BHS Prison Outreach
Themis - Goddess of Justice
Fourth Sunday
Beginning Personal Practice
You Found Us!
We are glad you are here.
There are a few things we need to talk about though.
The first, you are loved. You have Unconditional Love within your Self AT ALL TIMES. More on that magick later.
The second, know that we have many who are on this plane to “sacrifice” themselves for others, not just who “Mark” wrote about from that Path’s book, “New Testament” section. Truth be told, many of the Abrahamic faiths show how the forgiveness of “sins” takes place in several of their books. ALL SINS are “forgiven”. But, lest we forget, those of human authority on this plane of Earth save that authority to forgive “sins” for themselves —according to them, either by “Divine Right” or because we gave it to them as our elected official. That INCLUDES some in our judicial system.
Your vote does count. GET. IT. BACK.
Place that as a high priority when you are on the Wardonless/Matronless side of incarceration.
Now, let’s get dirty!
We believe there are victimless crimes and then there are crimes against personal Free Will. Infringement upon the Free Will of another is where the National BHS lens views most of these matters. To be clear, a “victimless” crime is one that all parties consent to and no one is injured. To further that statement, it is only “victimless” if the accountability of the individual participating in the crime does not suffer.
Read that again.
The infringement upon the Free Will of another, the victim, is the other from the aspect of energy that you effect.
When we begin this Journey, we have to ask our Self some hard questions. Do you truly own what you did? Do you, the only one who knows the Truth, accept what you did? Or, maybe you really are innocent. Maybe it was a “wrong place, wrong time” incident. No matter where you stand, we at National BHS believe you are where you are, for a reason. EVEN IF YOU ARE INNOCENT.
Now comes the harder part. Change must come. It is the only Universal Constant. CHANGE. (This is where the “Incarcerated Innocent” come in. Your mission is two-fold. You have your Cycle to Manifest in —as well as lead those lost in their Cycle. Do NOT succumb to the bitterness of the system in which you are now a part of . A diamond is forming inside you and we have faith in your ability to evolve. For those that have infringed upon Free Will, read on, with love.
To balance the interruption of that person’s energy as you infringed upon the Will, you “serve/d Time.”
This is how Divine energy flows through this Universal Cycle. This goes beyond understanding that a law of the land we choose to live in/on was violated. This is the understanding that we came to through our day to day observations of the Cycle. Energy seeks to maintain homeostasis. For example, Water equalizes in Space. Atoms will give up electrons, or share them, to balance. All energies balance Universally. It does this in many directions and many ways. Taking that person’s car of which they spent their life energy on obtaining, caused the Universe to balance back out with you serving Time in exchange for the Life Energy you took. Another example, you murdered that person - infringing upon their Free Will of choosing to live. You thereby are serving Time with your “life energy”. IF this person had wanted to die, had chosen to die by their Free Will, they would have. All “crimes” can be viewed through this lens.
To view it the other way, look at when you have that “stranger” buy your gas or groceries. Their energy is freely given to you. When you DO decide to help your Elder neighbor change their air filter or mow their lawn, you have effected an energy exchange with your Time of experience. To justify these actions in your mind, ask your Self, “what am I doing right now?” Are you benefiting or being your best Self BEFORE you were spreading the Love, the energy, around? Were you working to maintain your homeostasis or were you stagnating and inviting involuntary change into your life? What we do with our Time is how we mold our Experiences. How are you molding yours? How are YOU Manifesting?
We also must understand that Death is as much a part of the Cycle as is Life. Time, Space, Will, and Dimension are all connected too, as a Golden Thread connects it ALL. You cannot throw a rock into the pond without creating ripples. Even when it is seemingly frozen, you mar the ice. Everything you do is energy for change.
Guide yours well.
It is an extremely jagged pill of individually perceived reality to swallow and many do not. They come in to this life and sleep, wake, eat, poop, work. Rinse and repeat. Take Prozac, numb out. Become addicted to food, altering substances such as crack, heroin and alcohol, numb out. Buy useless consumables, numb out. Point their fingers everywhere else… but their Self, numb out. Where are YOU?
Think about it.
Why? Why do we hate accountability so much? Why is our species choosing to NOT listen to that small voice inside? You can give a million and one reasons “why” … but they are not a Truth that cannot be healed from or overcome like diamonds and pearls. Why?
To Further the Journey
If you are not experiencing peace and joy, presume to understand NOTHING. Understanding comes from PRACTICE. Contemplate the above passages. Spend Time with them. Journal or write about them. Then, sip from the Knowledge of Self offered by these humans without judgment. Can you find your pearls of wisdom. What can you hear without opinion? Sit with these as well. Sleep with the contemplations they may bring. Ask your Self, “why do I feel this way about it?”
Misunderstanding Miracles
Carol Howe: The synopsis of this video is: If you cannot grow past the FIRST LESSON… this Journey is going to be difficult. Learning that all around you holds ONLY the value you give it. YOU give that animal/place/thing the power that it has. It, whatever “it” is, …it is only being “it”.
Exploring Shadow
Alan Watts: What is mostly understood from this video is that in the whole scheme of life there has to be Shadow. Without Shadow, there is no substance. No contrast in our reality. Own your traumas, whether they are a “big T or little t.” YOU. CAN. HEAL. Even Golden Shadow can mar change, as it is a beneficial part of your Self you ignore because it displeases others.
If you choose, you can heal. We do admit, it takes Time, but you gotta do the work if you want to Manifest change for your Cycle of Life and Death. Start at the start. It is a difficult task, but you need YOU to do it.
The Bigger Picture
Kanye West: For this one, he stresses that YOU are a free individual, let your consciousness of “what is” show it. Look and listen to all that is around you. While your body is in one place, your mind is in another. Where? Why? Pay attention to the reality that which is outside of you is attempting to sell you and realize where you in fact are. We are ALL born not walking.
Finish LIne
Did you manage to complete all three videos? Did you find a pearl? Now, begin your Journey. Start new. FOR REAL THIS TIME. Stop trying to find a new bottom. You know, and I know, the ultimate bottom is death for our current Cycle. Are you ready for that? Think about it. What has power over you, preventing you from being your BEST self? Fear not, even if death is imminent. You are not alone.
Play the tape out and let’s get started. Let’s get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’.
The only person you deceive with your perceived purpose actions is YOU.
Blessings to you,
Reverend Richoz, RN
P.S. If you follow the Christian Path, this is a good reading of Mark.
(New International Version as read by David Suchet.)
“It is not the healthy that need a doctor.” ~Jesus
“Notice He said, ‘HEALTHY’.” ~ Reverend Richoz, RN