This week has been a week of heavy reading and absorption of concepts that are most likely presented in a new way to you. Use this time to revisit the “Self Coma” and “Deep Sleeper” materials. Recognizing the characteristics of these Cycles will aid you with where to go on your Path, as well as who you can walk with that may have a Lesson for you, or you for them. It also helps you to determine your source types as you develop discernment. Knowing these characteristics can tell you how reliable someone in this Stream of Consciousness may be if you delegate too much responsibility to them. Planning a Ritual for example. Paying an utility. They may “simply forget” to do this delegated task completely or not remember until the very last moment, pulling you back in often as an attempt to you make you “your fault” versus theirs. You then in turn take up their slack. A better way to be is align with reliability those whom you delegate responsibilities. Sometimes this pulls you back in over your head if you do not.
People in these Stream Cycles are not “less” than anyone else, they are not always “awake” or “just waking” in their own Experiences.
Do you see anyone around you who sometimes fits these descriptions? Do you find yourself drifting through this Stream regularly? Why? To what end or purpose?
Sit with that. Explore it. Sip carefully.