Yona Circle
Moon Day
Magick & Medicine

Advanced Practicum
Monad Six Concepts, Ektoneira
”Sixth Sleep” - “to Review”

For today’s Lesson, pull the following cards and place them before you so each Monadal characteristic is conveyed.

As we study each card that is presented with its concept, we continue to develop our own perspectives and personal notes of reference related to those around us. (You may wish to go back to each Monad and write your own personal perspectives of what you see and recognized in your own Experiences. This is a part of Reality Mapping too.)

Sixth Monad - Pentacles ♦

In the Sixth Monad, we Appreciate. 


When we reach our Sixth Sleep, or Ektoneira, we learn to appreciate all this is around us in our Experience of Life.  We have learned the value of those things we find amongst the first three Monads of Matter.  We are grateful for what we physically have.  We are balanced in our Emotions, Healed in Shadow, and no longer held by Unhealthy Ego.  We are well in our Mental state, especially in regards to our surroundings – persons, places and things. 

By the time we reach the ability to fully Appreciate our Experience in Matter for what it is in the Sixth Monad, we are adept in our practices of Matter and have established spirituality.  We work well with Self and Other, in groups or alone.  We have had many Experiences and are quite proficient at walking our Journey with head high and the security of having played that tape all the way out. We do not always know where we are going, but we TRUST SELF and are trusting the Universal process!

We do not question Self so much as we are Intuitively inclined to live our lives. 

Listen.  Can you hear your voice?

The Tarot cards for the Sixth Monad are the Ace of Pentacles through the Ten of Pentacles. These are recognized as the pip cards of the suit Pentacle, Earth or Diamond. Every card within this Monad group, like every other Monad Tarot group, conveys every characteristic of this specific Monad in a broad sense.  When we are studying each card in the light of this Knowledge we can see there are many differences that can be interpreted.  This includes everything from, a detail seen as a slight nuance within a single human characteristic such as hair color to as complex as one’s sexual identity. We judge NONE of it.


As we know, this suit is related to Earth, the physical body and possessions or wealth. Once the Sixth Monad is reached, an individual’s perspectives change quite a bit.  In a spiritual sense, the Sixth Monad individual is grounded, Harmonious, Balanced, Peaceful and non-Judgmental.  Self Work is daily.  Soul Work is regular.  The Sixth Monad individual eats, sleeps and breathes Spirit. They have Reviewed and are ready to Transition from Matter into Spirit. 

They fully understand what the next evolution of being is and embrace the coming of death as a sweet release to transform to a new Experience.  The transition to the 6th monad is a universal human Experience that is unavoidable for all of Matter.  Although we might wish otherwise, this Experience is an undisputed reality of life that nobody escapes alive -- at least not with a body.  We all owe a token to the Ferryman. To help find some solace during this transition, let us take a look at the less balanced or non-harmonious or judgmental of the Sixth Monad. 

If we are to transition in Peace and as our best Conscious Incarnate, Self Work is eminent.  Individuals in this less than desirable place of negativity have to “fix” whatever may be out of Harmony with their past, although there are some who Appreciate the chaos! Again, “no two Paths are the same.”

Examples of being off Balance or out of Harmony with one’s Spirit prior to transition can range in every emotion from Anger to Sadness. But, for the less evolved, being “overly emotional” at death will be expected.

Being overly emotional.  What does that mean?

Place the individual wit this  state of being into different situations.  An over emotional person may enter a business meeting emotionally which causes then to be loud (often perceived as anger or frustration) or they may be perceived as insensitive to the other perspectives within the room.  Consider what shook them from their Tree.  Are they “simply loud” or are they in fear of their transitory Experience of mortality?

We can take multiple individuals with the same over emotion and understand the various ways this emotion shows up, or is manifested, based on where they are in their Consciousness and what Work they have done with Self through their life.  This healthy form of emotional expression grows easily and exponentially with continued Work on Self. 

The fifth Monad studied the Experience of Matter through physical, emotional, mental, into the astral all through the lens of relationships and causes.  They made the decision to utilize this Knowledge and apply it to the world in practical terms.  However, the objective perspective of Pemptoneira (as it is closer to Spirit than Matter) does not always provide enough distance from Spirit to fully understand what Knowledge it holds. Pemptoneira studies from the distance of Spirit. Due to this natural distance, they could not engage to adequately in Matter to utilize the Knowledge they gained through observation. This is where MANY Practitioners stay as they do not expand their Circles of Experience to test the Knowledge they have garnered. Think, “solitary Practitioner”. Think about someone who is in a committed relationship with another who swims in a different stream, say a more physical Stream. This pairing leaves both feeling alone as they each require a different approach to their Experience of Life. Neither the Physical Stream nor Spirit Stream can see one another clearly.

In situations like these, COMMUNICATION and understanding are imperative on both parts. Even in a Manager - Employee situation we see this disconnect. We see it between a human and an animal of another species, each “expects” the other to fully understand.

As enlightened Beings, we simply have not been working on this understanding for very long.

Monad Re-recap
The First Monad seeks to understand patterns.
The Second Monad seeks to apply those understandings.
The Third Monad seeks to develop those into Awareness. Once Aware, we reach the Fourth Monad, we then seek to understand the Experiencing of the patterns in Matter.
The Fifth Monad seeks to analyze and evaluate their Knowledge further. (They are often considered to regularly be in “quiet introspection”.)
The Sixth Monad, Ektoneira, seeks to place the results of this introspective Knowledge into REVIEW in pursuit of a better understanding of the Spirit Self.  

Spirit is “in Review” of its Experience of Matter.

Each Monad is a microcosm of Experiences from the physical aspect onward. As souls move through the Experiences of the Monad, it effected the predecessors through interactions, creating a more and more progressive Experience of existence.

In Ektoneira, we find the subjectivity of Tetroneira and the objectivity of Pemptoneira combined. This is a cosmic perspective and an attempt to achieve Balance. The sixth Monad is a relationship scientist, creating positive relations by improving the patterns, Self Love, Unconditional Love, etc. The sixth Monad is mostly concerned with REVIEW  of those higher vibrating concepts, like Soul Work. Is this working?

The sixth family Soul is Protective, Nurturing, Supportive and Loving. 

Detrimentally, many in this family place their relationships above their own life and needs, to the point of self-sacrifice if they have not developed Self, Healed, Re-Awakened, etc.  The sixth Monad who has spent their Time working on Self enjoys creating a tranquil safe place for those it loves before they transition from Matter.  Others often find it calming to be around them, or in their presence because they are at Peace and are in Harmonious vibration for their transition.


The Sixth Monad person needs to maintain Harmony and Peace during the remainder of their lives to keep Balance. They will fiercely defend it if there is a feeling of it being threatened. While Ektoneira often has expectations on their relationships and can become unhappy when those expectations are unmet, most know how to find Forgiveness, give freely and without judgment.


The developed Ektoneira will also defend their Sovereignty, acting in their highest benefit. The less developed Ektoneira are more apt to blame the situation, or the other Being, than to reassess their own personal expectations and approaches in the situation. There is a lack of accountability. Protectiveness then becomes paranoia and often smothers the very things they love and seek to protect.

Smothering is not protecting.


This Monad is understood to instill Experiences and lessons through the precept of humility vs ability

This Monad family at their deepest level understands the importance of being fully Awake to others’ needs which causes those that are helped by them to also understand they too can give to another in need.  When one individual receives a blessing and shares with another, it causes a lighted long chain reaction of energy so that many are blessed in Time.  It becomes a strong anchor point for many.  Just one sharing makes a meaningful difference for this unbroken chain. This is something that Ektoneira strives for, to create as many beneficial chains before transition as they can.

It is the mission of most to give blessings to others as well as living in gratitude of what has already been received in their lives.  If an individual only receives and almost never gives outwardly, this will cause imbalance energetically within their life.  Experiences and supportive energies flow toward us every day by our design.  In turn we freely emanate or give our Experiences and supportive energies outwardly to others, completing this unbroken chain.

Let us also consider another cycle, knowledge received then knowledge applied produces more KnowledgeIf meaningful knowledge is received and is not applied it is meaningless as it dies with the one who holds it.  Another way to say this in positive terms is that all Knowledge is meaningful when applied to one’s life and given away to others.  We can say the same thing about skills or things of Matter, all skills earned or all things received —are meaningful. We have exponential growth when this concept is applied. 

Growth is in the giving. 

Giving blessings to all that is, be it the giving of things, Time, helping relationships or giving Knowledge empowers both the giver and receiver, both grow, both learn.  Reciprocating everything moving forward or backward to gain a strong energy movement, nourishes this Experience of Matter.

This practical Monad family is excellent in making efficient plans that move a goal or project forward and then to its completion in a relatively good time span.  They work well with others that also know how to practically finish a project. These people do not run away from Change. They are able to embrace Change knowing something new always arrives in change. 

For the most part, they are all business, or all about the task at hand.  They seem to convey this by their behavior that they do not have time to play games they want to get to the core of the issue and get the job done.  However, they are not rude about their growth. They are balanced in its pursuit. This family has no problem finding their niche within a larger community.  They like to be a part of the solution. They understand what it means and they see the practical importance of helping humanity.  They see and desire to connect to the global family.  They can take care of themselves and their needs, quite nicely while working with others for a greater good for ALL THINGS.  This Monad family also understands all positive information learned is integrated into the complete community before Knowledge can be both practical and transformative. 

Advanced Practicum
X Path Analysis

You do NOT have to watch this entire video. The gist of the entirety can be gathered in the first half hour. You have until Sunday at midnight to complete this analysis.

Purpose: To glean where one might stand in the Monads of Matter relative to another’s Path is quite revealing for one’s own Path. It can show the amount of Compassion, Empathy, Healing, Forgiveness, and other attributes one may need to work on in Self as we reframe our Thoughts and Feelings as we evolve as beings of Spirit.

The lens you are challenged to hold during this:


If you need to, repeat the objective lense words a few times before you attempt to watch the video or answer the questions below.

You are challenged to fine tune your ear and HEAR THE TRUTH that has been proselytized by certain Paths.
Cleanse. Clear. Ground.
Be fed. Be comfortable. Be rested.
Make stops in the video every few minutes to notate thoughts if need be.
For many Practitioners listening to those of certain Paths raises their ire and brings forth unsettled Shadow.
Please STOP AND GROUND if you Experience this. It is imperative, not today, but to be able to come to a stable place for YOUR PRACTICES. This is especially important for leadership and clergy roles to have the ability to speak with any person, on any Path, without judgement.

To do anything less, to cast judgement, is to be the same as some of those other Paths.

No two Pats are the same.
— three Circles Medicine™

Once you have prepared per your practice, you may begin. (All times are approximate.)

What are your thoughts on what occurred to Julie in early life? What Truth can you hear in regards to the Work done by the Folk Healers of the family?

What do you feel/think about the sole use of “white candle magick” as stated in this passage? What are your feelings on the benefit of White or Black Witches in Craft of the world?

Do you agree/disagree that a portal can be opened inadvertently in Medicine or Magick? What are your feelings on “portals”?

Do you agree/disagree that a Practitioner who is not “right with Self” can divine or prophesy wholly and unbiased for others?

Three Circles Medicine & Magick™ feels that Practitioners sometimes manifest the energy that may not be meant for others. In doing so, energies can manifest that do not benefit them. Do you think that those on the Christian Path are manifesting their own obstacles or “spiritual enemies”? How might they curb this practice?

19: 00
How do you perceive fear and how this Path may be utilizing it?

Do you hear the admission of the use of the Bible for magick? What do those passages describe? (This Knowledge will come in handy when you have a practitioner of certain Paths, or beliefs, come to you asking for reference/guidance as they wish to practice magick with their faith.)

Psalm 23; Psalm 91 – Protection Magick, Cleansing, Spirit Guide, can you align these things with the verses?

END ANALYSIS AT 30 MINUTES FOR 3CMM. (You may finish the video if you desire.)


Moon Day YO2

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Please answer the questions listed with time stamps from the passage above.

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