Golanv Circle

Spell II

Intermediate Practicum
Partner Spell Rubric

An Adventure in Magickal Ethics: Community

The Spell for the Summer Turn is a Practitioner Partner - World Magick Craft. It can be for your town, city, state, country or for the world and beyond. It is about what you can do for the Community, together, that we all live in. Spend some time pondering and researching how best you and your Practitioner Partner may benefit your Community with Medicine or Magick BEFORE YOUR FIRST MEETING together in order to have something to bring to the table with them.

Ask yourself questions such as: How does my Community need to heal? What do I feel my Community needs a benefit of? Abundance? Cleansing? Forgiveness? Protection? (From destruction) Love? Do some research on the “spirit of place” in which you reside. What is revealed to you?

You and your partner may chose together one of each of the following as they apply to the Intent of what Craft you are doing, and what “feels correct” between you BOTH. You MAY NOT choose two separate items for the same category without prior approval from Council. THIS IS A PARTNER SPELL, NOT INDIVIDUAL If you find you cannot agree, please reach out to your Mentor or 3CMM for assistance.

  The guidelines are as follows:

It is essential that you communicate with you Practitioner Partner. Your ability to communicate with another Practitioner will effect the outcome of this magick. It will be completely evident if you do not fulfill this energetic requirement. You are expected to communicate with regularity and as needed to address and issues that may arise. You each also have access to your Mentors for additional guidance, but we caution you to go with your own personal Intuition for this Work.

You and your Practitioner Partner will choose one answer for each of the following categories, as determined by the Intent you choose together for the spell you both are Working.

1.   Intent
Every human shares general Intent on something. Abundance. Banishment. Health. etc. You just have to find the right ‘way’ to share it. The INTENT MUST BE THE SAME ON BOTH WORKS and CANNOT be “only for you”. *see above

2.   Method
Candle. Jar. Bowl. Elemental. Psychic. Cord. Poetic. The types are only limited by the Practitioners themselves. Agreeing on the same or complimentary methods will increase the strength of the Work.

3.   Moon Phase
This Work does NOT have to be the current phase that Luna is in. You may save your Works to Charge and Set later before the Due Date OR you can propose a thorough Petition for a ‘hypothetical’ long-term spell with your Partner, if agreed upon. This in turn will cause you to have to check in regularly until the spell in performed. MORE THAN 28 DAYS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED

4.   Zodiac
Choose whatever is most beneficial to your Partner Work.

5.   Day of the Week
Choose what is most beneficial to your Partner Work.

6.   Planet
Choose what is most beneficial to your Partner Work.

7.   Energy
Binary, Elemental, Universal… do what you are called to.
Choose what is most beneficial to your Partner Work.

8.   Deity
Choose what is most beneficial to your Partner Work.

9.   Color
Choose what is most beneficial to your Partner Work -OR- what feels “correct” for BOTH Partner Practitioners. Sometimes the Divine, a Deity or even an Elemental will encourage a color despite its meaning to many other Practitioners. There is no “wrong way” if you are guided there. Each Practitioner may not always be guided to the same color.

10. Crystals
Choose what is most beneficial to the Work -OR- what feels “correct”. Again, sometimes the Divine, a Deity or even an Elemental will encourage a crystal despite its meaning to many Practitioners. There is no “wrong way” if you are guided there.

11. Herbs/Plants
Choose what is most beneficial to the Work -OR- what feels “right”. And again, sometimes the Divine, a Deity or even an Elemental will encourage an herb despite its meaning to many other Practitioners. there is no “wrong way” if you are guided there.

12. Incense
Choose what is most beneficial to your Work -OR- what feels “right”. Repeat, “sometimes the Divine, a Deity or even an Elemental will encourage an incense despite its meaning to many Practitioners. there is no “wrong way” if you are guided there.

13. Words/Petition/Invocation
This is where your Practitioner’s Intuition comes in. The overall Petition MUST be written for BOTH Practitioners. There may be a specific part taylored to each Practitioners need but the overall words MUST be agreed upon.

You each may simply write “8 - not used, no specific Deity is currently worked with or is calling either Partner”.

One, you may set out for a “banishment” and end up with “abundance”. Go with that. Many Practitioners believe that this all happens for a REASON and typically it is your Higher Self attempting to help you. You may use your own Intuition to determine what may be being said intuitively about a change in your Work. There may be something you cannot see happening in your life, a future you cannot imagine, etc.

Two, you can hear the words from “elsewhere” if you listen. Inside, or out. Let it flow. Words have both power and meaning. Let them speak to your Intent.

All of the correspondences are not always necessary from each category. This is for you and your partner to decide.

Witch tip, sometimes, “less is more”. Practitioner Pause, ask yourself “why” you are utilizing something. Is it “just because its pretty” OR is it something that called out to you strongly? Pause before completing the Work and take stock.

We know this is a heavy task for some of you. For that reason, you will have ONE MONTH (28 day cycle) to read, absorb, speak to each other, create, make, whatever you need to do in order to make your Work happen. Universal substitutions are listed for each category in previous Lessons. Again, use your Intuition. Most of these alternatives can typically be found outside, FOR FREE, around your home.

When practiced with Thought, Magick costs us nothing but Time and Willful Intent.”

“Magick costs us nothing but time and Willful Intent.”


Here are some ways to utilize your Magick & Medicine as inspired by the CoVid Pandemic and Beginning Crafters.


Community Healing

How to Make a Healing Sigil




Please submit a MINIMUM OF TWO pictures of your spell creation. ONE from inception to ONE from casting time. Utilize “clock time” or “moon time’ to coordinate spellcasting.

Your individual write ups should answer the category questions as listed above, INCLUDING who suggested each item and why.

If it is mutually decided to skip a category, please tell why in your write up.

Both Practitioners are to submit a write up related to their individual or mutually decided parts as well as pictures. For video shares please use a cloud based application like Google Docs and provide 3CMM with a link and permissions to view video.

You get out of magick that which you put in.

 “You get out of Magick that which you put in.”