Wahya Circle
Thursday Thoughts

Divined for You
3 of Air

Three Herons Rise Up from dark and troubled Waters, up through the clouds swirling about them. They are undisturbed by the wild winds on which they soar, their wings more powerful than any turbulence. Their Spirits are those of ancient dragons, though their bodies are covered not by scales, but by soft down and fine feathers. Buffeting doesn’t impede them or plunge them downward. They have the gift of flight, the ability to rise above strife to the unseen and shining Sun.

Rise above. See from a new perspective.
Free yourself.

You have the power to rise above whatever difficulties you are confronted with. Begin by shifting your thinking. View the situation from a distance. See beyond the moment to the bigger picture. Problems shrink when seen from this perspective. Ask yourself if in one year, five years, ten years, you’ll remember what troubles you today. Seeing the future offers you a solution today. Put on the wings of foresight and let them carry you upward.

Find a feather. Accept it as a sign of the future you are going to create. Hold it to your forehead. Focus on your Intention. Speak from your heart. Honor the feather as a power object to help you envision and create your future.

This method always works better when the Practitioner does not seek out the feather.

Let it come to you. Maybe it will be on a piece of jewelry. A t-shirt. Maybe it will fall across your Path as your sign. Work this Medicine, or Magick, with its assistance and place it upon your altar or a sacred spot when you have completed Work.

You are half-way through your “Year and A Day” Lessons. You, as an active Practitioner in your studies, are typically in practice on a regular, if not daily, basis. (Or working towards that.) Whether you are walking a Wiccan Path, Conjure Path, moving towards Shamanism, Norse Pagan, or studying Indigenous cultures —most Paths have apprenticeships.

We hope that much of your thought has shifted and you are growing MORE in your practice, even if you choose to stay “solitary” and “eclectic”, you stay the course. What has been covered to this point is something that your Elders, or Grandmothers, or Aunts, or other respected members of your family or community taught you… or Experienced themselves, and Divinely share with you.

If this is not the case, and you are NOT remaining “solitary”, may you teach those around you, now and in the future, well. Begin the Circle anew. May your endeavors be met and goals reached. For the rest of this lifetime part of your Soul Journey, certificate or not, you will ALWAYS have a tendril connected to Wahya Circle AND those who walk it with you.  You have connection to Wolf Magick. Fur flying and teeth snarling, you are Protected by it.

Remember that.

DECK: Witches Wisdom Tarot by Phyllis Curott and Artwork by Danielle Barlow.

Beginning Energy Work


Pull out the maps you created on Thursday WS2. (Many Lessons will now begin linking together. We hope that all of them are being kept safely! Or, some “double up and catch up” needs to take place in order to stay with this Magick and Medicine flow.)

The map will be needed for this psychic exercise. A “scented” offering for Element Air will also be utilized. Rose. Myrrh. Frankincense. Etc.  Whatever you are guided to share. Offer this BEFORE you Invoke  Element Air.

As we have learned in Wahya Circle, chakras are internal energy points. Vortices are external energy points.

Vortices can occur naturally from Mother Nature or the Universe, or we as Practitioners may create them. When we cast a circle, we in essence have created a vortices for our natural energy to coalesce and build with Universal energy with our Focus and Intent.

The purpose of these energetic vortices are to amplify all things around them. Whether it is a candle, used in a Ritual, or moonlight used to charge an object, these energies are yours to utilize.

For this exercise, we will be working with Element Air and your map for an act of ventusmancy.

To access the skill of Ventusmancy, and the use of Wind Magick. Magick and Medicine, divination specifically, and other actions can be achieved, but we are going to “see” and improve our “speed”.


(Do this against rogue energies, psychic vampires, other Practitioners, and various other Elemental energies that you may see along the way. NO MATTER WHAT YOU SEE, do not doubt Self. KEEP MOVING. But, if Self says, “more Protection”, stop, Protect, start again. If Self says, “hey, there’s gran’ma!” Smile, wave, stay Focused!)

With your map in your possession, go to your comfortable space in your chosen meditative or ecstatic method. Once you have reached your Alpha State, or what you feel is deep meditation, you may move to the next step.

Remember your map in your Mind’s Eye.

See the Wind begin to blow through the area depicted by your map drawings. A soft breeze or a strong wind, you can work with either one.

Vocalize to Element Air:

I call upon you to aid and hasten my psychic travels.” (Choose your words if you like.)

See a small white ball of light begin to form over your mapped spaces. It usually appears as a mist first for most Practitioners and is difficult to see on “the first time”. Element Air is working with you at this point, you may even feel like a breeze is blowing around as well.

Either way, the stage the energy is in is usually a mist at first, becoming more solid. Let it take the shape needed for this Work. What you see is WHAT YOU SEE. A most, an Plant or Animal Ally…. TRUST SELF.

Once you feel Element Air has accepted the task to assist you, GIVE YOUR OFFERING.

Most Practitioners will sense a sign of acceptance,

It is at this point hat you may charge it with the Intent of “air speed”. Your purpose for this will be to allow Element Air to guide you through your map at “Air Speed” for recall. We cannot consciously perceive faster – so this works beautifully.

Begin at your A point and START moving through your map until reach your all of your destination points with your Mind’s Eye.

Do it again.


This time, add something to your psychic flight along the way. See it passing.

Do it again.

Even faster.

Again, add another recognized element to your psychic flight with Element Air. See it too begin to pass.

Your recall should become faster and faster as you do this exercise. Your clarity and CLAIRity will become stronger as well because you are in essence “psychically projecting” yourself there through active Thought. The more often you practice this exercise, the easier it will be for you to, at first, close your eyes and recall the entire route. In time, you will simply be able to soften your gaze and recall the entire route in a single thought.

After you have mastered this technique you can practice with recipes, musical notes, written word – you “see” them go by consciously. THIS, in time, can aid you, with Element Air’s assistance, in filling your psychic library, for example, that can be built at your Psychic Altar.

Practice well!

Thursday W71

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Please take a moment with the Lesson and submit TWO ADDITIONAL PHOTOS of adding elements to your map, additional things you envisioned on separate trips. TRUST. SELF.

Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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Lessons are subject to change without notification to Practitioners.
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