Moon Day Magick & Medicine Ethics in Magick 101: Making Time Beginning Energy Work: Shadow Work - Signs of Shadow Correspondences 101: Waning Crescent Contemplations 101: Surrounding Energies Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows: SUBMISSION: WM2 MON CONTEMPLATIONS 101 (Due by Sunday) SUBMISSION: WM2 MON MOON CHECK II (Due by Sunday)
Tuesday Travels World Studies 101: Русская земля - Russia Beginning Pharmakeia: Karamatsu-so Beginning Crystalium: Kumuikotan Deities of Earth 101: Ainu World Studies 101: Other Russian Natives Contemplations 101: Russian Insight Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows
Wednesday Works Beginning Pharmakeia: Shikerebe-ni Beginning Crystalium: Stone Circles Deities of Earth 101: Kamui - Bear God World Studies 101: Stone Circles - Followup Practitioner Knowledge 101: Deeper Exploration Book of the Week: Ainu: Spirit of a Northern People Contemplations 101: Bear God Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows SUBMISSION: WM2 WED AINU, PICK ONE (Due by Sunday)
Thursday Thoughts Divined for You + Magick World Studies 101: The Journey Ahead - Bering Strait World Studies 101: Split Anuk Families Q & C: General - Journal - Book of Shadows
Friday – Ijumaa - 星期五 xīng qī wǔ - शुक्रवार Shukrvar - Пятница – Freya’s Day - Venus - Tsungilvsdi Involution. Meditation. Self. NO ASSIGNMENTS (PLEASE NOTE: Curriculum is subject to change without notification, based on feedback from Practitioners.)