Yona Circle
Magick & Medicine

Advanced Practicum
Monad II Concepts - Deutoneira
”Second Sleep” - “to nurture”

Our Key precept for the Second Monad and Cycle is the Higher Self. To understand that precept is to have a firm grasp of Self and a pretty firm grasp of one’s Ego and shadow. Even if you have not healed it or checked it, you know what it is. You know what triggers you, even if you cannot keep yourself from reacting to it. This is all connected to divine energy. This energy can also often be identified as a deity such as Hekate or the visage of a wise Crone, the oldest portion of Divinity, and commonly referred to as Anima Mundi as we are a part of “global Spirit” before we are a part of “Universal Spirit”. It Is IS “What Name You Call It”.

Remember envisioning the circling orbs in the previous Lesson? An example that is easier for those detoxing from dogma is to see Deity in those different stages and places throughout this concept, rather than Self… at least for a moment while gathering thoughts on the expansive concept of Universal Consciousness. But, not everyone has trouble simply “seeing it” without Deity.

Many Practitioners and indigenous believe the simplification that deity has “slept” for eons and eons as our Primeval Deity and they further hold the belief that it existed in this undifferentiated state of inexperience, in the dark —before there were nights, before the first creation of Self.  This smack of the Aboriginal Thought we explored in Wahya Circle. At first, it is believed that deity slept (as that is how some understand it), aware of nothing, resting, alone while complete in Itself.  0, yet whole.

But, before continuing with the Second Monad let us discuss Monads in general again, and then specifically in terms of the Soul.   

Looking at our notes, we see that we define a Monad, in general terms, as a “single unit.”  Whether is metaphysics, math, quatum physics, or computer programming, we all agree on the value of the monad.

1 MONAD = 1 UNIT, or “set” of things

Because there is so much agreement on the value of this concept when it is applied to metaphysics, It can be termed as any natural entity or unit from the smallest atom to the collective universes and beyond. 

Every unit has a central intelligence which composes the highest energy vibrations we call the Higher Self.  Take a flower for example. It has many parts yet every part has a Higher Self and intelligence that relate to that plane; all while working with the other planes of existence. 

...as above, so below...
— Hermes Trismegistus

Every root feeds every stem.
Every stem feeds every leaf.

Every leaf feeds every petal.

Every petal makes up the flower.

No one part is more important than the other. The closer you look at something the more of a complex system you can see, such as reproduction of “self”, or seed.

The same is true for every single unit of Matter, both Known and Unknown as everything is a unit of something. Everything, from the subatomic particle to the Universe itself, is a part of something.  

Here is another perspective. 

Let us say a Being from another, lesser developed, planet found Earth from a distance.  This Being sees a beautiful blue globe, yet they cannot physically see the billions of living Beings/units from a distance, yet wonders, like humans, “is there life there on that planet?” 

The entire planet, Earth, is a Monad. 

A Monad encompasses the entire unit, the largest entity within the unit, and the smallest entity within the unit is also a Monad as well as everything in between.   Make sense?

The smallest is not less valued because it is small; it has a central intelligence system within it as well.  Thus, making it impossible to see separation between anything or where one system ends and another system begins. 

We continue to be like divine energy in an undifferentiated state. 

It is thought that everything has a center, everything has no end.  Either way one looks at it, each is a part of a whote, Monad, a unit. Whether you believe our bodies are a part of the Earth and go back to Her upon the transitory Experience of Death and our Spirit is “no more” separate from Her, or you believe our energy continues and becomes a part of the “Great Oneness”, each is a part of another.

Our Solar system is a Monad with the Sun at its center.  We are Monads living inside - EARTH’S ATMOSPHERE - a Monad, and Monads - CELLS = live inside us. All having Higher Selves with no end.  (Remember, Death is NOT an “end” to the Cycle, but a piece of it.)

Do you yet see infinity?

At Soul level, we are within one Monad, our Experiences. Those Experiences are related to our Family Monad.  (Unit)

Each Experience is a small part of Deity, or Divine Energy, or the Name that you Call it —that developed as the energy pushed into the physical plane of Matter in this Time and Dimension, to learn, explore and Experience the physical plane through us and every other thing that is, whatever that “other” may be. 

Human. Element. Other.

It is believed by many that each Monad has a responsibility to enter the physical plane to evolve and return to Divine Energy, the Plurality, the Goddess, the God, …though we never actually leave It. To many great thinkers, this is but a “dream”, or “a moment that has already happened.” Only a portion of Consciousness left Source, as that was all that was needed to “Experience” and have Awareness. 

Again, ”…as above, …so below…

Just as you have Thought, so too does Source.

It is also as such when we Astral travel, only a portion of who we are leaves us. 

”…as above, …so below…”

Not to “beat a dead horse” but there are A LOT of scientifically proven connections in Matter. Quantum is beginning to tie it all up quite neatly.

Monads are unborn, selfless, self-motivated, eternal, self-aware of its Consciousness — pure energy.  Some beliefs are held that the same is true of the “creation story” — pure energy.  There is no differentiation and, in that sense, it is an illusion we appear separate on this physical plane of Matter.  That is, until we all follow our “white rabbit”, or “chase dragons”. Remember the story of imagining the water, how it touches everything that is in it? Same same. Air. Water. Whatever manifested energy is in, touches everything else. Nothing is “alone” or does not effect something else.

Development of Consciousness is said to further open our eyes to see we are already stars, a universe filled with stars, every atom is a solar system filled with countless stars, orbiting its center, its higher intelligence. 

To be more specific, many believe the first division to be into two parts, darkness and light, seen and unseen; or, sound and silence, heard and unheard. 

Make sense? Clear as mud?
It is okay. I may take years for these concepts to flip the switch of understanding. ;-)


As some Wiccans believe, “out of Herself, the first Darkness, She divided Herself.  Into Darkness and Light, She was divided.  The God, Her consort, Herself and Her other Self, was the Light.”  Primeval Deity divided Herself –One became Two.”  This excerpt was taken from the First Degree Clergy Book written by Chancellor Don Lewis-Highcorrell. 

As Christians believe, “On the first day, God created light in the darkness.”

As Buddhists believe, it assumes that the Universe has no ultimate beginning to it and thus sees no need for a Creator/Creatrix. In the early texts, the nearest term to this concept is "Great Brahma" (Maha Brahma), such as in Digha Nikaya 1.18. Which hints at a similar concept to the aforementioned.

What do you feel? What thought have we studied, or have you studied, that you most align with? Have your beliefs you help beginning at Wahya Circle held, are they deeper, or different? How so?

MONAD BECOMES DIAD, or One becomes Two

Thoughts go on to explain that He/She/It/What Name You Call It Paths are understood to say all the physical tangible, volatile parts of Primeval Deity/Energy/Divine passed into What Is through the Veil, into Matter, through Seven Planes of existence that we are now studying as Stream Cycles of Consciousness. As we have learned, those planes are: physical, emotional, mental, astral, Soular or egoic, Monadic and Divine.  These many Paths go on to state that while all of this occurred, the ethereal, eternal and spiritual parts remained within What Is/Divine/God/Goddess on the other side of the Veil in Spirit. 

In science, we liken it to a photon of light splitting into two. This new discovery was called Majorana boson particle. This discovery opened many new doors in Consciousness and how all Matter parallels Spirit.

Reread that if need be.


At Three Circles Medicine & Magick™, we hold space for all belief systems. It is not our place to tell you what is “right” or “wrong’, we simply ask “is it to your Highest Benefit”?

Some Practitioners hold the belief that we do not “divide” divinity into “god” or “goddess” at all when we manifest into Matter for our Experiences. In the case of Reverend Richoz, she believes that how Matter manifests in another Experience of Spirit is a spectrum of possibility, not just two equal parts. It is up to that manifestation of Spirit and it’s Free Will to determine which Experience is to be had. It determines how it manifests, leaning more towards Matter, or more towards Spirit.

They look at what Stream of Consciousness one swims in to answer this. Then they look at the spectrum of “male”, “female”, both or neither. It does not matter what level, or stage, this manifestation of Matter is at, Free Will allows choice at ALL LEVELS. One could be swimming in the earlier Streams of Consciousness, manifest as a Male in Matter, but Plural in Spirit, or Agendered. As a species, we have thousands of years of Shadow before we can ALL reach the ability to allow the TRUE feeling of who we each are, who we manifested into Matter as.

For many indigenous of the world, “two Spirit” is one who manifested into to Matter one way and behaves or shows in Spirit another, and that can be in a spectrum of the duality.

Divine energy desired to fully Experience and sense all Experiences through ALL EXPERIENCES, not just two. A “fall” from anywhere is not always necessary to have divine “Experience”. We do not recognize “falling up” on Earth, but maybe we should? Divine energy is able to create everything, seen and unseen, Experienced and not Experienced.  Your Experience is YOUR EXPERIENCE. (Remember Reality Mapping? This activity helps to clearly define YOUR EXPERIENCE.) Your Experience can be anywhere from no deity to many deities. The Experience is entirely up to you, through your divine Free Will.


It is belied that Divinity (Spirit) Experienced through the same seven planes of existence by releasing nine parts of itself (energy) called Monads or Soul families, to enter in physical forms of Matter. Regardless of how you believe divine energy arrived at this point, it arrived. Was it a “fall” for you? Was it a “push through the Veil”, as a neonate through the birth canal? Have you thought about this concept before now? HOW did we all “get here”?

Most Practitioners of many Paths believe that all Souls live many lives in many physical forms to have the fullest Experience of Matter.  If you did not know this before this moment — you now know that you are considered a Divine Experience of Spirit … and part of It (whatever you may name “it”) at the same time.  No. You cannot “unsick” someone. We EACH have Experiences. You as a Manifestation of Divine Experience in Matter are not typically allowed to interfere with another Manifestation of Divine Experience in Matter. At least not easily. (Remember “Acceptance”?)


As families often do, they feel compelled to care for each other beyond their means of available Energy. We are all given specific amounts of everything at our arrival to the Cycle and that includes Life energy. We have yet to determine the amount of… say Time, we receive. We do not know how much we have and we cannot make more. So not only does assisting a loved one through their hard Experience — that they have most likely chosen Freely or are SUPPOSED to have or one that they have created Unconsciously for Self collaterally — it will cost us if we choose to expend our energy trying to change their Experience to much. It is the belief of many, that not only will it cost in our limited Time as that Manifestation of Divine Matter in Experience, but also with our Energy. We are taking our Divine Experience of Matter energy and giving it to another’s Manifestation.*

*Although this too is an Experience to be had, “evolving” one’s mind or spiritual station in Experience does not occur easily if Focus is on other endeavors.

In comes Time when we do this and says, “whoa, whoa, whoa! You cannot do that! Now I will have to go through ALL TIME to balance your Soul back out, through all dimensions at that!” (We think some have theorized 10 Dimensions still, live in 3D+VR.) Okay. So then your Spirit says, “what if I just pay for it right NOW?” Time says, “okay, you want to help your fellow manifestation, that’s fine.” (Remember, Time is not Emotional.)

Instantaneously, Time causes your husband to lose 30 minutes cleaning the pool, you 24 hours of work, and your child to get into a fight with his friend and not talk the rest of the day. Looks like the whole family decided to pay. Sounds like it was a Good Trade. Your family member survived their ordeal without PTSD.

But, it is believed that there are Bad Deals too. If a family already lives in turmoil, they can deepen their turmoil and Familial Shadow for additional generations, or someone to develop cancer RIGHT NOW — if they continue to interfere with a loved one’s Experience. Being Conscious of where you are as well as others prevents these non beneficial energy exchanges from occurring.

The Universe must balance, and remember…. it is Unconditional. It is simply balancing energy.


It is believed that when a drop of water is removed from the sea, the water is completely the sea and yet was part of the sea for a moment in its eternal Experience as Water.  Either way you are the sea, either way you are Divine. 

Spirit and Matter’s reunion was a success because we are here, having continuous Experience.


If we look at the ancient stories, to maintain this union a chant was spoken, ensuring both Spirit and Matter remain one, “She sang a charm, and her voice was as the buzzing bees.  And then Diana sat at Her spinning wheel and began to spin the thread of life, and the God turned the wheel.”  Energy, vibration or frequency, whatever you desire to name it, keeps manifestations moving and at this plane level the manifestation is currently existing or “living”.  The Music of the spheres!  God carries Goddess’ Divine spark forward, facilitating growth through Experience, through us.

Divine Energy divided into an infinitesimal amount of parts, while never leaving its home.  “The World Tree” to some. To others, such as Wiccans, this creation story conveys the One that contained the Mothers and Fathers before the First Creation (Recall all of the Creation stories you have learned.), than “She was and is both the Light and Dark, the physical creation through Her releasing these portions of Herself through the nine Monads with countless Souls that emanated out of Her.”

Goddess was and is androgynous to some, and is portrayed as both female and male through some art work of the past.  The same is true for the God, when He was released He was and is both male and female humans of all Matter. 

Humans assigned gender beyond genitals and traits to the Goddess and the God, Deity (Deities) did not. 
Deity, Divine Energy, What Name You Call It, holds everything and is everything

With all of that said, we are wise to understand that ALL myths are essentially humans trying to understand creation in physical human terms so that Divine Energy becomes approachable for our species, our Awareness.

We really are a simple creature who began to Experience Awareness of Self and all the perceived “burdens” that can be brought forth with that Experience. How fortunate the human must be to Experience all of this outside of Anima Mundi, where our Kindred, both Plant and Animal Allies, are still connected. What things we have created for ourselves to “worry” or “grieve” over. Mundane things such as “lovers” or “light bills”. Is it not interesting the many things we have created for our own Experiences of life in Matter? Things we personally caused ourselves to worry over by creating or enacting it. Is it not interesting how we have manifested?

How will you move forward, being shown that you may actually have more control than you sometimes are willing to exhibit? Why do you have “fear” of anything that would benefit you or your Experience of Matter? We must safely ponder this, holding our torches higher to see, but ever mindful of the Experiences we can see that surely fall into the light we cast. What Path will you choose for your Life of Experience now? Are you staying your course?

How shall we become more aware of our multi-dimensional selves?  We have all of eternity to become what we strive to be and then attain in our Time.  Approaching our lives, clean – clear – curious, with wonder and awe helps clarity to be realized as we move with the stars. 

So, start learning to dance, sing and celebrate Experience and then more is learned, received and retained through that memory of Joy through satisfaction. This is how manifestation operates for the most part of your Medicine and Magick as well.  Tap into that Universal Energy that we are ALL a part of. Start dancing.  Yes Lessons are sometimes learned through hardship and pain. These are all valuable teachers and divine Experiences. CHOOSING how we have our Lessons in the Experience of Pain is invaluable.


We can choose to acquire our Experience of Pain through learning a new skill, martial arts (sparring), mechanics(busting knuckles), horticulture(bee stings), and sometimes through the empathy of others. How do you CHOOSE to have yours?

Many times we forget there are many OTHER ways to Experience Matter. Many more are contented to place blinders on their Experience. Limit it.

This is where the many Streams and Monads come in. Let us begin again. Sip slowly.


Moon Day YS3

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

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