate on these questions. Or, use this time to go back to Aprilis and reattempt some of the exercises you may not have given so much of your Self to.


Own it.

Stand in your power.


For some of us, the passage you just read above is heavy, and rightly so. You were not given the tools you need to adequately travel through this life by your caregivers. Or, maybe you were, but Ego prevented you from hearing the words they used to give heeded.

Sit with the passage above and ponder these questions.

Think About It
Which 'time taker’ do you allow to take the most of your time? How do you manage that so it does not deplete you? What is your recharge method?

Do you know that it involves Element Fire? Hot water, electricity, and many other creations of Life utilize it. Do you see it? Do you give thanks and imbue that shower to ground from your day? Did you show gratitude for the “fire combustion” that drove you home?

It is all around you. Find it. <3

Thursday WM1

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


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