Wahya Circle
Thursday Thoughts


Beginning Sigil Craft
Symbols - Star

Symbols, signs, sigils, and various other glyphs, are important for most practices with esoteric meaning. We often  use a series of symbols to convey complex ideas in magick. For our beginning symbols we will start with simple ones that span time. These are articles written by Reverend Richoz, RN.

The first symbol you will learn about is the “pent-alpha”, or “5 As”. From which many Universal truths spring, such as “as above, so below”. It is called “the mark of five” to many Practitioners as well. To read more about the star, follow the link below.

Beginning Sigil Craft: The Star: LINK 


Beginning Sigil Craft
Omens - Messages from Spirit - Feathers

Omens come in many forms and are typically from Spirit, or Higher Self, to you personally. It is also believed that sometimes it is from someone who knows us, but we may not know them. Yet, even other people are “superstitious” about these communications. As you grow your personal practices and hone your skills, you will become more adept at interpreting these messages and in time Oracle for those around you.

If you understand our connection to the Universe, to everything, you are not typically “put off” by what you may see – but you may be by the interpretation of the message. Regardless, you understand the message all the same. The most important thing to remember when you interpret a message is what that symbol, or item, or omen, means to you personally, NOT what it means solely to someone else. Weigh their input, but do not interpret strictly through another Practitioner’s Eye.

The message is for YOU if YOU see it as such. If you are with another, it is who saw it first. If you are within a group it is typically for whom it has the most meaning to.

Take for example a cardinal bird. It means nothing to one Practitioner but it may be the birdsong you were taught as a child, and now you are hearing it after your gran’pa passed. Messages have PERSONAL meaning. Try to hear what is being said. If you wish to strengthen communication from what is Divine through omens. Begin to familiarize yourself with as many things around you as possible.

Remaining clean, clear, and curious, what do they mean? Where did they come from? Who or what delivered the message? Etc. The best time to look for these Animal Ally symbols is when asking for guidance from Higher Self, or the Divine, frame your question as such, “if the answer is ‘yes’, may the next bird I see be blue.” Then, the next BLUE BIRD you see is your answer. It could fly by. It could be on a store shelf. It could be at the bottom of your plate. Be mindful.

To compliment this story is an additional LINK and an article about “Feathers”. In it you will find the meanings of several types of feathers that can fall before your or be found on your daily trek.

Beginning Sigil Craft: FEATHERS (LINK)


Beginning Practicum

Typically, most Practitioners wear whatever they want to wear for whatever function they want. However, there are times where garb, or clothing or dress, especially of a distinctive or special kind, is needed. For example: "the black robe of the Satanic Temple is needed for this Rite." Or, “we must dress formal for Wiccaning”.

We bring up robes because many Practitioners use robes as “Keys” to their practice. In other words, when they don their robe, their Higher Self knows they are going into a meditative state. This can go for any article of clothing but most Practitioners of Arcane Art utilize the robe. Another aspect of garb to consider is “color”.

Laurie Cabot and the Practitioners of Cabot – Kent Temple, utilize color for meditation and Rite quite often. When you follow a specific Path, you wear the garb of that Path, or color. If not, you wear the color Intented for your magickal purpose. For example, Phyllis Curott, a Practitioner of the Temple Ara will don the color red to honor the Element Fire. (You can do things such as this too when you are doing a specific work to honor who or what you are working with.)

Another example are tribesmen. Many tribesmen will wear red for war. The color gold, to draw the Sun’s power, etc. There is much to consider when dressing yourself when it is for a magickal purpose. Various other ritual garb include:

Tabard: a sleeveless jerkin consisting only of front and back pieces with a hole for the head.

"The Priestess with her pale blue nylon tabard on means she is doing a Sea Rite."

Stole: A strip of fabric used often as an ecclesiastical vestment, worn over the shoulders and hanging down to the knee or below.

“The Buddhist Priest’s stole was a silken white over his shoulders.”


At times, robes are worn within societies to indicate rank or status. These are called “state robes”. Another item to consider are pieces of jewelry. These also may be “Keys” for Practitioners. Masonic and Hermetic Practitioners wear rings specific to their status for example.

At Three Circles Medicine & Magick, we do not currently pursue such “required” garb outside of an Honors Cord at graduation. We only want you, the Practitioner to be who you are and happy with your Being.  If what you do brings you Joy, it is not our place to tell you that how you chose to cover your body is “wrong”. Do what feels natural to you, your highest benefit.


Thursday WQ2

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


Please choose one of the following questions to answer in ONE PARAGRAPH or more.

1 Have you explored Sigil Craft before? What are your thoughts? How do you feel doing it?


2 Do you wear specific garb when you practice? Is it at specific times, all the time, or never? What are your thoughts and feelings on the matter?

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Have you met with your Partner?

When do you plan to perform your Work?

What details have you shared with your Partner regarding the Work?