Wahya Circle
Tuesday Tarot

Divination 101
History and Myth in Tarot
Lady Moon

Divination has been used throughout the millennia, from rocks, bones, fowl, feather, cards, scrying, and so much more. Divination has a long history in every part of the world. The technique of divining with cards is one of the most well-known and popular methods. Cartomancy, or divining with cards, is gaining popularity in the world to this today! But where did it all start? How did tarot become a form of divination? According to Learning Religions, tarot has been around for centuries. As per the reference above from Learning Religions, tarot’s ancestry “can be traced back to around the fourteenth century.” It is widely accepted that tarot cards started from playing cards that were used at that time. In the mid-1400s, additional artwork by Italian artists started to be added to the four suits of: staves or wands, discs or coins, cups, and swords.

According to the Britannica’s website, “tarot decks were invented in Italy in the 1430s by adding to the existing four-suited pack, a fifth suit of 21 specially illustrated cards called trionfi (triumphs) and an odd card called il matto (The Fool).” Also, according to Britannica, the Joker is not a 19 th century iteration of the Fool. Later in the article, it states that “the adaptation of tarot to occult and fortune-telling purposes first occurred in France about 1780.”

Having an Italian artist create a deck of Tarot must have been extremely expensive. Why? Because it is referenced that nobility would commission artists to create decks for them, often featuring family members and friends, appearing in the trionfi cards. Also, according to Learning Religions, “some of these decks still exist today, and were created for the Visconti family of Milan.” This would be the case until the printing press made mass printing books and decks more accessible to others. It wasn’t until the eighteenth century that people began to assign specific meanings to each card, and the creation (suggestion) of how cards should be laid out for divination began.

It is accredited to a French Freemason (a former Protestant minister) in 1781, named Antoine Court De Gebelin in linking tarot to Kabbalism. At that time, he “published a complex analysis of the tarot, in which he revealed that the symbolism in the Tarot was in fact derived from the esoteric secrets of Egyptian Priests.” He “went on to explain that this ancient occult knowledge had been carried to Rome and revealed to the Catholic Church and the popes, who desperately wanted to keep this arcane knowledge secret.” However, there is no historical record or evidence to back up this claim, and that did nothing to stop wealthy Europeans from learning about this esoteric knowledge. (Learning Religions)

Let’s move on to the origins of todays most famous deck, The Rider Waite-Smith deck. This deck, with its vibrant colors, is one of the most well-known, and widely published decks in existence today. Some say that if you wish to learn tarot, you are required to start with this deck, which is one of the many myths surrounding cartomancy, specifically tarot divination. That is not true, it is my recommendation to go with a tarot deck that energetically speaks to you, to a deck that you feel drawing you in to it.**

According to Tarot Heritage’s website, A. E. Waite was a “spiritual seeker and mystic”. In 1889, under the pseudonym Grand Orient, he published A Handbook of Cartomancy, Fortune-Telling and Occult Divination, one of the first books in English on how to read tarot.” Mr. Waite was then a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, eventually moving away from the Golden Dawn and towards Christian Mysticism. Following the splintering of the Golden Dawn, Waite created his own order called the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross, and in 1909, he created the Rider Waite Tarot, working with Pamela Colman Smith.

To learn more on Pamela Colman Smith, please see the Tarot Heritage’s website. This website states that “in 1909, Waite paid Smith a flat fee for illustrating his Tarot deck. He chose her for the job because of her talent, their common membership in the Golden Dawn and because he believed her clairvoyant abilities would help her perceive the higher mystical truths he was attempting to convey with his deck.” Colman was not accredited for her artwork, instead, the publisher’s name was attributed. It is known that Smith did perform research in the British Museum, as the 15 th century Sola Busca deck was in the museum’s collection at the time. She “lifted” some of the images from the collection, such as the 3 of swords and 10 of wands.

Moving on to some of the myths regarding Tarot, one of the most popular myths is that you cannot buy your first tarot deck. This isn’t necessarily true, it may be for your Path, and that is okay. However, it is many diviners belief that you should purchase your own deck(s). It is my suggestion that you go to a store, and feel what you are energetically drawn too. Feel what deck(s) energy is speaking to you.

It’s another myth that you must start with the Rider Waite-Smith deck, that is not necessarily the case either. If that is what you feel is appropriate for your own practice, or you feel drawn to the deck, please, by all means, use that deck. It isn’t a requirement though. We also hear, you have to use a black cloth for any type of divination. No. I keep most of my boxes, not all of them, because they do tear easily sometimes. But you do not have to use a cloth or the box.

The main points of all this is to do what works for you. You don’t have to use the Rider Waite-Smith system. You don’t even have to buy a Rider-Waite Smith based deck. There are plenty of different types of decks and systems available. There are so many decks out there, it can be very overwhelming. Take the time to feel out the appropriate deck for you.

**Outside of divination, Reverend Richoz recommends the RWS system of tarot cards as no other creator of the decks have been able to do so in a way that can be utilized to continue your study on the monadical or Stream Consciousness concepts. These concepts are studied in the Third Degree - Yona Circle. A precept to learning this would be the start of study here in the First Degree - Wahya Circle with a Rider Waite Smith deck. For divination only, YES. Any deck that calls to you will suffice, though!


Divination 101
Tarot - Celtic Cross

In Tarot, the Celtic Cross spread is one of the spreads that is most common and goes into more detail for the querant (person being read for, which can be an additional card that you feel represents said querent, that would be placed under Card 1), and the querent’s question. The name for the spread  is derived from the five central cards, creating a Celtic Cross.

Above is an Example of the Celtic Cross, and here is what each card position represents:

Card 1: Current influences at work around the querent or question

Card 2: Obstacles or what “crosses” the querent and/or question

Card 3: Represents ideals, or what “crowns” the querent and/or question

Card 4: The card that shows the Basic Self of the querent, or what is below the querant/question

Card 5: Is the past, what is behind the querent or question

Card 6: Is the immediate future, what is before the querent, within the next 6 to 12 months.

Card 7: Shows more on the “self” of the querent, and how they will fair generally in life, especially in the immediate future (up to six months from the time of the reading).

Card 8: Is the “House” card, deals with family, friends, and situations

Card 9: Is the card pertaining to hopes and fears around the querent and/or question

Card 10: Is the final “possible” outcome

Utilizing the information garnered in previous lessons on the meanings of the tarot cards, try this spread out for yourself and journal what impressions you received. Do not be afraid to use your notes, or the books that come with your tarot deck, to check the meanings of the cards. This spread is a great way to learn or memorize the meanings of cards, since it deals with 10-11 cards at a time.

Things to Contemplate: What impressions do you feel you received from doing this spread? Was your question answered? How did you feel after doing a Celtic Cross spread?

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. - Information provided by Lady Crystal

Lady Crystal Moon
Practicum Presenter, Yona Circle
Georgia BHS Affiliate Chair.

Divination 101
Tarot - Three Card

RWS Three Card Pull
Lady Neal – WAVE Tradition (Wicca)


A simple pull of Past, Present, and Future. This spread can do a quick reading for a Practitioner that covers a short time period, question contingent. It is derived from the RWS system and its equivalents. A simple question is asked by the Querent with 1, 2, and 3 representing Past, Present, and Future respectively.

Past are things that are exerting influence on the current outcome of the question at hand. Present is a culmination of energies that influence the outcome. Future is the best that can occur if no effort is made to sway the outcome one way or another, this can include things seen and unseen in the querent’s life.

A little about Lady Neal:

M. Rev. Stephanie Leon Neal is the current First Priestess of the WAVE Tradition. Lady Stephanie is the Founder and Head of Spirit and Nature Alliance established in 2023 after he long extent with other Traditions as a Sea Priestess and High Priestess.

Lady Stephanie is Head of the Order of Wave Walkers, First Elder of the Tradition, also founder and Head of the SANA Shamans

Lady Stephanie began her spiritual training in 1962 AD under two Root Women in Hawaii. She became an initiated Sea Priestess in 1968 AD at the age of 18.

She has taught Spiritual Counseling since 1978 AD.

In the Fellowship of Isis Lady Stephanie holds the rank of Magi.

Lady Stephanie's career has has been varied and distinguished, and has included serving as Teacher, an Outreach Director, and school Principal. 

Before beginning WAVE Tradition, Lady Stephanie served as the Associate Pastor of two mainstream churches, and also taught in and served as a head of a mainstream Prison Ministry. 

Lady Stephanie has also worked as an Architectural Designer and Artist.

In the mid '80s Lady Stephanie was entered into the "Who's Who of American Business Women."  In the early '90s She was named "Teacher of the Year." 

Provided to Three Circles Medicine & Magick through Reverend Richoz BoS

Divination 101
Tarot - Compass Rose

Phyllis Curott – Temple of Ara (Wicca)

“This is a very special spread received for the Witches’ Wisdom Tarot. Working with it, I found it to have many useful insights. It can also be used as a helpful spell.”

The cards are laid out in a circle, twice, around two cards. The two center cards represent the Querent and the Question.

The first circle of cards describe the circle of current influences. (1 – 6)

The second circle of cards describe the circle of the best course of action and likely outcome. (7 – 11)

The “spell” comes in as you are to either cast your circle — as in an oracle state OR this spread becomes your circle.

Remember three crucial components before you begin:




When cast as an Oracle, this becomes a spell for Insight, Transformation, Optimism, and Manifestation. You set your Intent along those lines. Record your result. (This seed is good to plant near a Dark Moon.)

1 Querent
2 Crosses Querent – Question
3 Placed to right of Querent, card of Air – thinking, attitudes and self-love in a conscious or unconscious way and how it is effecting the situation.
4 Placed below Querent, card of Fire – Energy or determination in approach to situation. Confidence, Willpower and how one is or is not working with own energy to effect change.
5 Placed to the left of Querent, card of Water – emotions, related to Self, Familial, Ancestral and Communal feelings about a situation. (Just because we want something to “be so” – does not mean it will. Sometimes we as Individuals must change something to change the way tendrils of life past effect us.)
6 Placed above the Querent , card of Earth – Financial influences, Body issues and work attitudes. How the Querent is manifesting.

After laying out the first circle, spend a moment looking at each card as it represents current circumstance and influence with your question. It may show you ways of viewing the situation that may be unseen or unknown to your conscious mind, known only by your Higher Self.

Begin laying cards out on top of first circle starting with Air and moving to Earth.

7 Air, Thought – How best to “think” about question, what attitude will be most helpful and the best way to express Self Love/Love.

8 Fire, Energy – Best energy used to transform the situation in question.

9 Water, Emotion – We are reminded “Feelings are NOT facts” and they can be changed to transform how we experience, embody, and express emotion to ourselves and others in the situation in question.

10 Earth, Manifestation – This card will show how to ground all other energies to serve the best outcome. These will be evident actions that will ground, heal, and help manifest best outcome.

You may draw a card that is not of the Element of that direction for you. This to be interpreted as you have something effecting that Element. For example: drawing a Fire card for the Second Circle – Air position. This tells you to look at your Thoughts as evidenced by the Air position and how they effect your Energy – the Fire position.

Are YOU making yourself angry?

Are you denying your own best interests?

Or, you may draw a Major Arcana card for the Earth position. This indicates how one must  heal, embody, or enact emotions in the matter for the best outcome. Embodying peace, through the fluidity of Air or Water during a situation that you are not energetically happy with will serve you for a better outcome. Pay attention to what the card represents in guiding you to act.

11 FINAL CARD A final card should be placed in the center after going through the other cards and analyzing what they are saying to you. Cross the other card in the center. This card represents the changes that are coming into being. Hold the image of this card in mind. This is where the magick will be ignited, like lighting a candle. You are setting the spell to do its work, now you do yours.

Once complete, keep the mindset of opening a circle and releasing energy. Thank the cards and powers you utilized. Cleanse. Ground. Record your results as time goes.

A little about Phyllis:
Phyllis Curott is one of America’s first public Witches/Wiccan Priestesses, an activist attorney for the rights of Witches, and author of several  internationally bestselling books. Phyllis is helping Witchcraft become the fastest growing spirituality in America. Named one of the Ten Gutsiest Women of the Year by Jane Magazine, she was inducted into the Martin Luther King, Jr. Collegium of Clergy and Scholars. New York Magazine declared Curott’s teaching the culture’s “next big idea” and her Awaken the Witch Within online course and Youtube series Wicca have more than 2,000,000 views. Widely profiled in the media, Time published her as one of “America’s leading voices.” She is Vice Chair Emerita of the 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions, creator of the historic Inaugural Women’s Assembly, and founder of the Temple of Ara, the world’s oldest shamanic Wiccan congregation. 


Think About It

SEGWAY: This is how “traditions” are started.  A Practitioner develops an idea, shares it with others and it grows. There are traditions of every thought that humans have. Whether you are of a Polytheistic school of thought or an Atheist school of thought… those are beliefs. Our commonality is that we are all in the “human school of thought”.

Hopefully we are having thoughts without too much specieism!

Today, each of you are Acolytes of
Wahya Circle, founded under the Three Circles Medicine & Magick - National BHS.

We do not teach a “particular Path” but many Paths. This is not an “ordained” status as acolytes as they typically do not perform “exorcisms” of or for any Path.

We also do not consider ourselves a “tradition”, but
Knowledge Sharers and Healers of varied chosen Paths.

One day, you may continue on an evolutionary Spiritual Journey to serve the Divine, your Divine, and others … OR … you may develop your OWN “tradition” and 3CMM merely becomes a building block for your Tradition.

But, you do not have to.

You can simply be a Practitioner of the Arcane Arts, as we ALL are, no “tradition” outside of what the Universe teaches is needed.

Glad you stayed the course.

~ Reverend Richoz, RN


Tuesday WQ4

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Follow the instructions for Lady Neal’s Three Card Spread.
SUBMIT: ONE PICTURE for the spread
Briefly describe what your interpretation of the answer to your question may be.
Keep this in your BoS.

Three Circles Medicine & Magick
Please utilize the above email link
to receive full Submission credit.