Wahya Circle
Wednesday Works

Beginning Energy Work
Root Chakra Expanded

To make the most of the Magick and Medicine connected to the Root Chakra, or energy point, we are wise to understand the energy itself first. We as solid Practitioners are most powerful with our Intent when we keep ourselves well and cared for physically, emotionally and mentally.

We are wise to immediately tend to any illnesses or blockages that we may have from past traumas/Traumas (recall the ITB Video), misconceptions about what “living” is, and by things such as keeping up with our evolutionary Shadow Work.

Our efforts on Ego Work then lead us to remain in a neutral state as often as we can, in a state of Be, remaining unaffected by others energies. (Reality Map; Protection; Ward) We do this also as we take care of our personal space when cleansing and by grounding wholly in our chosen way.

As Practitioners, we understand that this is an energy point that binds us to Matter and the Experiences of this realm, this plane. (Our Crown Chakra connects us to Spirit or Divine Energy.) To feel this benefit thoroughly, this energy point must be clear too. If it is not, we may not feel completely “in our body” for that Experience. These disconnected Experiences bleed over into our ability to relate, empathize and sympathize with other Beings.

Have you successfully mapped your reality?

If there are blockage at this energy point, there may be illness, sexual dysfunction, depression and suicidal ideation. Feelings may be ungrounded and it may be difficult to grasp the full meanings of them. Betrayals from immediate family members, friends, or sexual abuse can block this chakra completely. Many with a completely blocked Root Chakra, or one that has not been addressed properly regarding trauma/Trauma, can seem cold, callus, and non emotional towards others around them, when in fact, they feel immense emotion but are unable to express it. as It is BLOCKED.

The Root Chakra, or Root, or simply energy point, is a place where our personal energy is stored for this Expereinced manifestation in Matter. (Most Practitioners follow this thought.) On some Paths “kundalini” is sourced here – “coiled serpent” – or “life energy”. It is believed on other Paths as it is seen to coil up through channels called ida and pengala in a double helix, up through the spine, much like a caduceus or our DNA. The only difference between Eastern and Western Magick or Medicine being the location of this energy when flowing.

The West believes in rises up through the feet when standing for Ceremonial Magick, while the East believes the energy travels up the spine as we are sitting (sometimes standing) in contact with Mother Earth.

Either way is correct for each Practitioner as, “no two Paths are the same.”

While clearing the Root energy may be a very long road of Life, especially if there is familial or sexual T/trauma, it is suggested to have some personally Crafted strong Medicine on hand when we Journey to do this, alone or with others. It is advised that if we do Shadow Work to heal Trauma alone, it is advised to call in any Ancestors or Guides we feel comfortable walking with to do that spiritually. Have a good Vision meeting with them or have a good rapport built with them through Veneration, and simply ask them to assist in healing this trauma. Most will.

If we know we will need a larger support group, find a good therapist and someone to help with transformative bodywork (Remember what Koshin taught us in our Shadow Lesson from ITB video?), and healing if the trauma is a Big T instead of little t.

To help with that and to supplement maintenance in our rooting to Mother Earth, try some of these simple methods:

1.   Stone Allies/Gems: Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Garnet, and Red Jasper. Blue kyanite is also good for severe Trauma.
Reverend Richoz’s favorite as it can be found in most of North America)

2.   Physical exercise. (Yang & Yin)

3.   Nutrition with the eating of red fruits and vegetables (beets, cherries, strawberries, and tomatoes)

4.   Connecting to the Earth, walking barefoot on the grass or community gardening for example. These activities balance the Root Chakra, energy point.

Correspondences 101
Chakra Stone References

CHALLENGE: Choose a chakra per week to learn about. Further challenge your Self by aligning Elements with chakras and learning how to work with them TOGETHER to heal the energy point!


Beginning Practicum
Sex Magick and Medicine

The purpose in covering “sex magick” is not so much as a “how to”. There are plenty of those in books and on the internet. We are providing this to expose Wahya Circle to the culture of ideas surrounding this specific Medicine and Magick from all over the world and offer suggestions in what it can be used to charge in our lives. Three Circles Medicine & Magick™ does not feel that this is where our Society currently is in its Community practices, although some Practitioners utilize the Sexual Mysteries, Sex Magick, Shadow Work of Womb, Birth Trauma Healing and other techniques to Work in this area.

Few places truly exist where “sex” is taboo, but plenty of places have been culturally changed to usher it back to the bedroom. We feel that this has done more harm than good to our species as an animal. Yes, there is a “time and place” for things, especially if children are present, but public displays of affection are encouraged amongst consenting adults of ALL PERSUASIONS to begin removing the taboo of dogmatic view.

Most cultures that we have traveled, have it as a very real part of life and they are brought into what it entails with open eyes. The initiate learns and earns their way and respect from their Elders. Many cultures do not easily allow their young to “just have sex” before their land’s age of consent.

In essence of most cultural views, the young are chosen to prove themselves to be able to support a family before they make one.

Elders will ask the young of communities around the world to prove their worth, ability to survive, provide for others, BEFORE they are married off or choose a partner, or mate. The Elders understand it would be irresponsible of them to send off those whom they care for to not be able to fend for themselves. It has really only been in the last 2000 years or so that sexuality has become so blocked as a form of conscious energy.

One of the cardinal differences between paganism, or witchcraft, and the Big Book Religions is the assigned roles of gender and sexuality. We can only presume that this occurred was a way of control exerted by the Roman Senate, or Church, in stamping out indigenous belief systems. In the Big Book Religions, sexuality has been tied to roles of weakness, dominance, and submission in false ways. On one young Path, it is even blamed for “the fall of humans”. The picture outside of Ego is rarely seen.

While many Paths were busy making this taboo, they also marred spontaneity, creativity, and self-acceptance, which often are rooted with positive and natural sexual energy. Western Culture has been fear-mongered into not being who they are as sexual creatures. Pretending to be something they are not and being shamed when they are not “sexual enough” for their partner.

The biggest blockage that occurred by proxy to the Root energy point was by the chosen dogma in assigning a subservient role to the female in a relationship. Females around the world continue to be suppressed as a group. The shift to a patriarchal society has caused the human species many spiritual ills. In most Earth Based Religions, EBRs for short, sexuality is seen as a great source of spiritual energy, not to be shunned — but in some cases exalted as a Great Rite. Sexuality in general is viewed differently with EBRs, no matter what role you play.

Female. Male. Neuter. Fluid. Pan. Asexual. etcetera
All are welcome to practice the Sexual Mysteries, Sex Magick, and Sex Medicine. as we are all avatars representative of the unique expressions of what we each call our Divine Energy — or Source. Acceptance exalts all of these appearances. Unifying with Divinity, absent of Ego and Shadow, is a beautiful thing. This is NOT always absent of the carnal presentation that is Experienced by most of our species on this plane.

Achieving the Spiritual unification of this act requires more than orgasm although orgasm is a very powerful energy,

Not all Paths are accepting of all Divine things. They still assign roles in the sense – a “male - man” has to play the “God” and a “female - woman” has to play a “Goddess” in their Ceremonial Magick. Three Circles Medicine & Magick™ does not subscribe to this exclusive and suppressive viewpoint. Any Practitioner can play any role their Spirit calls them to in practices. Just know, if we choose to follow specific Paths, i.e, Druid, Wicca, etc, there are lines that the tenets of that Path put forward that are expected to be followed. Know them if it is chosen to follow them. Let the actions of the society speak for itself though. There are some out there trying to change this exclusive pattern we have been stuck in as a species for tens of thousands of years.

Whether it is ancient Hindu, Buddhism, Taoism, or even older Egyptian, the role of sapiens and Sex Magick and Medicine has been blocked. It is time to loosen or rid ourselves of the restraint. Even if it is not for us per se, hold space for that Practitioner in which it is. We have a new level of spirituality to Experience. Let us arrive without prejudicial misunderstandings.

In Sex Magick, we are embodying our “life force” and feeling it rise up through the chakras, or energy points, ending in sexual ecstasy. This can be achieved with or without others or devices. There are some Practitioners that can merely THINK about the tantric aspects of what is happening and move the energy —and nothing else — to charge a spell, a sigil, etc. However, if we have a Root Chakra blockage, this method will prove difficult for us to accomplish fully.

Keep in mind, when we are utilizing this type of energy, we are utilizing dual energies. It is not “Divine Feminine” nor “Divine Masculine” as kundalini, or tantric, or whatever  our belief is -- the energy is both. For some Medicine, both male and female energies manifested as human.help the work to be most effective, but it is not always necessary. The female of our species is the giver of “Life” on this plane and require the male of our species for procreative abundance. This type of Work, or Craft, sometimes needs BOTH energies to heal male T/traumas.  (Womb or Birth Trauma)

We will speak briefly here as we do not all explore this as Practitioners in Western society, but a male can exhibit this later in life. Both Soul and Shadow Work can be a reason and they may not even know.

This is especially noted of those males who were carried by females who abused their bodies, were malnourished, etc. It can also occur with males, just a female, if there is a traumatic birth, say a cesarean. That male have trouble falling asleep, or have extreme anxiety as he grows, not understanding that it was a shared system with another Being at the time, so the Experience was shared. If the mother stayed calm, they in turn have a better chance of staying calm during a stressful situation.

Make sense?

As a final note, we would like to introduce “sex in the astral”. Yes, there are Advanced Practitioners who utilize this. We must caution you, this is yet another reason why we are wise to Ward and Protect ourselves, our home and those inside it. This is also why 3CMM is one of many reasons why we spent so much time on “Protection” psychically prior to this point and urges us to continue to utilize these exercises.

We understand that it is a vulnerable state to be in when we think we are restfully dreaming and a stranger assaults us in our dream. It is often a very real, disturbing, incident that occurs to some Practitioners leaving them bewildered and scared upon waking. It is recommended that we become adept at Lucid Dreaming in our lifetime. It is a powerful skill to have, especially in STOPPING a potential threat while traveling, sleeping, meditating, etc.

NOTE: Being able to STOP the attack in the astral is one of many ways we can wield our power. Know that if it is one who sincerely loves us and is simply touching our Spirit — they will quickly move away at the sense of our emotional discomfort or our demand to do so. We do not believe the other situation needs clarifying.

Lighter on that final note, this activity can take place consciously, as in phone sex, or unconsciously, as in dreaming. We simply rise to our Higher Self’s level. Please also understand, sex in the astral is a little different than the corporeal. It is the “touching” of two different energies, incarnate, dis-incarnate, or not of this plane. It is IMPERATIVE that we understand what we are about to say or do.

Most times, it has been our Experience, it is when you are not as connected to your Higher Self as you think you are and your soul touches a deceased grandparent or -living- lifetime friend, that the Matter-Mind Self perceives this as a “sexual” encounter when in fact it is NOT.

THAT is how intense the energy exchange can be. We know this is off putting to many but true “astral” connections are NOT driven by the carnal. As stated above, loved ones and friends, those who know you, will quickly move away at the recognition of your discomfort and mean you NO HARM. This is a simple difference between the two levels of the Conscious and Subconscious Mind.

One of the reasons for the Self perceiving the Higher Self and its interactions in this way, is because sexual energy is one of the only energies on this plane of Matter that is similar to that one in Spirit. Some would say the “death” Experience is intense too but the intensity is a little differently perceived by the Mind. Regardless, there are Practitioners who seek out these interactions because we do perceive them in a sexual way with the Self and it is addictive behavior when driven by Ego.

Think About It

Will you, or have you, utilized this type of Sex Magick or Medicine? Did you know that it wielded so much power? Do you feel you can safely hold space for those who practice it?


Wednesday W72

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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