Yona Circle
Thursday Thoughts

Advanced Practicum
Monad & Stream IV Analysis

This week too has been a somewhat easier week of reading and hopefully even more absorption and understanding. Use this time to revisit the “Self Coma”, “Deep Sleeper”, “Sleep Walker” and now “Awakened”  materials. Recognizing the characteristics of these Cycles aid us with where to go on our Paths and how to navigate Self with others. It helps us to determine our source types to begin Experiencing all personalities more fully and appreciating their similarities and differences. Knowing these characteristics can also give us clues to things such as how reliable someone in these Streams of Consciousness may be if we delegate too much responsibility to them. A Practitioner in this latest Stream of Consciousness we have studied is quite capable of helping run a Ritual, assisted at first but over time they may succeed at independent Public Ritual. Go slow. Be mindful.

Again, people in these four Stream Cycles are not “less” than anyone else, they are simply “not awake”, “just waking” or “sleep walking” their ways through the Experience of manifested Matter that we call “life”. A select few are actually Awakening or Awakened to their Experiences and have great command of their lives. Once we have “Awakened”, things may change a little more on ones Path than anticipated. TRUST.

Do you see anyone around you who sometimes fits the description of “awakened”?

As previously explained, these earlier Monads and Streams when perceived this way, the concepts do tend to stay with most Practitioners a little more thoroughly:

Remember, there are people who take advantage of other people in every Stream and Monad.. Those who do not know they are being taken advantage of may not be Awake, and do not receive or take heed to all things we share with them. Whether that way is good or bad, this is often where this Experience occurs. Anyone in any Stream or Monad may at any time take advantage of another. Some simply make it easier.

Sit with that. Explore it. Sip carefully.


Thursday Y72

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Please take a few moments with the weeks Lessons.
Think about yourself in this Stream.
Can you recall a time you may have been swimming through?
How about when you look at those around you?
Are they Awake and Aware of their Actions or Inactions?
How about you? Do you know your “why” as to where
you are walking your spiritual Path currently

Please answer the above questions in

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