Moon Day Magick & Medicine Selenology 101: Central American Moon Watch Knowledge Selenology 101: Moon Triangulation (for) Focused Energy Selenology 101: Psychic Moon Magick: Purple Candle Contemplations 101: Deeper Woods Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows
Tuesday Travels, Techniques & Tarot World Studies 101: Central America - Olmec Tribe Divination 101: Boleomancia - Maize World Studies 101: “Murder Cauldron” - Magick Against Will Contemplations 101: Thoughts on Willed Magick Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows
Wednesday Works Beginning Practicum: Magickal Calendars World History 101: From the Olmec to Maya Divination 101: History Through Art World Studies 101: Mayan Creation Story Contemplations 101: Format Change Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows SUBMISSION: WQ3 WED DIVINATION (Due by Sunday)
Thursday Thoughts Beginning Psychic - Energy Work: Assessment Purposes Beginning Psychic - Energy Work: Assessment One Instructions Contemplations 101: Energy Work Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows SUBMISSION: WQ3 THU PSYCHIC ENERGY WORK ASSESSMENT (Due by Sunday)
Friday – Ijumaa - 星期五 xīng qī wǔ - शुक्रवार Shukrvar - Пятница – Freya’s Day - Venus - Tsungilosdi Involution Friday through Sun Day, NO LESSONS. This time is intended for you to absorb what you have learned and incorporate any new knowledge into practice. Lessons are subject to change without notice.