Yona Circle
Tuesday Tarot

Divination 103
Monad & Stream Invo Draw
Deep Dive


We could dedicate some time to finding – or creating -- a tarot deck that covers ALL of the meanings of al of the things that we know, but that is not possible.  Not in this plane.  Not yet.  A very large portion of our species is not even Consciously Awake yet.

Patience, Grasshopper!

For Matter and understanding it a little more as we Experience it, this group of individuals have come the closest as anyone has for a VERY long time.  There is so much more to the Monads and Streams than what we touch on here at 3CMM.  This method is simply a look at the patterns around us, exposing us to them, if we are not Aware of them.  We most often have the “why does that happen”  -- as we see the pattern, but not always an answer to our “why” or even a possible answer.

It is correct that no two Paths, or perspectives, or anything else are the same.  That is why we always say that we are WHOLE BEINGS at Three Circles Medicine & Magick™.  Spirit. Matter. Light. Dark.  Good. Bad.  Smelly and odorless… all at the same time.  We are ALL a spectrum of varied creation. We each really are unique.  Something, even on a molecular level, separates us from the human next to us. In the words of Lenny Kravitz, “the difference is ‘why’.” The difference is why we ARE all together for the most part. 

We have been taught to seek out the differences and shun it. Kill it. Erase it.  Often, it is to a Higher Benefit to KEEP DIFFERENCES. Not eliminate them.  Take genetics for example.  The less diverse the gene pool, the more abnormalities and dysfunction occurs.  It is not sustainable.  Nature LOVES variety.  “Variety is the spice of Life” is a truth!  Specific examples, the Right Whale or Arctic Seal population.  There are not enough left to keep genetic diversity and prevent destruction from the outside.  Extinction is almost inevitable.  Human Ego factors. Viruses. Bacteria.  Climate changes.  Food losses.  All the other things that all living things require to remain ADAPTABLE to constant Universal changes.

When we look at these cards, we look at both sides through the spectrum and in turn look at our lives to see what aligns. 

Granted, sometimes it’s a Truth that we just do not, or will not see.  But then, other times, it’s something we have been looking at for a LONG time, or something others have been saying about us for a LONG TIME… that we finally see ourself. A Truth.  Our Higher Self, our Divine, our What Is, does not “lie” to us in that way.  That does not benefit growth and change.  Acknowledging Truth, even when it is ugly and undesirable, does.

When we look at these cards or any cards, regardless of deck, we look at it in a spectrum of meaning. We KNOW that everything is not just “one way” or we would probably all be dead by now.  But we do know the Truth, so we see the spectrum of possibility.

We compare what we know, or acknowledge, with what we see or is being revealed in the cards we draw.  This is exactly as we all are every day.  We find this is especially true for those who seek Higher Knowledge.  Sometimes a “stagnation” may be occurring if we have evolved through certain Monads and Streams and are not surrounded by those who are evolving at a similar rate.  It is then that we have to TRUST SELF, TRUST WHAT IT, and Intuit what our Highest Benefit may be. 


Tarot Chalenge

For today’s Tarot Challenge, you are asked to go back and review your Monad and Stream draws.  You are asked to take a moment and acknowledge the OPPOSITE meanings of the cards. Look at not only what the creator of the deck defined the cards as UPRIGHT, but also REVERSED. 

Next, if you did not in the original draw, give an example of something in your life that reinforces or confirms what you are seeing. 

THEN, give an example of the opposite.  What is the Higher Self showing to you? What may this be related to? How may you work with what is revealed to you. 

Example:  A card upright is defined as “loving”. The same card reversed is understood to mean “self-righteous”.   


Example Findings

Below you will see an example of Self Study from a Third Degree - Yona Circle Practitioner. This type of looking at Self continues THROUGHOUT LIFE. When we reach the Third Degree, it becomes very intense for those who seek honestly to learn and heal Self. Sometimes “ugly Truths” are revealed. We all know, “we don’t grow if we don’t know.” So explore this. Explore this in both Matter AND Spirit. Look at what you saw before in the Monad & Stream draw. Revise it if needed. “See what you See” now. Ask for Guidance. Take your time over the next few days. YOU ARE WORTH IT.

"“As I gave examples of how these cards in their upright positions might be tied to my life, I’m NOW going to focus on the cards’ Reverse meanings.

For the Monad card I drew, 6 of Cups, I looked at Tarot.com to find the Reverse meaning. “With the Six of Cups reversed, you can finally close accounts with the emotional undertow that has been part of your life. You can now revisit those wounded places calmly, without the fear that you will be drawn back in. There is no lingering emotional residue or entrenched nostalgia remaining. You have finally digested those past experiences. They can now be put to rest.This really speaks to me as I have been working on Forgiveness in my life. (There’s A LOT to forgive!) I think this reverse meaning ties in strongly with that ongoing work. I was even talking about this with a friend and realized that during the conversation I felt calm and still. Yes – there’s work to be done and I’m committed to continuing that for MY benefit. I think I may be more ready for that than I’ve ever been. And it feels great!

For the Stream card I drew, XVII The Star, the same site gave this Reverse meaning: “The Star card reversed suggests that you are temporarily alienated from your brilliance and usefulness. You may feel clumsy, unskilled, at odds within your true nature. Perhaps you are forgetting your soul's purpose in this lifetime. Focus on your unique gifts and talents -- their source is divine. It's your job to learn how to apply them in any situation your life offers you.” Hmm. This is pretty powerful stuff. I may very well be forgetting my soul’s purpose in this lifetime. Honestly – I’m trying to assess that situation every single day. Am I crystal clear on it? No. But I don’t feel like I’m completely lost, either. Progress has been made. I can keep trying. As for being alienated from my “brilliance and usefulness,” I don’t quite know how to address that.

I think I am cloudy on how this is mainly because I haven’t fully embraced using words like
Brilliance when I think about myself. Which is crazy, because when I’m in the middle of a Self-love-fest, I acknowledge the fullness of Me. So why don’t I acknowledge that during all the other times? Every day? I don’t have an answer for that. I’m working on taking full ownership of my “unique talents and gifts” and I absolutely understand the divinity of these gifts. I also feel that when I have denied these parts of my Self, whether by not acknowledging them or by demeaning them in some way through an action, it was like saying No Thanks to Spirit. Like I was shunning these wonderful gifts! Now – I grew up with a textbook narcissist and I know for a fact that I expended a lot of energy to try and be nothing like them.

Attention being paid to me? Dim the lights, please, lest I receive too much focus.

So many years of my life were spent like that, trying to dim my own precious light. What a shame. I’m still figuring out how to shine. How to just let go and be my
natural Self. All of that to say this – the Reverse of The Star may be super relevant for me and the work related to it. That’s not a bad thing. It simply is.”


Tuesday YO3

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

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