Yona Circle
Tuesday Techniques


Advanced Practicum
Teaching Others Magick & Medicine

As we are nearing our final quarter Turn of the Wheel, we ask to further see what has been garnered to share with others at 3CMM, or with the community around each of you. We ask that you PLAN AND ASSESS W/ FEEDBACK to Practitioners- ONE MAGICK OR MEDICINE SUBMISSION FOR WAHYA CIRCLE, FIRST DEGREE with a question that you must answer with feedback. This may be on a Magick or Medicine topic recalled from your time walking Wahya Circle, First Degree, or a new Knowledge that you wish to share with beginning Practitioners at 3CMM.

Think about your Letters to Golanv…. now think back to when you began your Circle before that. What do you wish you knew in your personal practices? What Magick or Medicine Work will help to propel any Practitioner forward into their own power? How about a Healing or Protection Spell? Techniques?

The Lesson must consist of at least TWO photos relative to what is being shared and must be no less than FOUR PARAGRAPHS long. This condition may be met through written or oral (video) communication with Practitioners. We are able to host short videos.

A minimum of one evaluation question must be asked to complete this task. It may be a thought provoking question that relates to the material presented OR a specific question where the answer is to be discovered in the material provided. This will be an answer that will be returned to you via email for response, feedback, etc. Please cover 3CMM as the Practitioner’s from Wahya Circle, First Degree will receive Submission points for this answer. For fairness, please state a “due date” in your Lesson to be followed. We ask that you give Practitioners the MAXIMUM of one week to respond to your Lesson, but it can be as short as a two day turn around too. We will deduct the standard daily points for Late Submissions.



This Lesson is part of your final Work for Leadership Training for Three Circles Medicine & Magick™.

Completion of this submission with high marks not only gives you your fourth and final piece to your receipt of the coveted Heka Certificate of Completion™, it also allows you to receive the “Seal of Excellence for Teaching Magick & Medicine” from an esteemed award that is sponsored by a partnership between National Black Hat Society™ and Three Circles Magick & Medicine™.


Tuesday Y23

General - Journal - Book of Shadows
(Due by Sunday)

Guidelines are stated above.

Three Circles Medicine & Magick
Please utilize the above email link
to receive full Submission credit.

Lessons are subject to change without notification to Practitioners.
Late Submissions receive no credit without prior approval.