Wahya Circle
Thursday Thoughts


Beginning Psychic Work
Psychic Strengthening

Today is our first magickal exercise that is designed to engage both the left and right sides of the brain SIMULTANEOUSLY. It is simple to set up and do, although there are variants that can be added that are extremely challenging if you need to raise the bar of expectation in your practices.

You will need a piece of paper and something to write with.

To begin, draw a line dividing the paper into two halves, a “top” and a “bottom”.

Then, draw 18 RANDOM dots/marks IN EACH HALF. 18 inside the top and 18 inside the bottom.

You can create four of these on a standard 8”x11" sheet of paper with two on each side in order to practice with this exercise.

Next, randomly label these dots/marks using the numbers from 1-18 and letters from A to R.  (9 + 9 = 18) (Which is still nine numerology, we will talk about that later!)

Following an order starting with 1, draw a line connecting these marks.

Draw a line from 1 to A, A to 2, 2 to B, and so on, until you have connected all 18 marks. 

For the additional challenge, you can draw additional lines (maybe in different colors if you have them available) following the order of something such as letters of words, or a different order than the given one. For example, spelling “P R A C T I C E S” and connecting the order of spelling as P = 1 (letter one), R = 2 (letter two), and so on.


For something even more challenging, and something that takes great practice to do, VISUALIZE doing the challenge instead of working this exercise on paper if you are at this stage in your practice. SEE YOURSELF drawing the lines, connecting the dots.

Yes, you can start with fewer and lower numbers if you are going to begin strength training your Minds Eye. You can try something simple like 10 labeled points, 1-5 and A-E if you having a difficult time with using 18. Do what feels correct for you, but CHALLENGE your brain to improve Focus as it is directly related to how you can project your Intent in Spellwork.

If you stay with Three Circles Medicine™ you will see this again, utilized in a different way!


Magickal Partner

Why do Magickal Partnerships work?

Because the Practitioners respect each other’s Practices. And that is the critical piece. If we respect other Paths, we do not need to like nor identify with them in order to have a successful Crafting relationship with or around them. It can even be a benefit.

Here is why it can make for stronger Medicine and Magick…

we EACH walk different Paths as Practitioners. No two Paths are the same and many Practitioners find that observation alone quite empowering.

Each Practice is different so it attracts different energies.

When our Paths and our Practices are similar, both Practitioners will focus on the same, or similar, Magicks, Medicine, Rites, Rituals, tools, methods, etc. They tend to see the same side of every Petition.

While this makes for easy pleasantries and warm and fuzzy feelings of Magick, it can sometimes cause you to miss things--big things in your Workings.

A partner, whose viewpoint is different from ours will often see things we cannot.

That alone can be a powerful resource for us, especially if we have done the Work before and it has not manifested. They will see areas that we may be falling short. Maybe we were going through a stressful court case, or family death and could not exert the needed energies.

In turn, we can see areas where they are weak as well. Do not judge, offer insight. (NOT OPINION, UNLESS IT IS ASKED FOR.) We often can see different strengths as this is beneficial trait to share in Medicine and Magick. Empower others, asn they will empower us.

When stating these observations, state them with neutrality. Do not start with “I”. Instead, try “have you ever considered pepper instead of salt?” Something neutral. Open ended. Non-confrontational.

Do NOT be distracted by the social lures of human nature.

It is not wise to stop working on a Medicinal or Magickal project to plan our weekend activities, take on an irrelevant spell or talk about “how xyz is doing” in Hollywood is or who is on the French Riviera. Frankly, we do not know where this other Practitioner stands with xyz at all times.

Instead, our relationship is strongest when it is built around the Magick and Medicine ONLY.

It is easier to terminate a Magickal relationship than it is in the mundane.

Numerous people desperately want to leave the family indoctrinated ways – no matter what they are --, or no longer want to work magick with their Coven, but cannot end or change it because they are terrified of damaging the relationships with family or, with the Coven as they have “become friends”. Practitioners speak about Covens they did leave that had Practitioners who could not “rise to the occasion” and make strong magick together. “Someone” would draw the energy (attention) to themselves dropping tools, forgetting to bring the words or simply not doing the Work that the group, or you, expected of them.  

All in all, we did not escape ouR toxic environments if we enter, OR continue to another one, Magick or Mundane. Toxicity can be found EVERYWHERE.


Correspondences 101
Element Earth

Because we, humans, are Earth creatures, Earth is one of the most mischievous Elements next to Water for us. It is almost as if we have “fogotten” how to interact with the energetic relatives. Sure, Air can make things go missing too, but many Practitioners do not allow the Fae into their homes.

Why? Why do some fear these long lost relatives?

Earth manifests as “gnomes” to most Practitioners. A “gnome”, or one of the many names of various lore and dialect, is seemingly a diminutive spirit. Especially so in Renaissance magick and often in alchemy, living underground. They are manifestations of the Earth Element.

(Gnome: Earth; Sylph: Air; Undine: Water; and Salamander: Fire.)

They say that gnomes dwell underground and die there as well. Ancient and often dark, they sometimes appear to wear what some deem “monk robes”. Not “demons”, not “evil priests” or “monks”. This often appears as the “dark spirits” about ones home or property, short in stature. They cannot fully manifest as their primary power is Earth. Sometimes they have a touch of one Element over another – which lends to a temperament  of sorts. This addition of Elemental Energy allows some to become giants in spirit.

They are not “scary” … they are simply not known to all of us. Remember, “fear is the mind killer”.

Element Earth manifests as many different “creatures” of the wood, and has since before humans came. For Natives, it is “Tree People” or “Rock People” as they are the Earth energy.

The word “gnome” in particular comes from the Renaissance Latin word gnomus, which first appears in the works of 16th Century Swiss alchemist Paracelsus. He is perhaps deriving the term from Latin gnomos (itself representing a Greek word γη-νομος, literally "earth-dweller"). Alternatively, some feel that the term may be an original invention of Paracelsus, but the indigenous stories that are tens of thousands of years older say otherwise. And, as you have seen, all of the energies of this plane go back in our human history for millennia.

Correspondences for Element Earth: Witchipedia

Beginning Practicum
Candle Works

There are as many ways of Craft as there are Practitioners. One of the most common ways humankind has practiced is via the candle. To expose you to some new methods or refresh the ones you know, here are three Practitioners we have been working with and watching for several years. They have solid methods for the Path they walk.

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“There is no wrong way.”


Co-Founder of Three Circles Medicine™
nee APMS


Thursday WM3

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


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