Yona Circle
Moon Day
Magick & Medicine

Advanced Practicum
Monad Four Concepts, Tetroneira
“Fourth Sleep” - “to develop”

We have arrived at the Fourth Monad story and Stream Cycle. This Monad begins the “spiritual” side of thing, more Spirit than Matter. By this point, we have become very much Aware of Spirit and of our Awareness as a Manifestation into Matter. Some who walk a strong personal spiritual Path begin to regularly see patterns and connections in ALL THINGS. They begin to recognize the “oneness” of What Is… at least for this plane and easily through the first FOUR Dimensions without heavy astral work or lucid dreaming. But, those things do come easier with continued practice.

Have you been practicing your meditative, astral and lucid techniques?
Have you started seeing orbs in your daily life yet

They are there and begin to appear more than ‘something out of the corner of the eye’ manifestations. Practitioners who have walked with 3CMM before, as well as those on other Paths of enlightenment, who are in a consistent and regular rhythm in their personal spiritual practices involving these techniques and many others from Magick and Medicine, do not have any issue moving through their Third Degree at Yona Circle. These concepts are deep but not out of the reach of understanding.

Full Awareness

We are now in strong pursuit of our full Awareness in our evolution as a Manifestation into Matter. At this point in our disciplined Journey of Self discovery, we can typically see where we have been, or have Experienced, and where we are going - or what may come, QUITE CLEARLY. By the time we are immersed into our Fourth Monad or Stream, we are not often “side swiped” or “hit out of the blue” by many things. If any at all. We just “know”. Some of us even scare others with what we “know” or the patterns we have begun to see.

Why does this happen?

Because those in the Fourth, see the previous Monads and Streams well and can see what patterns are being repeated in behaviors of people, plant and animal alike. There are some caveats. We also have to remain IN THE PRESENT, clean, clear and curious of What Is…. and that INCLUDES continued Self discovery.

This is all very contingent upon how much honest and real healing of Self in both Shadow and Ego that has been done though. We also have to begin Soul Retrieval, Healing, and Integration in the Fourth.

Remember your ‘Witches Chairs’? Who do you STILL have sitting in Chairs?

Having a remainder, no matter what it is, can impede the flow into your Fourth. Cannot do it? Don’t beat yourself up, there are PLENTY of other things to work on with Self to heal. Do not be ashamed of seeking professional help to overcome the trauma/Traumas and ‘clean your bathroom’ as we learned to do in Wahya Circle. Remember, we develop and carry trauma, beneficial and non beneficial, with us throughout Time.

To help the concept become clearer, think of it a different way. Think about a “broken bauble” that someone gave you — broken bauble being synonymous with trauma/Trauma here — in third grade, or your graduation from high school, or first child, or whatever event you Experienced. A new trauma has happened to you and you HAVE TO move to an new location. Do you take the ‘broken bauble’ with you again, digging it out of the rubble pile of the current trauma your are leaving? Or, do you heal it, or let it ‘rest in peace’ with the disaster it is now attached to?

(You really have held on to that non-beneficial trauma energy too long to be of service to you outside of specific Knowledge it garnered you. Place it in the “Trauma Knowledge” section of your astral library and let it be the Experience that it was. Write about it. Heal it. Make amends with it. Keeping it may impede you from moving forward in this lifetime on a level deeper than you could ever imagine you would Experience.)

With that being stated, let us return to our notes and thoughts for a quick recapping of the previous Lessons before we move on to the cumulative Fourth Monad and Stream.


Monads of Matter

Having moved through three of the nine Soul families or Monads, three of the seven Stream Cycles and three Tarot card groups, we are ready to see how each Stream works with the other in the Fourth Monad.  This may help to see more patterns around you. Best evidenced learning is with these cards in front of us. It is at our first glance, or thought if we recall the cards, that each component seems to be a separate entity from the others. But, as you study them, they will begin to agree with each other.

Consider each of these three components, Physical, Emotional, Mental, with their card representatives, as a single Golden Thread. (Reverend Richoz has always followed a “Golden Thread”, but if you see Silver, or another color, pay attention to that.) This Golden Thread is woven into one long strong braid.  Each Gold strand on its own is strong and complete, when woven with the others each is still a separate unit forming something new together

This Golden Thread is what connects our Matter to our Spirit.

Soul Families

The Fourth Monad family will be utilized for demonstrating the Soul Family Method. Each Practitioner may then go back and gather the other Soul Families to study in this same way.

If a Study Deck has been purchased, we ask that all cards revealed to this point are out in grouped piles, and that we are near a flat surface to work on. Each stack of cards is the grouping that will represent each Soul Family that is to be studied. The groupings may be ordered in this way until ready to study: (see picture)
Begin with the lowest numbered card and end with the highest.
(Some Practitioners keep these cards together and marked with sticky notes for Stream Cycle studies.)
If the Major Arcana card has a card equivalent, Intuitively decide which order the cards go in. TRUST SELF.

Single line is doubled for photo.

For the Fourth Soul Family, the Monad cards will be the Wands, Ace through Ten and for the Fourth Stream Cycle, The Magician and Strength cards. 

Within the single horizontal line spread the orderof the cards will be Ace of Wands, the Magician (Can be switched per Path) because the numeral 1 is assigned to it as well, two through seven of Wands, eight of Wands, the Strength card which numeral eight is assigned, then to nine of Wands and lastly ten.

Again, if you have not purchased the cards, it is beneficial to have something like note cards cut in half and marked with the name of the card it represents. (Remember, you get out of Magick what you put in.)

As we analyze the twelve pictures on the cards from the tarot deck, we recognize that they are chocked full of symbolism.  In light of what we know regarding the Monad and Stream Cycles, we can begin to interpret these cards through this information lens as well, not just for Divination

(As you have recently Experienced in a Lesson, we will not be covering all of the symbolism that is seen. For some, it takes a lifetime to truly understand the story that is symbolically told by the tarot. Symbols will be revealed to you throughout your life as you need to learn them. TRUST SELF.)

Let us begin.

Noticing Patterns

In the doing is where the rest of the information is resting.

When beginning to observe the cards, ask a question of Self. Related or unrelated. Write it down verbatim. This will be our Focus for this exercise and study of the Fourth Stream Cycle. Allow vital illumination to rise from each card as they are looked upon.  Feel each card, physically and with Intuition. Some Practitioners are VERY adept at this. If not, then simply TRUST SELF. EVERY card holds Dark, Light, Shadow, Ego, and every spectrum of energy with All That Is. At first, when looking at each card it will be interpreted in its simplest form from that Knowledge we already hold. Then as we continue to add each card’s energy to our Life Story and Knowing —more life and Knowing will be released to us from the Universe. 

Read the spread like we would read a few paragraphs in a story, following in numerical order for guidance at first.  In the Fourth Soul Family like all families, we are able to see the evolved components of the Soul family clearly through some of these cards. For the Fourth Soul Family see these cards, the Ace of Wands, Magician, Two through Four of Wands, Six of Wands, Eight of Wands, and the Strength card.  Yet remember all cards have ALL components in varying degrees — Light, Ego, Shadow, Dark. 

What do you see?

At the opposite end of the spectrum we see the Five of Wands, Seven, Nine and Ten of Wands depicting a different growth or evolution of the Soul for this specific tarot group, for THIS Fourth Soul Family.  

Do you see it?

The Universe always seeks to balance.
Do you see a balance?


Monad Four, Tetroneira Traits

The Fourth Monad is Tetroneira.  UNHEALED Tetroneiras tend to fall into delusions and fantasies, loosely holding on to everyday life.  They are highly emotional and AT TIMES aggressive. As the Universe would have it, it is the Tetroneira that is found to have the most sensitive feelings of all Spirit manifestations when not adequately grounded or healed properly from traumatic Experiences in life.

These negative reactions can also happen if THEY ARE HEALED but are overwhelmed with a new Experience of life, such as birth or death of someone close to them. (This is WHY regular grounding and clearing is so important if not mostly healed.) The reactions are not often “true to Self” reactions as these individuals WILL eventually apologize to others for hurting them, even trying to make amends or heal the other persons hurt themselves. A settled Tetroneira is highly dependable and extremely accountable for their actions. They see the Golden Thread pattern as it is woven through many aspects of their lives.

Their weakness? Many times, a love/hate relationship is developed with an individual in the Second Monad. But, most time that’s one’s “family of Matter” and it is hard to keep Sovereign and Safe boundaries. This strong attachment shows up often as bitter enemies or resounding affection toward each other.  Extremes.

Do you know of this pairing in your life?
Who do you know who exudes traits from these two Monads and have this relationship?

There are others in the Monads who also develop strong attachments to Tritoneira’s Experience of Life.  Others inately Know that there is “something special” about that person, and attract to them like moths to a flame… them and all their broken baubles. Unhealed and Ungrounded adequately, the Fourth Monad needs to be very vigilant that they do not “mother” nor “smother” those they end up caring for in a deep way.  Acceptance of another’s Path is KEY to keepng these relationships on solid ground.

This Family has the most creativity of all the other Monads.  Write or paint much? Like to dance? Are you musically inclined? People of the Fourth Monad are thought to be directly open to Thought, pure energy, and it moves them. We have many examples of artists who crated great and wonderful things for others to Experience in Matter, but were themselves VERY unhealed and carrying their Broken Baubles from one place to another in their lives.

Can you think of any?

We can. Townes Van Zandt is a sad story. Brilliant musician, a “musicians musician”, much like J.J. Cale but Townes could not give up the bottle. Many feel Van Gogh was brilliant, or Georges Seurat's A Sunday on La Grande Jatte (1884), but there were definitely unhealed aspects to both of their lives. Another great, is the Spirit behind The Great Wave off Kanagawa a woodblock print by Japanese ukiyo-e artist Hokusai, created in late 1831 during the Edo period of Japanese history. Hokusai, for his entire life, would live in a place and paint or create until he was “moved” to leave the location for another. When moved to do so, he did it …. LEAVING EVERYTHING. Home, furnishings, clothes, family.

All of these are great examples of the Divine Brilliance shining through on an unhealed Spirit. Some are happy, or content, with their station and others know how to take advantage of the Magick that this Experience holds for all of us. Remember The Magician card of the Fourth Monad? David Bowie is a wonderful example of this. Did he have depression on occasions? Of course. But he KNEW there was something more to “it”, “life”, than what most did. We could go on, naming Danny Carey of TOOL and his Magick (and the SECOND largest collection of esoteric books next to Jimmy Page!), or we could go into authors, or actors, or mathematicians, or anyone touched with brilliance from the Divine. Just KNOW that being healed in Self, Sovereign in Self, moves us all towards that Experience.

At the Fourth Monad’s best they strive to enjoy the essence of every relationship.  Whether married or never married, or not partnered with someone until late life, they valued the time of others. At their worst, unhealed and ungrounded, they may be a drama queen, setting up situations so their world is defined through over sensitivity and drama, taking that willing Second Monad person with them. (Think Thelma & Louise. Who do you think could have been which Monad? Have not seen it? You SHOULD.)   The Fourth Monad person can set up situations where most folks choose not to be involved for very long to begin with. Why? Because the actions with Fourth Monad can be physically exhausting, or emotionally draining, for other individuals. Other Monads become exhausted from the drama causing this unevolved individual within this Monad to thrive in the negative loop. of being enabled., by others.

Obviously this occurs more and more if the Fourth Monad Being is not doing their Shadow Work. Evidence of Shadow Work or Ego Work being done is the Fourth Monad, at their best, expressing themselves like no other; passionate and unconditionally loving, evidencing their evolutionary efforts and growth THROUGH THEIR ACTIONS.

Monad Connections, Concepts & Other Traits

To form a connection and understanding of all these Monads, it is imperative to study these from many different angles or perspectives.  Some ways of looking at the Monad can be more complex and harder to attach or map in our minds, but the Monads can be seen as the evolving mindset of the Creatrix, reflected in its creation. They can be seen as successive waves of creation, they can be seen as the inherent and eternal process of creation, and hence “as Above, so Below” as the steps of all things go through in manifestation. 

All of these concepts are true, but are also rather abstract and difficult for most Practitioners to comprehend --let alone feel part of the Monad Experience themselves or in their lives outside of seeing it in others.  But, SEEING SELF is most important in our spiritual evolution. Feeling a part of our Monad is a very important aspect of spiritual development. Some believe it to be especially important in the aspect of Karmic disentanglement. (Another aspect focused on in Soul Work.) It is believed that as these unfold and we disentangle, it requires us to establish a sense of identity beyond the current lifetime and ultimately even beyond the individual Soul. Soul Retrieval takes time and much work, but the individual wholeness gained is a priceless addition to one’s power in Magick and Medicine for all Space, Time, and Divmension.

This Fourth Monad Family seeks to gain the abstract underpinnings of the relationships between ALL things, Plant and Animal alike, to see the Universe for What It Is, a living thing, containing life. They seek to have the ultimate ability to create new methods of accomplishing actions and processes for the installing of their understanding of the physical world into personal practice to benefit all who seek to understand it. (See the Magician? Strength?)

Once Source (what name you call it) manifested and moved the physical world into ACTION through Matter, It desired to have a deeper understanding of the Manifestation into Matter evidenced by the first three Monads of Matter.

Enter the Fourth Monad.

Where the first three approached the world objectively, the Fourth Monad approaches this world subjectively.  Tetroneira looks inward to study and react to external stimuli, which adds richness to their Experience.  (Shadow/Ego can inhibit this next step) The Monads of Matter looked outward for understanding and put into practice what they discovered outside themselves.  How to find water. How to grow food. How to build shelter. etc.

The Fourth Monad begins the Journey inward if one has not already done so. It is highly responsive and often finds itself emotional, having difficulty understanding the concept of cause and effect with Monads of Matter is not grounded. (As stated above.) Things to keep in mind like “collateral damage” in Magick eludes them if Ego is not healed, or at least in check. Only living in this moment for no consideration of anything else but what is being expressed now and NOT playing that tape all the way out is a fault of the Fourth if they do not take care of Self FIRST..

This Soul family has extreme difficulty changing their minds once an opinion is formed.  Ego much? Once an opinion is formed, they hold on to it forever. The unevolved Fourth Monad will be found in varying states of stagnation through holding those non-beneficial grudges and unforgiveness acts of action.  Because of this strong reactive element, Tetroneiran Souls tend to be self-centered in the highest degree when they have not found Forgiveness or Unconditional Love, especially that of Self.  Because of this, It is often hard for them to gain objectivity in many situations due to unfounded or unhealed emotions.  If they can gain objectivity, then their emotional nature gives them a deep understanding of others’ needs. See, that is the easiest difference to spot. This is why it is extremely important for those who see themselves in this cycle of Consciousness that they continually work on Ego and Shadow. NOT continually working on them makes it plain to see the ‘why’ they can get buddy-buddy with someone who may still be ASLEEP. (Second Monad)

The Inter-Monadal Time Period

Many Practitioners and Paths call the time between each Monad the Inter-Monadal Period. When a Monad is completed, many years – or even lifetimes, may go by before the Awareness, or Awakening, into the next Monad occurs. Monads are rarely a non-stop progression from one Monad to the other.  A passage of Time exists in-between where no work is being done on Self in a Monad. This is sometimes difficult for those in the Fourth Monad that are unevolved to witness for others in various Monads, say Two, whether they can plainly see what the other is Experiencing. An individual may be stuck.  Or, they may be resting from a previous trauma.  An internal landscape of peaks and valleys exists throughout life, sometimes with long stretches of plateaus, followed by occasional obstacles that hinder passage. Hence, Soul Work is a HUGE factor with Consciousness Awareness and living on an eternal continuum of Time.

Soul Age and Monads

Practitioners sometimes confuse soul age as it manifests through Monads of Matter which we move through in each manifestation of life. “Old souls”, in particular, rarely manifest at their full soul age until around age 35, or well after the prefrontal cortex matures. But, this is not able to be perceived by many.  Once in a while someone may be able to Intuit at birth and Know that that being has “been here before”. We also know by their memory of previous lives as we have learned of in other Lessons in both Golanv and Wahya Circles. 

These internal shifts in perspective that occur at this “age and stage” leads to some believing that they “have Experienced this before.”  Or, some things “come easy” for them.  As we evolve, when we are not born as Conscious Incarnates, we have to find our Self again. Beginning at the Journey’s Path again, typically around this age.  Most of us are BORN intrinsically Knowing who we are when evolved comfortably in the Fourth Monad.  That Knowing is highly indicative of how much Soul Work was completed during the last incarnation, and also indicates how much Work will continue now. It becomes a drive, a calling, “something keeps knocking” on the door of Spirit.

Do you know how it is yet

Something to be mindful of when swimming through the various Streams of Consciousness and the Monads are misinterpreted “life events”.  This occurs when a memorable life event takes place and is associated mistakenly with a specific Monad, such as a “single spiritual Experience”, or seeing an orb for the first time.  One event does not equal that Monad Experience.  It is a life of that Monad… and that takes a long time.  It also takes something else to occur.

The more we swim into that Stream or Monad, the more events we have and the more we can see what is coming.  There is growth.  “Seeing an orb” rarely changes someone life perspective, but “seeing orbs every day” just might. That is, if they are not already in the Fourth Monad.  Acceptance. Forgiveness.  Unconditional Love. All of these are REAL Experiences to be had and be allowed to have.  TRUST SELF. When that perspective change occurs, THAT is when we know. An example, when one knows they are moving from Monad Two to Three,

I woke up one morning and looked around at everyone who had been partying the night before. Bodies were laying everywhere, presumed to be sleeping off their various intoxications. I thought to myself… where are their kids? Do their families even know they are here? Right then and there, I gathered my things and walked out the front door. I never visited that place nor spoke to those people ever again. I was done with that life.” (Reverend Richoz as a young adult in her Ages and Stages.)

On the surface, the Monads may appear to be the archetypal patterns that we have studied throughout our Lessons, easily applied to just about anyone.  But, in both Magick and Medicine, they are stages of manifested Experience of Spirit in Matter that mark the arc of an entire life Journey — not just individual segments. The Monads are never taken in one sitting, like eating a salad, but spread out over a lifetime of varied Experiences. 

There are rare exceptions to that understanding though when a soul age level is being transitioned during the middle of a manifested life. In that case, the Monads may not coincide with biological age and seem to appear out of order. A strong example of this is the Death Experience or a Traumatic event like a brain injury, or serious burn to ones body.

Bottom line, we know that we are passing a Monad of Matter because our PERSPECTIVES CHANGE as we pass through them to the next and we are able to see the previous one more clearly.  Take for example “forgiveness”.  Many on Mother Earth have made the statement, “I will never forgive them, not even after death.”  That is a hard set up for the next incarnation that they are coming into.   They now have Soul Trauma to work through because they carried it to the next manifestation.  Another example, say one of those accused of “witchcraft” during one of the many trials around the globe, said in their murder, “I will never come into my power again.”  That’s a hard set up for the next incarnation.  WORDS MATTER.  Mindset matters.  It ALL matters somewhere, and to some thing, it matters.

The Fourth Monad is where many currently stop in our collective point of Consciousness expansion.  We, as a species, have thousands of years of Shadow and Ego to work through…. not just ‘this lifetime’.  We are not there yet.  But, until we each as individuals can face what we personally have been through in ONE incarnation, we will NOT move too much further forward as a whole.  Imagine the caterpillar that is to become the butterfly. While it is still in teh caterpillar stage of its incarnation, the head cannot move until the rear end catches up. Where are we going, as we are the caterpillar? To the Tree of Life of course! Together we will climb in and transform into a beautiful butterfly. TOGETHER.


Back to the Cards

As we all know, the tarot may be read in many ways. There are as many ways as there are perspectives. Reading the cards can be Intuitive, as a Divine story line that the Fool moves through Experiencing everything under the sun, looking for every answer.  The tarot may be read through any of these ways:
Ancestors, Plant Allies, Animal Allies, Elements, and the many other ways that can be seen or interpreted in Matter.  As we have been moving through the Soul Monads in pieces, we now ask each Practitioner to look at the Family of Monads in Matter before moving on to the Fourth Monad.

Since the Monad explains every possibility expressed through different Soul families, the tarot naturally does the same, thus a perfect paring of Universal Thought.  It is advised at this point to spend time looking at the cards of the previous Soul Families and determine if you can “see” or Intuit the cycles throughout the collections of cards already mentioned. Look at what cards are placed where numerically. Can you see the balance? Look at how it enhances the “story of creation” on some Paths, the “story of Life” on others.

Remember your question?  
Recall it, or think of it now before you read the last of this passage.

Got it?
What was it?

The Soul Family cards closest to you, the card on top, that’s the answer, or a Key to the answer.
Share what has been shared with you.

Moon Day Y72

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

Please answer according to the passage above.
1. What was your question?
2. What was the answer given?
Submit ONE PHOTO of the card.
Answer our usual tarot draw questions, please.

(INCLUDING ‘book definition’ and personal interpretation.)


Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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Psychic Meditation
Every Moon Day Evening