Golanv Circle
Tuesday Travels

Intermediate Energy Work
Beginning Soul Retrieval
by Reverend Richoz, RN


We are going to travel through Time with the power of our Memory. If you have been actively working on Shadow and Ego this past year, the technique should not effect you. It is recommended that you cleanse, clear and ground afterward though.

Our sacred, akashic (many different Paths) record, of a Memory -- for me -- is our organic “storage device” of data interpreted from our Life through our various senses, or “data input ports”. (That comes from my Technomancy perspective.) It is the collection of energetic impulses we have interpreted over our Lifetime.

I will speak at a later juncture in Time about “corrupted subroutines” and functions we have in Life that no longer serve us in our Thinking.

Today, you are asked to go to your quiet spot of reflection and meditate, or daydream, into your Memory. You are asked to go back as far as you can, WITHOUT BEING STOPPED BY NEGATIVE FEEDBACK, to the oldest Memory of Joy that you have.

With that said, some of us have trauma/Trauma back there. Some of that Shadow we have been working on came from childhood. For some of us, it is fraught with turmoil. For what it’s worth, the best thing you can learn is Memory does not “hurt” you. You can imagine it playing on a movie screen to change your 3, 2, 1, 0 perspectives. (Remember Geoff’s video from Wahya Circle? Refresher?) Change perspectives if “pain” is your memory.

IF “pain” or “unhappiness” are your primary or First Memories, those will need to heal with some Shadow Work in order to do Full Soul Retrieval. One has to build that good and solid Current Time Memory foundation… or strengthen your Tree, before you can move into deeper practices like those in the Tirds Degree of Yona Circle.

If you are able to go back in Memory, or if you have Healed that part of you, send some love to that “little you” and read on.

Ask yourself: What brought the “little you” Joy before the age of 15… 
Think about it. Great it. Remember it.

Age 10…

or 5?

Can you ‘remember’ even further in your Current Time?

How was this Joy met? Did this Joy cause you to erupt with emotion and smile when you remembered it, or cry with laughter? What could you do RIGHT NOW with that Memory of “little you” to make that moment “perfect”? How could you improve upon that Joy?

THAT is the power of Imagination. And THAT is how you Heal your life in Spirit.

Golanv gives you assistance with Sight. Perception. Vision. Guidance. But, it also hears things and acts accordingly.

This exercise is where you begin in Three Circles Medicine & Magick for YOUR Soul Retrieval.


Memory. Current Memory.

And you start with that First Memory.


Now, I will tell you, the more you sit with this exercise and the more Memory you retrieve, the more complete, and whole your Being will begin to feel. Write this stuff down. Speak it. You can always burn it or erase later if you want. For Healing, Medicine, Magick and other functions, doing this exercise is a good way to empower your Focus, Will, and Intent.  Doing that continuously, or regular if there is a lot of trauma/Trauma to Heal. Further Healing Self, will allow you to begin to move more fluidly through Time, backward or forward. This occurs with Thought FIRST, then with Being for this particular Timeline for me. You may have a different Experience, as “no two Paths are the same.” Again, for me, after working with Current Memory for many years, the Memory I began to retrieve, or “call home”, first was that of tens of thousands of years in the future, after Andromeda and Solar System collide. That is some time away.


I digress.


Your Current Memory.

Let us explore it!

Tuesday GQ3

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Take a moment with the passage above. Sit with it. Mull it over.
Do not simply accept what first memory that pops into your mind.
Search. Call in your Ancestors to help show you.
Call in Guides, Higher Self, whatever your
empowering Source of Search is. FEEL that it is the “correct” memory
for you, not THINK.

When you FEEL it, write about the Experience of that Memory in TWO PARAGRAPHS or more,
answer the questions from the passage above.
If you have trouble traveling back in Memory, please reach out to one of your Mentors.
If you do not have a Mentor or do not recall who yours may be,
please send an email requesting that information.

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