Wahya Circle
Tuesday Techniques

Beginning Perspectives
Hurt and Heal 1

This month will be spent reading through the offerings of several Practitioners who have opened their Books of Shadows to you. Some may even share their personal experiences with you for the Works at hand. It is expected that you will take notes as needed in your own BoS and not distribute any private Works that may be seen.

January will be spent on the subject of hurting or healing others. As animals, we are capable of both, whether we consciously acknowledge this probability or not. You are expected to do neither at All Paths Magick School. If you choose to practice either, it is ultimately your decision to do so as we fully support Free Will.

(The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Three Circles Medicine™].

Ethics in Magick 101
Choosing Sides

Some Practitioners agree that there is an often growing divide amongst the Practitioners of all Medicine or Magick. Energy that is neither black nor white, but is often perceived as “black or white” seems to be at the root of much discussion. When an argument or belligerence towards finding a solution prevails, it is usually a personal perception that is being severed and marked by the the lines drawn by human Ego. As many of us understand it, Magick is the energy of the Universe and All That Is. It only requires our ability to work with it for a disciplined Practitioner to see Positive Results. With that said, we all know there are some Practitioners who only embrace the “light” or “healing” Arts. Or, there are Practitioners who only embrace the “dark” or “hexing” Arts.  The expression "a witch that can't hex, can't heal" is often doled out as a band-aid counterpoint to sayings like "harm none." Most times we are finding that these phrases are parroted in countless groups across the spectrum. But do we truly know what we are saying? Do we know the origin of the words we are speaking and their meanings? We are wise to ask ourselves if the person that stated these phrases knows tenets like, “no two Paths are the same” or where they stand with their own personal Shadow or Ego Work.

Practitioners who will only work via "keeping karma clean" is willfully choosing to do so regardless of how they are being Divinely guided. They may never know what other Experiences were meant to be had when they ignore painful change and stagnate in their standings of life. Yes, it is a form of “restricted Magick”, but that restriction is hopefully of their choosing and not a false teaching or unfounded fear of outcome from dogmatic beliefs.  If someone says “I don’t practice baneful magick”, it is advised that they truly understand the “why” behind the restriction they are choosing, and what their motivation may stem from. Are they being sincere, or True to Self? Do they understand that “banishing bad habits” is not baneful?

For most Practitioners, currently, Magick and Medicine have no line or “color” as some prefer to say. Most seasoned Practitioner do not believe there is a risk of some unforeseen “Cosmic Law” that will reign down upon you for banishing, binding, cursing, hexing, or any other Arcane Art one chooses to partake in. Not EXACTLY anyway. The caveat to ALL of this working with Universal Energy is being TRUE in your Heart and with Intent and again, understanding the collateral damage of energies send forth.

Person A Hexed without regard, and without stating SPECIFIC Intent to the Universe. It was a “Hex to Harm” Working they had done, with a Focus of only “hurt” and “hate” in their Being. It worked in their favor in that the Person Hexed was harmed and no longer around them, but they became disabled, lost their job and their children were taken from them. Now, what do you think the children had to do with Person A’s emotional reaction of Hexing to Harm? There is no “guarantee” that Person As Hex to Harm was not the cause, but there is not a “guarantee” it is not either. Accepting collateral damage can be a heavy affair.

Another thing to consider is if we were asked for one SPECIFIC correspondence by a Deity that we are working with. That correspondence asked for is one that is considered “baneful'“ and we gave another “not baneful”. Was it comparable? Was it imbued with its task to stand in? Take for example Nightshade. That is an important Plant Ally on some Paths. Exchanging correspondences in this way can sometimes cause ineffectual Work to occur as well. If you are going to choose a SPECIFIC PATH then there are SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS. But, if you are a “general follower” of something, in time you will know what that thing needs or requests of you. It is up to you to learn and grow in that Spiritual relationship.

Magick is giving though. If you ask for permission to use “pine” instead of “sage”, as long it is serving the same purpose or Intent in the Work, your Intent will be matched with the desired outcome.

An example we often give Practitioners to help them understand “Collateral Damage” as mentioned above, this is another example:

Practitioner: “I only want to scare them. I don’t want anything to happen to them, I just want them to be quiet and leave me alone.”
Friend: “Okay. We will make a simple Freezer Spell and that should work. There is a really good spell on PinNet that looks strong.”
Practitioner: “Okay. I will add their name in the correct place to give the spell a target.”
Friend: “Sounds good.”

Spell was cast and time has passed.

Practitioner: “It’s only been two weeks and they’re coming back around.”
Friend: “Yeah, I noticed that too.”

In reality, a “freezer spell” is not a permanent fix for a situation such as theirs. It is more often used to slow someone or something down in time, for the sender to move or secure an item, a warrant, etc. To RID yourself of someone, Fire is a much better Element to approach than Water. Not to mention, those Practitioner kept the negative energy from their target IN THEIR FREEZER WITH THEIR FOOD. Every time they ingested something from the icebox, they were ingesting the target. THAT was the strongest hold ever had on the Practitioner. But, they did not look and did not learn about the many aspects of  “Collateral Damage”, much less what could happen with “Unintended Consequences”.

Many Practitioners take the word “hex” to mean something along the lines of “baneful witchery”.  It is actually an American English misunderstanding of a Germanic word -- “hexen”, or “witchcraft” in general, that has been misused and mislabeled in the United States for a very long time under dogmatic oppression. Much as the word “dutch” (dUH) and “deutch” (dOY) have been misused and misunderstood. (We blame Ego and World Wars most times.) There are two different words, but, not understood as such in English. Regardless, understanding the word “hex” as something separate from “hexen” is very similar to trying to separate “witch” from “witchcraft” in English. It does not linguistically work.

As stated above, "a witch that can't hex, can't heal" an often overused response to "harm none". We as Practitioners seem to forget that little caveat about Self when it comes to “harming none.” Harming none, includes the one with the Intent. The Universe is Balance and seeks balance. If that means killing off millions of animals – humans included in that species list – or plants, She will. It is audacious to think the Universe is “only Light”. 

One does not negate the other, nor is one more “right” or “correct” than the other. It COULD be “more correct” depending on what one seeks on one’s own Path. However, it continues to be a Self-limiting thought with that choice. But, one is NEVER more “right” than the other. #FreeWill and “no two Paths are the same.”

Those who THINK they are more right than other Beings sometimes do not FEEL Spirit or Ego and its effects fully around them. They may not be Awake to Spirit, or they may be what is considered a Deep Sleeper. They may actually have unresolved Shadow Work or Familial Work to do. The deeper into the Arts one goes, the less one feels any “justification” from another person is needed for what they practice or what action they take. One only needs to be “correct” or act in a way “most beneficial” to themselves and/or the energies they are choosing to align themselves or Working with.

Related to this is the "Threefold Law" which implies that any magickal action will come back to a Practitioner three primary ways.
Mental, physical, and/or emotional.
Both of these are extensions of the western interpretation of karma. Karma has nothing to do with either statement. It is a thing constructed in its own dogmatic quagmires and spans across all Time. Some even feel the misunderstanding stems from fear mongering. It is quite complex and we will often find Practitioners of its Path do not fully understand its function either, just as Christians don’t read their Bible and some Satanists do not know the Seven Tenets.

You get out what you put in.

Karma has to do with the operations and functions of the Universe, this plane, this Time. Once we wrap our head around one plane, THEN we can evolve have sight of a ten-fold plane, or a multiverse as science is screaming towards. (That is where we are with it in theory right now.) It also carries through more than one lifetime, not just minutes, although the Universe can ALWAYS act on Instant Karma. Then additional Shadow  Work plays in as does Community and Global Work. See how quickly this becomes deep?

“Threefold” simply equivocates to Newton’s Third Law, a law of conservation for energy, states that energy of an “equal and opposite reaction” can come back to one who, or what, initiated the energy of Intent. This can be done in one of THREE ways for this physical plane typically. In Matter, many feel that we can reap the energy back via mind or body most readily in Matter. More often it is in the Thinking or Feeling departments such as having depression, anger, emotional disturbances. etc. But let us also remember Spirit, depending on your level of practices. Three Fold Laws of energetic conservation effect the first there Monads of Matter more than others currently. Physical. Emotional. Thought.

Furthermore, if we ask someone else to do the Craft for us, it still comes back to US, the individual the Work is for. It is anchored TO YOU. But, this is all if you do not know fully how to pluck the strings on Destiny, trade with Fate, or any other Matter. There are ways to do EVERYTHING. These other ways can be learned as we advance in our personal practices and empower Self.

We will close with the fact that many “specific” Paths ask us to walk a line.

However, the hardest line to walk is your own. There is something different on every Path we look at. We just have to make sure that we mind the Store – always, and that ‘victors’ don’t have the opportunity to write history any longer as they see fit.

Find YOUR Truth and know YOUR SELF and your personal Magick and Medicine. Learn to flow well in this Universe, no matter how you cast it.
#Sovereignty #Boundaries #Empowerment


Tuesday W11

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Please take a moment to review the passage above.
Each Circle will review this each year and submit a Journal entry.

”How has my Path changed/evolved/grown/expanded since I began walking it,
versus how has it since studying with 3CMM?”



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