Wahya Circle
बुधवार Budhvar

As We Will It: Protection

As stated previously MANY TIMES, before we utilize man Magick practices, we are wise to Protect ourselves and those around us from rogue energies that may escape, become residual or stay in an unexpected way of collateral fallout. After our Work, we are then wise to cleanse, clear, release, and ground.
Do you?


Book of the Week: Ancient Indian Magic and Folklore

by: Margaret Stutley

Although subjectively biased, this is essentially “A Dictionary of Hinduism”. As much of the folk beliefs are deemed “cult” by outsiders, this an introduction to the culturally significant magickal practices. There are not many people who want to study and find the truth of the systemic “racism” and oppression of those who do not believe like others around them. This judgmental way has occurred WORLD WIDE and for THOUSANDS of years. Remember Christopher’s words when reading about Zhong Guo?

The main source for this book is the Atharvaveda, which was compiled about 1400 BCE and containing much earlier lore, some of it originating in Sumeria, Babylonia, Iran and ancient Egypt.

The book demonstrates that there are many parallels between Indian and European folklore. For example, both Europeans and the north western Indian peoples are of Caucasian origin genetically, whereas others in India are NOT of that descent. Remember, we started our walk in Alkebulan? (Remember the Jarawa?) The wearing of lucky charms, talismans and amulets is common to both cultures, as well as the belief in lucky and unlucky days, birds and animals, the fear of curses and of the evil eye - still common in today’s Africa, the Mediterranean countries and the East.

Another common element is the fear of demonic possession, which has increased so much in the West that in 1972 the Bishop of Exeter set up a commission to devise the ritual for the exorcizing of evil spirits from people and haunted places. THIS is where that “fear”, or lack of understanding, stems from.

As Margaret Stutley points out magickal elements and acknowledges they exist in every religion, it is clear in the belief that such a system of related symbolism exists. These in turn can morph into a religion. Thus magic and cult are essentially the same in her eyes, all rites being basically magickal. All magic being of “cult”. She also shows, in all societies, different stages of belief exist side by side, and range from perceived naïve magico-religious beliefs to the presumed most advanced spiritual and philosophical views.

Over all, it is quite the read and contains quite a bit of information beyond the touch of personal opinion.


Beginning Pharmakeia



Gardening by the Moon

Bush Tea

Devil’s Claw

Dong Quai


Tej Patta

For the Vernal Quarter Knowledge Check, you will need to know a “Medicinal” and/or “Magickal” purpose for each herb/plant/crystal or a place on Earth it naturally occurs.


Beginning Crystalium



Olumo Rock





(Links to pages on Pharmakeia list)


Also for the Vernal Quarter Knowledge Check, there will be varied other items that were presented over the month.

All video and article offerings can be utilized.


Wednesday WA4

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


Three Circles Medicine™
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