Wahya Circle
सोमवार Somvar


Beginning Energy Work
Universal Energy

Energy is more than the duality of “personal” and “universal”. Belief in this way limits the energy of What Is to a duality, or binary, form.

Energy is more than an “us versus them”, or “me versus the world” concept.

It is not confined to simply Time or Space, and also includes the concept of “both” and “neither”. Deep thoughts, right?

Energy is whatever it needs to be to assist in creating the cosmic balance of all things. Equilibrium. Impartiality. Correspondence.

As Practitioners begin to interact with Energy on a personal level with words of Invocation or, the likes of Craft or Work in actions, they first perceive that they do this in one time and one space in everyday life. This notion is considered “Mundane” to some, yet again, using this terminology limits us to a duality of energy and blocks our ability to see the many facets that are actually there beyond and that are being overlooked or ignored.

Why do that?

In Magick and Medicine, Energy takes on the form of any Divine Energy at any time, aligning with your Will or Intent, or what is needed.

For example, many believe that the Elements take on the “persona” of a concept the human mind can understand such as:

Fire: Salamander

Air: Sylph

Water: Undine

Earth: Gnome

As humans, this is what we do, “rationalize”. We categorize. We see faces where there are none, and so on. Energy too takes on a concept we can mentally understand while working with it so it is perceived more easily.

Practitioners often find it easier to picture in their Mind’s Eye the Element Water as it is formed in the movie The Abyss, for example. Element Water takes on human aspects of a face and interacts with Practitioners. The Element is assumed to always be holding that power for the “gate” of its energy for your Circle. The reason most believe is because ALL Elemental energy has Unconditional Love and respect for all life, including ours.

Do not confuse “unconditional” with “good”. Unconditional means “not bound by any conditions”. There in turn, it operates without presumed malice and simply to keep energy moving, always moving, flowing. It will work in conjunction WITH YOUR EFFORTS.

Energy as Deity does the same. What calls to you? Who calls to you? Are you going through a particular stage in life that calls for a Maiden entity form? A Hermit? It may require the presence of Brighid. Or are you asking for safe passage of a loved one across the Veil from Charon? You may even need the blessing of Hekate. Perhaps you may also need Strength and masculine energy, such as Shango? Or Protection for your hearth, home or children and call upon Bes?

Maybe you have been locked into one practice for many years and something “new” is calling to you.

All forms of Deity, or Energy, serve a purpose for our growth and evolution in the Experience of Spirit in Matter. At no time is one aspect of Energy “greater” or “better” than another. It is personal to you and how you interact with it. Whatever aspect of Deity you are most comfortable with is the version that will help you most at your current evolutionary stage in the Universe. Its “vibration” or “frequency” of divine energy is what drives it to work with ALL THINGS, including you. ALL things have energy and Vibrate or have Frequency.

As stated, Energy can exist in any Time and/or Space. Sometimes, “specific Times” hold more energy than others, but it does not make it “more”. It just vibrates on more of a human perceived frequency. All other Terran Life are in the area. Plant, Animal and Stone Allies.

Take for example the Civil War, a bloody battle. The land it was fought upon is not “barren” as Mother Earth ALWAYS Heals. There are simply many accounts of perceived, or recognized human energy “stains” or “shades” (made with Free Will) or “shards” (made WITHOUT Free Will) from that Time. The energies Experienced are not necessarily related to where a battle took place, but the type of energy that was pulled in.

Energy stains are evidenced by dozens of stories. An example would be found around Kennesaw Mountain neighborhoods — where they are nowhere near battlefields. Things manifest that are from the energy pulled in during that battle. This energy was considered to be so strong that the energies left behind are of entities that continue to walk into homes of the living, appearing so vividly - the homeowners can describe them down to buttons on their uniforms for detectives.

Looking at place, we do not always “know” the story of a place, but we can “feel” it. Some of us can receive an image in our mind’s eye of what happened. This occurs with a lot of psychic Practitioners who have honed in their clairs.

Let us think about a chapel for weddings for example. It too can have endless echoes of laughter and good “feelings” inside of it as “marriage” was all that it was used for. Perhaps it was the happiest day of one’s living time and to this place they return to Experience the Time Between. The transverse can also be true. If a marriage was forced or brutal, the bride or groom may return to the cathedral or church to seek sanctuary on that plane. It often brings them peace to their restlessness.

Remember Beginning Energy Work: Exercises I and II? How are those coming? Practice those one more time before we move on to the next task as we begin to hone our magicks a little.


Selenology 101
Full Moon Magick & Medicine

The full moon is a time for MANIFESTING what is desired or needed with your Works or in your life according to many who walk Western Esoteric Paths. Did your First Spell manifest? Can you report a “positive result”? For many, the Full Moon represents a time of “completion”.

Considered to be of Feminine Energy by most, the full moon is associated with nourishment and Intuition. It is also a magnificent time for creativity and personal insight (to release that which no longer serves, in the sense of a “blockage”, charging crystals that are energized by moonlight and making moon water.

Full Moon Water. Have you?

Below you will find a story by our Georgia Affiliate’s resident Kitchen Witch, Lady Robin.


Moon Water by Lady Robin
of TCMed Georgia BHS


Lack of Duality

We will begin studying Element(al)s this week. A duality of these are not seen despite their presentations of a “male” or “female” essence. Each Element may be called upon for its strength or its Knowledge, which they will gladly share with you. It is according to how YOU, the Practitioner, feel about labeling what you are working with. There is no “right” or “wrong” way in the Universal Way.

Think About It
Have you worked with Elementals before? What kind of results did you accomplish? Do you have an altar designated or specifically made for the Elementals? Why or why not? What do you have, or give, as offering?


#WolfMagick #WahyaCircle


Correspondences 101
Elements - Water

As we all know, Earth’s surface is covered at around 70% with water. Of that, about 15 is fresh and can be consumed readily by its animal life, including humans. The average adult is 60% water. Water is supports all life.

There is no truer statement.

To practice Earth Magick, one must understand that which they are working with. We shall begin with the Element Water.

A strong Practitioner understands more of each Element than what is held in mind on average in day to day life. They understand the power of Water, including it’s perceived “femininity”.

For some, it is through the visualization, or realization of the Undine. For others, the power is revealed in tides, rivers, oceans and storms. For yet even others, it is only when they cook, clean, or bathe that Water is connected with them. They Ground, Cleanse, support and sustain with it.

The power of Water lies in understandings like the River Ratio of 1:3.14 which was discovered by an astute Cambridge professor when studying distance of rivers versus the area they cover… discovering even water moves in “circles of energy”.

You have already been introduced to Water Magickally through a recent Attunement exercise on Jumatatu. Do you recall? How has Water seemed to you since?

Each time you sip a liquid, you are sipping what has passed through all of us and Earth at one point in time. Water connects us all.

It is also a conduit for our Medicine and Magick.

This type of Magick, Earth Magick, demands a type of environmental consciousness, especially of our personal surroundings and how we treat it. Important to all of planet Earth, there is much power to call upon. Staying in tune with Water is likened to staying tuned to Self.

Water is utilized in Blessing, Clearing, Ritual, etc. Water is called upon to enhance Magicks such as those with relationships and love. Water can take the shape of any container it is placed in or it will find the path of least resistance out of EVERYTHING.

These are the Correspondences for MOST Practices on Earth:

Deity: Goddess Archtypes
Energy: receptive, feminine
Direction: West (or towards it geographically FOR YOU.)
Tools: chalice, cauldron, it is a fluid that takes the shape of its container
Colors: blue, green, indigo, black
Season: Autumn
Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
Magical uses examples:
In a black bowl, water can be used for scrying.

Water is a base ingredient for most Magical and Medicinal teas & potions.

Water is used in various forms of spellwork as mentioned above.


Moon Day WA4

General - Journal - Book of Shadows



How do you FEEL, or what do you THINK, about Elemental or Earth Magick?

What are the issues or concerns of Water for your area?

Name a few of the uses you have discovered in Magick or Medicine for Water.

Three Circles Medicine
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