Jumatatu - Moon Day Magick & Medicine BeginningEnergy Work: Attunement Selenology 101: Moon Magick Correspondences 101: Moon Phases Contemplations 101: How to Protect Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows SUBMISSION: WA2 MON PROTECTIVE PRACTICES (Due by Thursday)
Jumanne - Tuesday Travels World Studies 101: Africa Beginning Pharmakeia: Bush Tea Beginning Crystalium: Olumo Rock Deities of Earth 101: Yoruba - Olodumare Contemplations 101: Can You See the Roots? Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows
Jumatano - Wednesday Works Beginning Pharmakeia: Devil’s Claw Beginning Crystalium: Phenakite Selenology 101: New Moons Book of the Week: Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization Contemplations 101: More Connections? Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows PRE-SUBMISSION: BEGIN 28 DAY MOON WATCH
Alhamisi - Thursday Thoughts BeginningPsychic Energy: Protection - Cleanse, Clear, Shield General Knowledge 101: Curriculum Deities of Earth 101: Ojobo/Shango: God of Thunder Contemplations 101: Deeper Into the Woods Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows
Friday – Ijumaa - 星期五 xīng qī wǔ - शुक्रवार Shukrvar - Пятница – Freya’s Day - Venus - Tsungilosdi Involution Friday through Sun Day, NO LESSONS. This time is intended for you to absorb what you have learned and incorporate any new knowledge into practice. Lessons are subject to change without notice.