Yona Circle
Wednesday Works

Advanced Practicum
Simple Spell

For today’s Work, you are going to Craft a spell for an imaginary Practitioner that has come to you seeking release from their binds of addiction, pain, sadness, Shadow, Ego, or other emotions they are ready to work through and release.

Intuit what this Practitioner, this Spirit, comes to you in seeking assistance with and how it may be effecting/affecting them. Maybe you know someone like this. They have battled it for years and have finally decided to put “it” down here around the Lion’s Gate Portal and they have come to you for assistance in Magically or Medicinally completing this task. They ask you where to begin to spiritually release these feelings in a productive and symbolic manner.

They have been sober, making better decisions, going to therapy, or what helps them in the Mundane— for 30 days now. They have removed toxic people from their personal life and are seeking a kind of symbolic but true to meaning of their release from this addiction/affliction of the mind and Spirit, this emotion. They hear talk of this time being auspicious for this type of healing activity with dark feminine energy. They know it is “dark” because it is hidden, not evil. Assist them in bringing their Truth to their light of Being.

Craft a spell for them.

Make it a simple spell, that this novice can utilize or put together on their own with your guidance. You may use any correspondences that you see fit that you have learned from your Path and Time at 3CMM, or another’s. (Please include where you learned of this correspondence.) You may present this spell in any way you wish.

Pictures. Videos. Drawing. etc. Write up this spell and steps as you would when sharing with those who seek you out as Clergy. <3

What do you see? What energy do you feel? Did you divine in how to help them? Do you see any Plant or Animal Allies? Explore this… but also “keep it simple”.


Wednesday YS1

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Follow the pointers given above.

Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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