Yona Circle
Thursday Thoughts

Advanced Practicum
Monad Six Correspondences

Sixth Monad: Ektoneira

Key Concepts: The Loyalist, Admiration and Application (of all previous Knowledge)

Sixth Stream Cycle: Practical Integration (Ensures all previously learned Knowledge is applied for Highest Benefit)

Pythagoras’ Six: Creation - In Pythagoreanism, the Perfect number. Pythagorean philosophers believed that numbers were the elements of all beings and that the universe was composed of harmony and numbers.

  • 6 is the first perfect number, which means it equals the sum of its divisors (excluding itself). 6 is the sum and product of the first three numbers (1 + 2 + 3 and 1 × 2 × 3)

Planet: Venus

Virtue: Practicality

Muse: Athena; Saraswati

Animal Allies: Chimpanzee, Dog, Fish, Horse, and Wolf (Based on Loyalty, Intelligence and Self Awareness)

Chakra: Third Eye (indigo)

Numeral: Six

When doing Shadow Work or during Involution, if Soul Retrieval has not been done, this Stream may be difficult to fully embrace. However, knowing where we spiritually vibrate can help personal practices become much fuller and stronger. We connect more to the Correspondences of the various Streams and Monads and can Work or Craft with them easier and more directly. (Instead of having to utilize a Helper Stone, like Spirit Quartz elevates Selenite.

Happy Crafting!


Advanced Craft
Giving and Receiving

You are challenged for the remainder of this week to both “give” and “receive” without thought, but FEELING. You are going to give someone something small or do something small for them without thinking about it. For those that have done this before, DO NOT THINK ABOUT WHO. Let the Universe place someone in your Path. Challenge yourself to Intuitively FEEL what may be needed at that moment, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE CROSSED WITH A PERSON, PLANT OR ANIMAL ALLY THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW. In return, you are asked to receive without refusal. Be grateful. Say thanks. Even if someone hands you a Rock or Stone Ally, that Ally will find its way to someone else through you if that is its Intent. Again, just feel.

Allow the energy of giving and receiving to freely flow through you. Let it be unencumbered and without conditions.
(due Sunday by Midnight)


Wednesday YO2

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Follow the instructions in the passage above, answering questions in TWO PARAGRAPHS or more. If you do not have a current state of Gratitude to share before Sunday, you may be granted ONE WEEK to allow the Powers that Be to work with you and Gratitude.

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