Wahya Circle
Moon Day
Magick & Medicine

Beginning Practicum
Elemental Magick

As we are just walking towards our Elemental Group Craft, we recall that any time is a great time to Invoke the Spirit, no matter the manifestation. For example, when calling upon Element Fire, we are calling on a pyroclastic flow that is dense, fast-moving flow of solidified lava pieces, volcanic ash, and hot gases. It occurs as part of certain volcanic eruptions. A pyroclastic flow is extremely hot, burning anything in its path. It may even move at speeds as quick as 200 m/s.

Now, imagine we are already manifested in the Element of Fire, say one of our “big three” signs are Fire. 

Aries. Leo. Sagittarius. Is that you?

*Big Three: Sun, Moon, Rising —we are giving that extra “oompf” to any Craft we are working on. We are empowering our Work to BURN THROUGH perceived obstacles.

Fire Magick and Medicine has been practiced since it was shared with us and we have gathered around it.  It is believed that Spirit brought the Knowledge with when It merged with Matter to manifest as all things. If we recall also, Nature likes to start big fires. Therefore, it is a very strong Element to work with, as well as it being adept at the Transmutative Property. (It is not only applied to Math) By this meaning, it can help change a “like” into “love” – or a “prospect” into a “hire”, whatever we are trying to achieve, Fire helps achieve it by burning the obstacles away.  Be mindful of what is asked!

For most spells, only a few embers are needed to power it. For others, a blazing bonfire is needed, especially if we are working against the Free Will of another or with a Transmutative Property of “Change” in Self that is needed. Burning this larger blaze is especially effective if we are trying to break a lifelong habit such as addiction or end abuse from another. A candle, or just lighting some incense for a little power can be utilized, all the way to a “fire pit” or large burn bowl for more Element Fire.

Energy matters. How much do you need?

Somewhere along the way, Fire was equivocated to all things connected with the Sexual Mysteries and Sex Magick. Regardless, we have to ask Self, “how bad do I want this?”, or “is this a need, or desire?” Can we see this being used as a colorful euphemism in many societies for “sex”?

Instead of using the words we find commonly in our language, the words we have used through Time have also been assaulted by our insensibility. Use of this word in this way represents libido or sexual prowess, regardless of gender identity. None the less, the power can be harnessed from Element Fire by anyone for everything from Divination to Protection – and it will be strong!

Beginning Practicum
Sea / Water Witch Jar

We do not have to be a “Sea Witch” or “Water Witch” to practice Medicine or Magick with Element Water or anything from the many bodies of water that exist around us. A powerful tool these Practitioners often share with us is the Sea/Water Witch Jar.

To begin, choose a jar of no particular size INTUITIVELY with a tight fitting lid.

Cleanse. Clear. Consecrate. Per your chosen Path.

Go to the body of water closest to you, be it lake, sea, river, even a dry creek bed counts. Once you arrive, Ground and Center per your practice. Please be mindful of other energies with you such as cell phones, family, pets (not Familiars), etc.

Once Grounded, walk along your chosen area safely (not in the dark) for a bit collecting things on the shore. Feeling yourself being guided. Bits of wood. Stone. Breathing. Odds and ends that catch your eye.

After collecting all that you are Intuitively drawn to, find a nice comfortable place on the shore with a reasonable place to sit.

Lay the items out before you.

One by one, pick up each item and say these words: (or some of your choosing)

 “Amulet of the Sea, which I have found,

Imbued with Protective energy, to you it is bound.”

After placing each item with now Imbued energy and words inside your jar, place a handful of sand or dirt into the jar WITH THE ITEMS, leaving room to finish filling the jar with Water from your source. Speaking with it as you do.

Seal the jar with the lid and take the Work home with you.

Once home, dig a hole near your entry door -- large enough to bury the jar.

If you live in an apartment or somewhere you cannot dig, bury it under a potted plant near your entry point.

Before you cover up the jar, say these words, or something similar:

Waves on sand and tides in motion;
You are now a Silent Ocean.

Avert all harm away from me;
Send it out into the sea.

As I Will It, So Will It Be. “

You now have a Protective tool for all — you and those whom you deem so that reside with you in your home primarily. If you Work the spell with the Intent to Protect another, consider burying it on THEIR property or in their potted Plant Ally. (Maybe gift them one with it already completed to keep privacy.)


Witch Tip 101
Astrological Signs

“Remember, the sun sign represents our Ego and motivations (all); the moon governs our emotional nature (all), and the ascendant or rising sign speaks to the energy that we put into the world, our face we show others. Together, these signs offer up a brief blueprint of your Astrological Personality and how you align with the Elements in your Magick and Medicine.”

Moon Day W71

General - Journal - Book of Shadows

(Due by Sunday)

Please take a moment and answer the following questions:

1 For the upcoming Group Element Work, what is the Element for your Sun and Moon signs?

2 What Magick or Medicine can you share with your Element Group about your Work
with the Element

3 What is an Intent that you can present to your Element Group that would be a strong match for your Element? (For example, Water and Emotion.)

Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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