ahya Circle
Moon Day
Magick & Medicine


Beginning Practicum



noun: invocation

  1. the action of invoking something or someone for assistance or as an authority.

    "the invocation of new disciplines and methodologies"


    Similar: citation

  2. mention

acknowledgment; calling on; appeal to; reference to; allusion to; summoning; bringing; calling;
conjuring (up)

the summoning of a deity or the supernatural.

"his invocation of the ancient mystical powers"

an incantation used to invoke a deity or the supernatural.

We can easily see the meaning of “Invocation” Magickally simply by reading its definition. When looking at this type of Work, it is most beneficial to first look at the two aspects of the Energy that you are calling upon,

Universal and Personal.

Universal is everywhere and in everything on this plane of Matter. It is the Essence, or Energy, of ALL things and is beyond what is considered a “personal” concept. Universal Energy does not have Shadow, or Ego, and is UNCONDITIONAL in all things.

Some ask “why” this energy is so accessible. The short answer, Universal Deity, Universal Divine or Energy, is not driven by emotion, but “balance” or “equilibrium” through Change, the Universal Constant. For example, to seek these concepts mathematically, a molecule will give up an electron to maintain balance. Or, to achieve a covalent bond, a molecule will share an electron. This the Universal concept. The molecule is innately driven to "seek balance”.

”…as Above, so Below…”

As Universal Deity, it is neither masculine nor feminine and this Energy does not require those confines to exist. We individually place that on energies around us as we interpret the input of their energy. We do not reference this energy in “polarizing” terms at 3CMM we perceive it as that individual interpretation.

”No two Paths are the same.”

This Energy includes those polarities but is not defined by the same terms when others Work with it. It can be seen as any degree, or spectrum, of that polarity aspect, it is ONLY your personal perception or reality.

Personal Deity, or Energy, is defined as that aspect of Universal Deity that resonates specifically with you, the individual Practitioner. You do not have to venerate Universal Deity, nor do you “have to” venerate an aspect through Personal Deity. Both exist for you to call upon on as you see fit for YOUR highest benefit in your Life Experiences and Journey. Unless you are following a SPECIFIC Path, you Invoke according to your Intent and Free Will.

Personal Deity corresponds with every Goddess, God, Element, or specific energy that you call upon in your personal practices, both in Magickal and Medicinal workings.

There are NO “right” or “wrong” ways to practice.
NO two Paths are the same.

Selenology 101
Moon Magick

If you have attempted to maintain awareness and pay some much needed attention to Her, you will begin to see Luna’s existence teaching us about ourselves and that all things go through “phases”. We humans are not an exception to that concept. We are somewhat different though, with different reactions than say, our 13 year old Self would have.

Did you notice any mood changes with the moon phases, or the House in which it transited? (The “sign” it was in.)

As we have learned, the Moon and its cycles have played an integral part of Medicine and Magick since we began its practice at the dawn of humankind. We learned to practice not only sympathetic magick, or magick that says “like attracts like”, but we also learned things like how to garden by it, cycle by it, and countless others.

Did you discover any new effects during this 28 day Cycle? An example would be, “I feel silly today”. Looking at the moon phase and what sign it is in, relative to what YOUR “moon sign” is can be very telling. What did you learn?

Beginning Psychic Work
Sound Challenge

We must continue to build our “senses” in our mind’s eye as strong Practitioners. The easiest to start with is sound. To do that, we must expose ourselves to things “not of this world” or “supernatural”.

The challenge for you this week is to take a day or two to watch this 20 minute video located below. As you are guided sonically through our solar system, we want you to imagine the Universal Energy, God, or Goddess we have associated with each planet. Hear their voice as the sound of the planets.

You CAN do this by: seeing it in your Mind’s Eye. Speaking it. Writing it. Or any method that helps you associate what you are hearing with the energy you feel THOUGH SOUND.

When you are given the sound for each planet, imagine the voice of each deity or energy that is associated with it. How it would sound to your ears as that is their planet.

Give “life” to them.

This will help bring the “personifications” of those that are here for us, the Energies that Be, to Life and where we are on this plane so we may perceive them better, empowering our magick and medicine.


The purpose of this exercise is to hone a psychic connection with your hearing, a direct ability of Clairaudience. or perceiving that which is “inaudible”. A sound that you have never heard on Earth before.

Begin to sort uncommon sounds you may be tuning in to during your ecstatic practices such as meditation. Also, sounds that manifest as “ringing in the ears” which are not always a “physical” occurrence.

Moon Day WQ2

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

(Due by Sunday)

For this Submission:
Listen to and watch the video offering above.

1 Choose a planet that appeals to your sense of sound and personal practices.

2 Choose a Deity or Energy that is a correspondence for that planet.

3 Describe how that Deity or Energy may sound with consideration given to that planet’s atmosphere in TWO PARAGRAPHS or more.

Three Circles Medicine
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to receive full Submission credit.