Golanv Circle
Moon Day
Magick & Medicine

Intermediate Energy Work
Healing the Healer
Personified Chakras

As we come to the end of our walk with Golanv, we are asked to remember that emotions live in our bodies. Even emotions that we are not fully conscious of, suppress, can manifest at night while we sleep. We all know that some Experiences of daily life can get trapped inside. A Key indication that we may need energetic healing is our manifestation of dis-ease, or discomfort that may be simply a sore muscle. But, to us it feels like a strain or sprain, a more serious injury. Other trapped energies can cause a creativity slumber in our minds. Research these days shows that a fully embodied Experience is what really generates fundamental changes in our habitual ways of living, and aids in our healing. 

We will revisit a previous Lesson. Recall back in our September Lessons we worked with ‘personified chakras’. We were asked to go into our meditative states and project our chakras, one by one. as they appeared to us. Do you recall? Please review that Lesson here LINK.

Once that Lesson is reviewed, if there has been regular practice, this will easily be able to move forward with this Lesson. If not, it will plainly show in the Submission that personal practices have not been regular.

For this energetic exercise the purpose will be to guide our thoughts as it pertains to the energies that reside within and around us.  This is to further develop one’s familiarity with their personal energy points as well. WE WILL BE CALLING UPON THE PLANT OR ANIMAL ALLY THAT HAS BEEN ASSISTING YOU TO HEAL. Don’t have one? Again, this was offered in September. Just as before, we are now to be able to ascertain the condition of each of our energetic fields. The more you have practiced, the easier this will be to do.

This is a fairly involved exercise that will require about 45 minutes to an hour of time, provided things are not found in too much disarray. As an Intermediate Practitioner of the Second Degree, it is crucial that we are able to Self Heal sufficiently, especially after extensive Working or a traumatic life Experience.

As before, we are going to relax and go into our meditative states, per our method, or in our practice, whatever that means to you. Bring about Alpha state. Once there, we are going to assess our energy centers, beginning with our Root Chakra. (The more regularly you have worked energetically along this Path, the quicker and easier this exercise becomes.)

As we move through our chakras, take note of the energy with each one. By this point in our work, with regular meditation and cleansing, we should see any issues right away in our mind’s eye. TRUST WHAT YOU SEE. Each chakra should have clarity and crispness with that continued and regular practice, not seem ‘muddy’ or in convoluted states. We see each energy point clearly as it emanates from us. It does not matter if we personify or use light balls or another familiar method. Each chakra energetically appears to you as YOU recognize it in your practice. How it appears to us individually as we are meditating or doing a Self Healing exercise such as this is how it will appear to us when it catches something – other energy, and stops it to Protect you. We then will have to go back and clean and clear that each time.

An example is the Heart Chakra, or energy point. Say this past week has been a very trying time and another person. Maybe something has transpired that requires forgiveness on your part. If we have not TRULY forgiven this person, unconditionally, this energy point will appear ‘ill’ or “muddy” and may not be able to manifest to heal others or aid us in our Craft. We must pay careful attention to ourselves in these matters with others when it comes to our Heart Chakra. Energetic corruption to this chakra, as with any energy point, can cause blockage. We then only think we are doing what is needed to pursue our goals — when in fact we are spinning our wheels and going nowhere. Corruption  to this point of energy can effect our compassion for others and inhibit our healing ability both internally and externally.

Take your time.

7 Chakras to heal: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third-Eye, Crown

Go through each chakra and take note of where things are muddled and where you may need to work this week.

This is a major week of healing. Before the Star Sol’s energy fully returns allows us to FEEL our own energies in more subtle ways. This is most important to remember for our Winter Time Involution. Look within. Heal within.

You will have until Sunday to report back with your findings for each energy point in a Write Up Submission.

Peace of the Heart be with you! May Healing be yours!

Moon Day G14

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


Please take as much time as possible for this final Great Healing with Golanv Circle.
A MINIMUM OF ONE PARAGRAPH is asked for each energy point.
You may include how it appears to you,
as well as what you are doing to maintain or Heal each energy point.

Three Circles Medicine & Magick
Please utilize the above email link
to receive full Submission credit.

Lessons are subject to change without notification to Practitioners.
Late Submissions receive no credit without prior approval.