Wahya Circle
Moon Day
Magick & Medicine

Beginning Energy Work
Psychic Tides

As we learn of Self during the Dark Time/Dream Time/Time of Involution —to “be still”, we can begin to fine tune the sense of the presence of cosmic change as we reemerge on the other side, as light begins to return and the seasons change yet again. Be still. Sense the shift into “more light”. Sense the change, the Turn of the Wheel a little more this time.

It is at this time, when everything begins to awaken from “be still, quiet and sleep” that we can hone our abilities to sense when to be awake and move again at the Vernal Equinox. For most, life springs anew long before then. Animals wake, and first buds of Gogeyi will appear in the frosted ground. Will you see them this time?

All things have cycles, including humans.

As a Practitioner of Magick and Medicine, we can learn to be a more integral part of this healing Experience. We can learn to feel what planets move when as well as when the plants are about to drop their leaves, or sprout them again. We can begin to SEE when our Animal Kindred are preparing for seasonal change as they have never ‘forgotten’ the connection as we seem to have done.

Time can be felt as Mother Earth spins on Her axis daily, as well as how long in takes Her to make a revolution around our nearest star, Sol, or ‘the Sun’. The Divine even goes through its involution, death and rebirth, as we are all a part of it, as energy, and we cycle back to it, whatever it may be to you. The Goddess. The God. The Source. The Universe. Etc.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.
— Albert Einstein

To further that, with the advent of Quantum Physics, we are seeing many new doors open to what we have always known. We have learned that just because we can make an atom disappear here, does not mean it is gone. It merely reappeared somewhere else, as its energy is often still readable. It is transformed in one way or another to somewhere else.

Different Paths believe the energy of All That Is cycles in this way. Some believe we ascend or descend a Tree of Life. Others believe we are rebirthed based on karmic value of what we do each life. Yet, even others, believe there is no logical reason we come back, if we even do. Find your Way. Find what you feel. Hold fast to that.

No one Path holds the entirety of Truth.

In the Northern Hemisphere, we are in, or coming through, what some call ‘The Dark Half’ or the Involution portion of the year. It is as we described above. As many believe, the Divine cycles in this way too. As the Divine has a Dark Half, so do we. The Divine can both “hurt” and “heal” to keep the Balance of everything. It is during that time we can hear, or see, or sense, all that is around us, all the while Earth and other creation is quiet, or just beginning to wake. This time has come to be valued for Spiritual Work whether it be Shadow or Ego Work. There is less energetic influence from our star during this time. (UNLESS THERE IS A MASS CORONAL EJECTION, which offsets our energies and Works. Mind your “Space Weather”.) As we are a clouded species, hushing the noise we have created to distract ourselves from this Knowing, is essential as well in the exploration of this Magickal and Medicinal time.

What is this time of ebb and flow?

It is called our “psychic tide” by many Practitioners because it is liken to the tides of Earth. The outer and inner Energy we Experience changes as we move through time. Lifetime. Seasons of Life. Year. Season. Month. Day. Hour. Minute. Second. And so on.  Time can be infinitely grand or endlessly small. Overall, our species has difficulty grasping this.

Regardless, the Dark Half is intended to be our time of rest, recuperation and internal growth in preparation for the next ‘time’, whatever that is, when we are part of the Tide of Rebirth in energy. The next day, the next season, the next life. (This is where the Soul’s Work begins to take shape.)

This is quite a bit to digest for many. Let this sink in. Meditate on it. Think and feel on it. Ask questions. You will continually cross this information as long as you walk a spiritual, evolutionary growing, Path.

P.S. Many believe the monthly lunar cycles affect us as a species MORE than the yearly solar cycle.
What do you think? Or, what have you Experienced?

Moon Day W12

General - Journal - Book of Shadows



Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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