Beginning Sigil Craft: Feather

For thousands of years in Magick & Medicine, Deities have had “bird” minion, partners, pets, sidekicks and the lot. Many Animal Allies and Spirit Guides of Feather come in the form of winged creatures. You find their symbolism everywhere from art to tarot and everywhere in between all across the world.

The first Path we walk with our “winged creatures” in time is in the company of the Element: AIR.

In ancient human it was quite the sight to behold, a creature that could willfully and effortlessly (seemingly) take to the air. Early human began to spin tales of our Air Brethren. These creatures became harbingers of Death, signs of peace and angel presence, to carriers of the souls of the dead. Ancient Romans used them for a form of Divination called Augury. Rulers would ask for a “sign” on major decisions and a “seer” would interpret the birds’ behaviors as a “positive” or “negative” sign.

Folklore became continually filled with them. Their stories developed and omens or messengers from the Gods or angels were heard around the world. Not only was the Element Air seen but a connection between Earth and Sky were made by the blessed creatures.

For many, there is no stronger symbol for Air. They say if you are “gifted” a feather, find one on the ground, make a connection to it. Reflect on it. What were you doing, saying, or thinking when you found it? Can you remember what you were thinking at the EXACT moment you discovered it? Many believe these are messages from Beyond the Veil for someone in the realm of the living. Or, some Paths believe it is from a Spirit, or even from the Fae. Feathers are also symbols of travel. Not just physical travel, but travel with the Mind and Spirit. Other possible meanings for “feather” are:

♦  A sign to be Grateful: Feathers are a reminder to count one’s blessings and be thankful for the good things going on that we may not be acknowledging.

♦  A sign to Elevate: Feathers are a symbol of levity. When seen, they remind us ease up on all the seriousness. Take a breath, relax, enjoy. RISE UP and be kinder to others.

♦  A sign to LISTEN to that Inner Voice: Feathers can be a prod from our Higher Self to LISTEN. They too can be from a God/dess to LISTEN to that bigger voice. You have to ask yourself if you were looking for an answer without asking the question.

♦  A sign of Love: This is often from those Beyond the Veil. There is someone or something that wants to reach out to us. It wants to tell us things are going to work out. OR, they may be telling you to again, RISE UP. Stay above your situation at hand.

 These beloved gifts can also be used as magickal tools, other than to waft your burnings with, the colors themselves can be used in SpellCraft.


Color Correspondences:

Remember, no matter what THESE definitions are, go with your Intuition. It means far more to a Practitioner personally than a commonality amongst others.:

Red – good fortune, passion

Orange - Energy, change and success or creativity

Yellow – success or acknowledgement that you are on the right path

Green – health, healing or prosperity

Blue – a spiritual connection or awakening and inspiration

Purple - personal power and growth. Increase in Spirituality

Pink – love

Black – on occasion, bad luck, death, warning that protection of Self is needed.

Brown – home, hearth, grounding or friendship.

Grey – peace.

Black & white – averting trouble or change is coming.

White – you are being watched over, faith and hope.


Bird Correspondences:

Mother Earth has more species than we humans take the time to know. Without reaching too deep into the beauty She has for us to admire, here are the Air Brethren who sometimes bestow us with their sacred feathers. From around the world, each bird has its own meaning but there are commonalities of correspondence:

Blackbird - poetry, inspiration, music and a stronger connection with meditation

Blue Jay - joy, happiness and light

Black swan - dispel negative energy

Crow - wisdom, knowledge and helping us to let go of unwanted feelings, thoughts or negative energy.

Duck - growth, transformation, release of old to prepare for new

Eagle - inordinate amounts of energy, bring peace, happiness and protection *

Hawk - bring the magic of “the hunt” (whatever the Practitioner is hunting for)

Ibis - directly connected to Thoth the Egyptian god of Wisdom and Writing. The ibis reminds us to tap into our creative side and gain wisdom already within

Magpie - magick, divination skills, wisdom and change

Pigeon - peace, love and communication

Seagull - connected to the sea, humor, silliness, and using the resources given to you

Robin - new projects, plans and beginnings

White swan - purification, cleansing, beauty and positive energy

*PLEASE NOTE: Many of these species are protected the world over. Please verify the source of ALL feathers, that NO BIRDS were harmed. Poaching is an illegal activity in most countries.



Magickal Uses

Feathers can be used as charms, amulets, talismans, medicine pouches and as stated, spells.  They are a ready made fetish (a charm with magical powers) and can be fashioned into healing sticks, fetish pots, prayer sticks and wands. They can be used anywhere the Element Air is needed. Magickally, feathers hold much power Spiritually. It is to our Air Brethren’s benefit that we clarify what our Intent is BEFORE we utilize any part, especially the “feather” in any Craft.


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Beginning Sigil Craft: Star