Wahya Circle
Tuesday Techniques, Travel & Tarot


We are going to spend a few Tuesdays  continuing to study “tarot” as a form of divination. It is one of the most common forms of divination in the world. “Tarot”, or divining by cards, has been around for hundreds of years in its current form, and for thousands as a “card” (tablet/papyrus) form of divination. Some are even trying to bridge the gap of time between the Ancient and the Modern as many Practitioners of Modern Time KNOW that Practitioners of Ancient times divined in ways similar to what is continued to this day.

There is hope with today’s Spirit as we are being allowed to study more and more archeologically, that the doors of practices from times past will begin to open even further.  


Divination 101
Seven - 7 - VII

Minor Arcana

For most, ‘sevens’ represent  challenges and obstacles that must be overcome in order to achieve aims or goals. After the stabilizing time spent in the Six, the Universe has decided that more is now required of the individual Suits before they grow lazy or lack lustre about finishing their Journey of Life. Many slow down, or fall back asleep as Awakened individuals across the species. No two Paths are the same, so no two individuals place the same values on everything to expand What Is across Time, Space and Dimensions. But. that’s a story for Third Degree!


Pentacles - Physical

channeled by Red Spirit

The Seven of Pentacles is most certainly “Self Reflective”. Some who gaze upon the art of the card, “see” a face reflecting back to The Gardener, or “you”, The Creatrix. Whatever you call “your Self”. Self reflection. Sometimes after reflecting, and absorbing the energy from the choices we make. … we begin “wishing” or casting energy of “regret” into the Universe. And we all know for every ACTION there is an “equal and opposite” reaction. Right? Wishing occur from a regret had, like, “losing XYQ”, whatever that is to you. “Wishing” occurs when we Consciously Accept, or don’t, that Action that resulted to something specific in our past that gnaws at us each, Consciously or UnConsciously.

It is deep energetic ownership of Free Willed choices from Past, or Conscientiously of the Future . SELF. REFLECTION

Taking a real break. Unplugging personal energy from receiving outside input, i.e., phones, computers, tvs, and other external input that is not directly Experienced. SELF. CARE.

Opportunity thru network. Our direct “face to face” communication skills have suffered in the Western Hemisphere. No two Paths are the same, but do not let “negative” energy Emotion be the reason you do not help someone on theirs as a kind gesture to move Consciousness forward. It is okay to be “a little uncomfortable” … but only for a moment. We cannot be afraid to say to ANYONE when that moment is.

Counting chickens before they hatch. Watched pot never boils. (Sayings that come to mind.)

The Pentacles, after their loss and deprivation, will often have the challenge of GRACIOUSLY getting back on their feet and deciding what to do next. Through introspection and reassessment their challenge is not to let failure have a chance to catch them again as they LEARN FROM MISTAKES.

Pentacles: Disks: Coins. Female Energy. Earth. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Physical. Material.
Other meanings and impressions: External reality. Easily seen. Manifestation. Organized. Practical. Material possessions come easily, but not always easy to hold on to. Help is coming, again, hold on to the position you are in safely and for self benefit until it arrives. Person is a political news junky, which can stress some unnecessarily. This person likes to travel – or did – or would like to. Opportunity: given and taken. Good money management. Increase. Need to be grounded or is. Desire to build. Spirit. New job, house, project, etc.


Cups - Emotional

Allow Spirit to reveal to you which way this card in going. Also look at surrounding cards. This card can go in many directions. What is in front of you. Choices, of which only one can be selected. Opportunity in clouds/astral plane. Ready to pull into physical plane and manifest. Is everything an opportunity? Cup with symbol. Is there a price to be paid? Keep in relevance to surrounding cards. Skeleton cup, victory, poison? Castle in the sky thinking. Too good to be true? Come out of the shadows?

The Cups often appear after personal trauma and heartbreak. It is a signal to seek refuge and sanctuary but now realize that change is needed once again and with that brings emotional fear and confusion. They must go deep within to find answers and guidance. The challenge is to face themselves.

Cups: Chalices. Water. Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer. Feminine Energy. Feelings. Emotion. Healing. Wisdom. Can trust this person. Loving family. Inner peace. Synchronous event. This is your time. Embrace intuition. Abundance. Intense relationship. Primal force. Pure spiritual love. A spiritual Path. Do not lock away emotion.


Swords - Thought, Mental

The Seven of Swords quietly moves away from situations, good - bad - indifferent, based on their Thoughts. Someone, something or the Universe is moving things out of one’s life that do not serve to the Highest Benefit. It could be energy, a personality, a relationship, an employment, anything that no longer serves or needs to move for Change to occur.

Careful what you put into writing or speech as those have the energy of Focus. The Swords will also often show up after been psychologically overwhelmed and beaten down. We are wise to move beyond that.  They need to sharpen and start using their brilliant minds to adapt to whatever is thrown at them instead of letting it knock them down each time, or cheating to get ahead.

Swords: Scepters: Air (sometimes Fire). Aquarius, Libra, Gemini. Male energy. Obstacles. Self issues. Clarity. Mental attitudes regarding question: intellect; origimality; creative thinker, expanded consciousness. Can see through deception. Changing mind. Authority. Pursuit of truth. Philosophies of various Paths. Possibility of quarrel. (usually own mind) Out with the old.


Wands - Spirit, Transmutation, Change

Taking a stand for one’s Highest Benefit. Determination to stay the course.

Wands. Rods. Staves. Diamonds. Male Energy. Fire (OR Air). Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Self-realization, Awakening Truth, possessing male energy, high energy, creative process, business affairs, social aspects, Spirit, community, personal past.  Insight, authenticity, torch of Life Force within, optimism, community, ready to burn away obstacles/hindrances. Spontaneity. New project, successful. ACTION ORIENTED. Pure, raw, focused energy. Person is READY, NO MATTER WHAT IS AT HAND.

Look at the other cards in the spread for deeper meaning.


The Chariot VII
Also known as Explorer, Charioteer, Helios and Transportation.

The Chariot  represents overcoming obstacles through determination, focus and willpower.When this card shows up in your spread, you will be feeling motivated, ambitious and in control. Now is a time to go for what you really want. The Chariot is not without its challenges, there may be many obstacles in your path but if you stay focused, keep your composure and are confident in your abilities, you will be successful! It can also represent travel (usually involving driving) as The Chariot is after all a mode of transport. 

The Chariot can also indicate that you may be acting defensively or aggressively to hide that you are feeling emotionally vulnerable. You may feel like you are in a battle at the moment. Don’t worry, if you maintain your focus, you will be successful! The Chariot is also an indicator of success in sports or competitions. The Chariot represents finding the balance between the heart and mind. Put any worries aside and maintain your focus.  

CANCER - June 21- July 22. Victory. Ambition, Progression,  Non-Movement. Desires. Control. Courage. Finding your stride. Rescue. Stuck in current situation with a choice to make. Illusion, do not be confused by what is before you, STAY FOCUSED.

As always, it is best to have the card you are studying lying before you. It also helps to compare it to other decks to see what the artists may have taken away or added.

The Tower XVI
Lightening strike in dark: Sudden, quick, powerful.
Crown being blown off: destruction of Ego. Have you done your Ego Work lately? Ego is not in check. Difficult to see others.

This person has reached the point to move away from Ego, may need to humble Self and be in service to others for the good of the whole versus the part. Reduce entitlement. May have a wake up call. “False .concept”

Like it or not, movement will occur. Suddenly.

In the Marseille deck, it is during the day. Sun slayer touches tower to move crown. Building is simply on the ground. Two male figures. One falling out of door. Other? Out of scale = illusion. Snowballs/stones/hail? Look at the card. Do you see the elements listed below?

Smoke: Some decks show sea beating against mountain which can indicate the erosion of “belief system”.

Flames: “thoughts” being blown away. Beliefs, false, have caused the individual to build on volatile ground.

Take note of the degeneration of the material world around you. You have to ask, is it willingly or is it the Will of another. Baneful thought towards situation at hand. Not destructive, but changing.

Study nature within Self.  “Lightening strike awakens out of nowhere … awakens one out of self.” Sudden change to new beginning or learning.

Fears become strengths.

Tarot Seeing

Take a card, any card. It could be your card of the day, or it could be a specific question, “what do I need to see/know”?
Write about what you see on the card you turn over. First in your Mind’s Eye as soon as you pull it. FIRST THOUGHT. Then look at the elements with your Eyes of Matter. Write about the symbols. The feelings. What was your FIRST impression? How does it pertain to your day today? It takes time, but the cards, via your Divinity, will begin speaking to you through your Mind’s Eye the more you utilize them as a tool.

Tuesday WD3

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


”What do I need to know, RIGHT NOW.”

SUBMIT ALSO: Book definition of card. Deck used. ONE PHOTO of card.

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