Wahya Circle
Moon Day
Magick & Medicine

Energy Work 101
Chakra Refresher

All the way back in July of last year in Lesson “Wednesday 7 1”, we began work on chakras (or energy points and the energies they connect us to. Did you explore them? If you have been practicing and meditating with regularity, you will have moved through all chakras and can now see each one. Didn’t do it? Why, or why not? A life lesson that comes to most Practitioners of Magick and Medicine over time is that one must “Heal the Healer”…. another is, “if you cannot Heal the Healer, you cannot heal others without taking from Self.” Learning these energy points and which energy flows through which energy point will help you your entire life, not just while waking with Wahya Circle, First Degree.

A bonus in getting to know your energy points and how the Universe flows through you is that you can begin to see if an energy point is blocked as that color associates with and reveals itself to you in time. For some Practitioners, not keeping “clean channels” interferes with all kinds of Magick and Medicine.

For this exercise, you can do this on your own, with your own Magick, Medicine, and meditation. The purpose for this is to Self - Assess.

If you find any blockages as you move through each energy point, describe how you plan to heal the blockages that you find.

If you cannot do this on your own yet, take the quiz below and let us know what your results are. You too must state what you intend to do to heal this chakra, or chakras/energy points. This is a fun Q & A online FOR FREE from Mindful Health. (You can give any name but the email must jive out for it to show you the answers at the end.)

Have fun!

Mindful Health Chakra Quiz
(You DO NOT have to accept any offers!)


Moon Day W13

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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Lessons are subject to change without notification to Practitioners.
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