Moon Day Magick & Medicine

Golanv Circle, Second Degree


Divination 102
Fine Tuning for M, Tu, W

Some of us already have a Practice similar to this. (It may be incorporated as long as it answers the questions asked.) Some of us falter on a very regular basis and lack self discipline to keep it up. Why? The general definition of “self-discipline” in psychology is the ability to do something, even if it is hard. That means, even when “I don’t feel like it”…. I still do the dishes. Now, maybe one is REALLY sick, fever, coughing, … or recovering from surgery, had a fall yesterday, …or maybe even feel a little blue today, but those reasons cannot regularly govern us —- or there is a deeper issue to address.

For this exercise, we are going to put our Self Discipline for choosing this Path of learning to the test. Each day, as we wake or before we slumber, we are going to draw a card from our favorite tarot deck, or from one that simply has been calling to you. For this task, ask your Self one of the following questions at the time of day you choose:

As You Wake

”What do I need to Focus on this day?”
”What is my pearl for this day?”
”What do I need to Know for today?”
or just simply, “For today.”

It is your choice to ask one of these questions or one that may be interpreted as the same or similar when stated.

If drawn AS YOU WAKE, WRITE or JOURNAL — AS YOU WAKE and Submit this BEFORE starting your day. The time stamp of the email will be utilized to determine which of these is being completed at what time.

Before You Slumber

Same questions as above, but this time when drawing the card, your Higher Self will place an image in your mind’s eye relative to the card. Got the image in your mind? You may or may not “see” the instant connection and meaning. If you DO NOT, look at all aspects of the card.

What do you physically see? What would you hear? I sthe wind blowing in the card? Is water rushing by? What are the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual meanings of the card?

If you draw BEFORE YOU SLUMBER, you are asked to WRITE or JOURNAL — BEFORE YOU SLUMBER and Submit this BEFORE your head hits your pillow The time stamp of your email will be utilized to determine which of these you are completing as we all know what you do for a living now. ;-)

Some Things to Remember

Something that I would like to share with each of you, personal practices such as “daily divination” are often what turns others away from this Magickal and Medicinal Knowledge exploration of esoteric Paths. This grwoth tool is shunned.


I don’t have time” is one of the most frequent reasons given for someone giving up on Self and withdrawing from this course. (Of course we understand deaths and illnesses, but those are not “forever”, yet many do not ever return to Self after handling whatever they needed to handle.)

Hundreds have applied. Dozens are accepted. FEW COMPLETE THE WALK.

This is very difficult to hear and MORE SO to Experience. Those who have given up on walking their chosen way for Self, with the personal practices, with the attention to Self, are unhappy to this day as they never returned to growing and empowering Self.


I have kept up with all of them (that I have come to know) and are acquaintances or friends with them to this day. I do not meet “strangers”… I just take my time to know each of you as I can be considered “intimidating” by those who do not understand their OWN power. This too saddens me. Regardless, even those that return, one, two, even three times, never complete their Journey for Self. They give reasons to stop time after time.


SOMETHING TO SHARE - Reverend Richoz, RN, Healer
You have each heard the small quiet voice of Self and listened. Of course we fall down, but getting back up is SO IMPORTANT. (Or, being at peace, TRUE PEACE, with not.) Why am I bringing this up here? Because many Practitioners, many of you, have submitted THE SAME CARD that you have Divined over, and over, again. Why? The simple answer is you are not listening to Self. There is something you are not seeing, hearing, or doing if you keep drawing the Nine of Pentacles over and over again. Look at some other tools that we have as Practitioners to help you figure it out if it eludes you.

Look at your natal chart. Until we address ALL of our current Shadow and Ego issues and begin working on Generational or “time oriented” Shadow, you cannot typically “realign” your current stars so to speak. BUT, if you sincerely heal these things, truly forgive, actually give unconditional love, FEEL the Unverse’s love for you, etc, you are no longer governed by the “Hand of Matter” that you carried with you coming here, or at your time of birth. By Goddess, if it says something like, “you will be surrounded by family“ in your chart … that does not mean it will always be roses for you. There will be trauma/Trauma to work through and growth to be had, as THIS, life, at least in my belief system, is a Learning Experience to be embraced and understood, evolved with and grown from. Not “feared” and “hidden from”.

Take another example, “you will have a modest life and few needs” is written in the “Financial” section of your chart.

(Second House. The second house is one of the two perceived financial houses in the birth chart. Called the “house of money and possessions,” it includes how you make a living, your material possessions, and your spending habits. The latter being most Practitioners biggest downfall. They lack SELF DISCIPLINE and cannot delay gratification… a very difficult task for most Americans.)

Then you will ONLY live modestly until you address your faults, wrongs, Shadow, habits, get an education, take lessons, etc. It does not matter HOW MANY “Abundance Spells” you do. If YOU do not address YOU then YOU cannot grow BEYOND and manifest what you are working for in that Abundance Spell.
So, have you worked on YOU?

To me, this is how the Universe works in my system. It seeks to ALWAYS balance Self, “as above, so below”. ALWAYS. And, that includes inside of each of us as we are a part of it, whatever “it” is for you.

So, this week we are going to seek Truth and Reconciliation for Self.
(Yes, I know about the Canadian day, and —yes, its a battleship cruiser in the Halo universe.)


Moon Day G12

General – Journal – Book of Shadows

Submit written portion + picture of each card for full submission credit.

Deck chosen.
Question chosen.
Card drawn.
Answer interpreted.
Book meaning.
(If you do not have a book for your deck,
an equivalent meaning from the RWS system is acceptable.)

Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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to receive full Submission credit.


Lessons are subject to change without notification to Practitioners.
Late Submissions receive no credit without prior approval.