Tuesday Techniques, Travel & Tarot

Yona Circle,
Third Degree

Energy Work 103
Building Relations with Spirits

This is something that I will share from my Path, or belief system.
Feel free to share yours. ♥
~Reverend Richoz, RN

Let us begin by understanding that everyone has at least one Spirit Guide but most likely more. And, we have these Guides just as everyone has a Higher Self. The difference is that not everyone works with their Guide consciously. Spirit Guides are with you throughout your life, consciously or unconsciously. Some are always there; some are only there to help guide you through specific situations.

Something we do not recognize, though we would be best served to, is a Spirit Guide coming to us that has specialized and can help us in our specific field of service or need. Whether that field be Cleric, Teacher, or bus driver, there is a Guide who has expertise in the field and has chosen to remain on this plane to help those that need it in that area. They are able to freely pull from something like the Akashic, often more freely than we are, but it is up to us to call on this specialized Spirit Guide.

Typically, those who come through to help or aid us are connected to us personally in some way from some life on our continuum. It is not often we receive from a “stranger” although it does happen. Most times it is an Ancestor whom we did not know personally in this life but is in our lineage somewhere. An Ancestor is usually the preeminent guide in most cases, rounding out a small group.

We are NEVER “alone” in energy. Not ever.


Spirit Guides

These Guides go by many names and can be found in many Paths. Some examples of this psychopomp are:

Buddhist                       Ascended Master

Chaos                             Holy Guardian Angel

Christianity                    Guardian Angel

Goeticism                       Daemon/Demon

Hindu/Jainism               Jiva

Islamic Esotericism      Jinn

Wicca                          Gatekeeper

As we can see, all Paths are aware that there are spirits all around us. It is simply up to the Practitioner to solidify that contact. It is personal to each of us. It is a part of that “manual for living’ that everyone speaks of. Well, no one said it ‘had to’ be written! That is our individual duty as we write a Journal or Book of Shadows that is exclusive to EACH of our lives. ; - )

The primary goal of these Guides is “communication”. Some ask, “why did we allow such a disconnect to occur between Matter and Spirit in the FIRST PLACE?” We really did not. The energies have spoken to most of us our ENTIRE lives. We — EACH OF US — have made the personal choice to listen and explore or not. We have to look at our Shadow and Ego Work when we do it at some point and ask ourselves WHY we REALLY stopped listening to our Self We now have to own it when we DO NOT listen to Self.

It is on NO ONE but us, the individual Practitioner.

The Spirits are responsible for relaying messages between us and other spirits and other energies. They can aid us in deciding who, or what, can talk to us and when. They are a form of genetically encoded ‘protection’ and it serves us to strengthen that relationship. They are the Key to that communication with other spirits many times. An example, a spirit is weakened, lost or ancient that is coming forward and cannot communicate well through to this plane, our plane. Our Spirit Guide can interpret that message and relay it to us in a way we can easily understand. But, you have to establish that ability with your Guide first.

As an aside, we, the human species, are NOT “moving backwards” as some believe. It is more like “two steps forward, on e step back” but only becuase we are having to relearn who we actually are and what we can actually do over Time and Space. We are improving over all in our Spirit abilites that reside naturally inside of each of us.

Personal Protection

No. It does not have to be our “Metaphysical Goon Squad” but they can be VERY Protective in nature. A well-built relationship with our Spirit Guide is NOT to simply “make harmful people sick that approach me”, it is however to filter communication to our specifications. We can set the precedent such as “only well-meaning” conversations. Or, in some Goetic Practitioners, “only self-serving” assistance may come through communication with spirits. Even, “only during day time.” It is up to each of us to decide and draw these lines IF NEEDED. (Those who are adept at Protecting and Warding themselves and those around them so not have to worry so much about these parameters as “Time” is perspective. The Spirit can speak at night and we will “get the message” upon our waking. Please note, if the Spirit Guide notes that another spirit who communicates is severely wounded and the Guide knows we cannot help them at this time, they will turn that spirit away for us if need be. As disheartening as that sounds, our Guides are NOT here to take from us what we cannot spare from our own Experiences. Again, we can each learn to communicate what we are ready to receive, even in the subconscious.

Bottom line, BE CLEAR with messages to any spirit or Spirit. IF we go looking for “spooky” we will get spooky. If we are looking for “dark” we will receive dark. READ THAT AGAIN. This is why it is VERY important to first “Know thyself” and to establish that strong relationship with our Spirit Guide before poking around in the aether. Attitude is extremely important… “like attracts like”.

When entering into an Oracle state of mind to communicate, it is imperative that we are clean, clear and curious until we KNOW how to mentally travel into these places of Spirit. We are most wise to be strong in our Intent and Grounded. The interaction should be approached with Intent at the forefront of our mind as we go into our Alpha state, or deeper, when we are ready. Confidence in Self and in Spirit Guide or our Deity serves us each well before broaching anything in Spirit.

While in this state or any state of Oracle, being able to call upon our Deity or Guide with that confidence and strength is extremely important. We forget as we live in this state of Matter that we too are Spirit and DO have the same ability and power, equal to our current Experience, OR BETTER as we do not have ANY physical limitations, or limitations of Matter while in a state of Spirit. This speaks to our Whole Being. Spirit and Matter.

It is also wise to keep in mind that we feel or sense “negative” when approaching this communication, it may be indicative of unexplored Shadow Work too. Understanding if we are traveling with “baggage” and what is in that baggage will effect our Oracle Experience. Having Shadow in a particular area does not always negate Spirit Guide communication. At times, they can help us to reach the source and heal it. Other times they will help protect that part of our being.


If we have not already began communication with our Guide by THIS point, now is a good time at this point in Yona Circle, Third Degree. We have an idea of Consciousness Streams and knowledge of what lay in the beyond. Even after only three years of study, we each have an inkling of what our Lifelong Guide is if we have been dedicating time to regular, daily or every other day meditations, protecting Sovereignty, Self Care… and all of the other aspects that make us each a strong Practitioner.


A Beginning Refresher

Settle Self, clear a space.

Speak aloud to your Guide in a natural tone that you are NOW going to begin an Oracle, Channeling, or Trance session with them CONSCIOUSLY.

Allow time for them to know and FEEL you are initially doing this to build the relationship and strengthen communication with THEM ONLY. Alert your Guide(s) know that nothing else may speak if you so desire.

Now, you must listen for the answer.

Do not doubt what you are shown. Interpretation may be fuzzy, but what you see is what the message is. Are they willing to work with you on this? Sometimes we have to simply go through the motions to learn how their responses are sensed by our Higher Self. Like honing a pendulum board with “test questions” to calibrate it. You can do the same with spirits until you learn to recongnize how each FEELS, or what they feel like when they enter, OR, by what images they place into your Eye.

This may come to you in many different ways. A symbolic picture in your mind’s eye as stated above. A sound in your ear. A touch on one shoulder or other permitted limb. Any method that you and your Spirit Guide have established so you each understand the other is ready. This is unique to EACH PRACTITIONER.

Remember, as you are in your comfortable spot. Be fed. Warm. Rested. Turn OFF electronic devices UNLESS these are a tool of your communication.

TAKE NOTES. Have a sheet of paper or notebook, and pen or pencil. Some even record these sessions and everything is spoken aloud. We do this because we do not always consciously remember every detail of the Expereince.

Enter into your meditative state. By this point in our Journey, we know how dropping into our Alpha state feels, or we should. This indicates that you need to Work with it more if you do not recognize that Alpha has been reached. (It is a ‘feeling’) Let your mind be in a state of rest as best you can. Let distractible thoughts be those clouds that float by, or the leaves floating down a stream. It can even be viewed as boxes moving away from you on an assembly line. Regardless of what you envision, let the thoughts that do not serve this purpose float away. Note, if something does come to mind you want to hold, write it down and allow it to float on.

As we enter into this state we may wish to begin writing, preferable with your NON-DOMINANT HAND at first. If we don’t, that is okay. Write everything down that comes to mind whether it makes sense to you or not. Do not question. Do not second-guess. TRUST. Trust Self and trust that the Universe empowers this type of communication. The more you do it, the better it will become.

BE AN IMPARTIAL OBSERVER to this Experience. This is why many Practitioners record these sessions. Speaking aloud to someone you work spiritually with, or a DVR, is often less distracting for some than focusing on writing.

You may let this communication go on for a few minutes or as long as an hour or more. Just remember that doing this type of energy work DOES cost you sometimes and will tire you until you are adept at it. DO NOT allow yourself to become overly tired.

Now that you have finished your session of communication with your Spirit Guide, GIVE THANKS. You may do this in the way you are called to do.

Once you have given thanks or offering, look back over your notes or play back the recording. Do they make sense? Are there drawn or described pictures? What are they of; do you recognize them? Are you able to evaluate the accuracy of what you received? Again, the more you work with spirits, the easier the communication can become. Be skeptical at first but learn to trust as you confirm accuracy. Sometimes the messenger can warp the message, or it becomes warped in your interpretation.


Strong channeling!


Tuesday Y13

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

After reading the above passage, AND when the time is correct for you THIS WEEK — explore!

If a write-up is done, please keep it around three paragraphs.

Three Circles Medicine & Magick

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