Casting A Circle

With Only Your Mind

CASTING A CIRCLE WITH ONLY YOUR MIND: A Cone of Silence by Reverend Richoz, RN

I will share with you that I was diagnosed with a meningioma of 4cm in 2015. Roughly the size of a golf ball, all but a few millimeters were removed during an extensive, emergent, surgery by a wonderful human being. I will spare you the ‘Frankenstein’ look of my head sewn together with giant cord… just know I had to learn EVERYTHING again.  I am still not “in the clear”. I completed radiation two years ago. (I am biding my time slowly.)

Now, partially blind, partially deaf, issues with balance and walking, facial palsy and many other deficits, I continue on the Path of a Practitioner of the Arcane Arts. My momentary setback illuminated me. It quieted me in a way that few on this planet understand or will ever Experience and rightfully so. Although, humbling in many ways, I would not wish this tumor on my worst enemy!

Ultimately, I learned how to “go within”. With intimate knowledge, I learned from the Divine. I began to learn that the physical things that I considered a part of me were of no use between the worlds, or planes. I learned the significance of the dragonfly’s eternal presence in my life and sand-art dreams that had always occurred since an early age. And of recent history, just how much Neanderthal, “First People”, blood is my blood through DNA research.

This was my destiny.

As you are reading, you can see I am still on my Journey. I feel there are many doors yet to open for me, ways to be guided and ways for me to guide others. I come before you now to humbly offer this teaching that it may enlighten the Path, your Path, before you with my torchlight. .

I have been on a search for many moons now, seeking out someone who agrees with the Divine teaching of “all that you have is your soul”, your Vibration …your energy. Depending on what Path you walk, even that is something we do not “own” out right. I have sought for someone who walks this Path and understands where we actually are in the grand scheme of “what Is”. I continually make effort to seek them out.

With that said, I will say the purpose as I was taught is that when you do any Craft, Practice, Work, meditation, journeying, etcetera, you should do so inside of a “sacred space” if you think you may be doing any healing or work you do not interference of by external forces. This “sacred space” can also be known as a “circle”. It works from many aspects. It works as a centering of you in the Oneness. A “circle” gives thanks. It also allows you to quiet your mind and align you with the Work you have chosen to do. The energy can Protect, or Inspire, all while you are Working or Crafting.

Now, I do not mean it will stop an entity, human or inhuman, from coming into your space and harming you. (We can discuss the “reason” of What Is later.) I am only speaking of your energy and that which has stayed with you that may not be yours to keep or bear. A cast circle will streamline the connection between you and the Divine to meditate, divine, Focus, ask for aid of another, to OR from them, problem solve or whatever your Intent is in casting. Your Work is better done, although not mandatory, inside a Circle.

Let us cast this circle now and Practice our Craft.

I will cast this with you. We will walk together. My words will be with you.




Before we begin, imagine or move your right hand (for me) around your space in a sweeping or swaying motion. Clock or counter-clock, Widdershins or Deosil, ONLY depend on your Path or feeling. GO WITH WHAT YOU FEEL.

No two Paths are the same and The Divine speaks to us ALL. On my Path, I feel Counter-clockwise. I am taught by my Elders and Ancestors here in Georgia that it is because only Mother Nature goes Clockwise. This is also relative to Additive, right, and clockwise for me versus Subtractive, left, counter-clockwise for me. For the purpose of this Lesson, Circle your space with your LEFT (Subtractive, Destructive, Banishing) hand or mind’s eye, cleaning all negative, non-conducive to your work, energy as you go.

I cleanse this space with the Power and Blessing of the Divine, God and Goddess.” (Or use words of your Path)

You have just cleansed your space psychically, Practitioner! 



Mind’s eye now to the East, feel the warmth of the Star Sol upon your skin. Feel it’s warmth, not pain. Think about the creation of Life. Cycles of light. Had we no Sun, all organic life would not be. There is power in that. Even blind, with eyes closed, we know it is there. We can feel it.

Fists out before (ASL “Fire”) me now, I say:

East. Element Fire. Red Spirit. Be present and give blessing upon my Work

I nod my head in reverence and say, “Welcome.”

Fists down, face North.




Facing North, think about the wind. Feel its warmth, or chill, upon your skin. Feel it blowing through your hair. Hear it through the trees. Blowing your roof. There is power there. In the North, I think of cold. Blowing. Blizzard. Snow. Sleet. Hibernation. (Or the Element your Path calls.)

Hands above my head now, fingers spread wide, feeling the wind between them I say:

North, Element Air. Blue Spirit. Be present and give blessing upon my Work.”

I nod my head in reverence and say, “Welcome.”

Hand down and relaxed, I turn to the West.



Facing West, I think about Water. I feel the cool on my skin. I hear the rushing of rivers. Babble of brooks. Crashing of waves. I feel my submersion in its warmth. Darkness. Rest. Eternal sleep. I recall the emptiness of sedative sleep. Inorganic and unnatural. The trust we place between waking and sleeping. I feel the thinness of the Veil in the West. I feel the subtlety of Night in the West. The presence of the Ancestors.

Hands in front of me, as if cupping water, I say:

“West. Element Water. Black Spirit. Be present and give blessing upon my Work.”

I nod my head in reverence and say, “Welcome.”

Hands down and relaxed, I turn to the South.



Turning to face South, I hear drums. I feel their beat and the beat of my heart in my chest. I feel MidSummer warmth. Music. The smell of the food from a family gathering and happiness. Dancing.

Arms outstretched in front of me, palms down and flat, fingers together, solid.

I say these words:

“South. Element Earth. White Spirit. Be present and give blessing upon my Work.”

I nod my head in reverence and say, “Welcome.”

Hand down and relaxed, I turn again to the East, but focused on the center of my ceremonial circle.



I quiet myself. Head slightly bowed in reverence, with my heart I speak the Works in which I am about to undertake.

I reach above my head, arms outstretched, hands reaching to the stars, OR item of Work lifted, and say these words:

“OO NAY LA NUH HEE. Great Oneness, Above…” (Unetlanvhi)

Arms down by my sides, hands forming tight, powerful, fists:

“KAH NAH TEE, Great Hunter, Divine Masculine, Below…” (Kanati)

Hands relaxed, arms crossing chest:

“SAY LOO, Corn Mother, Divine Feminine, Within…” (Selu)

This Circle is cast, the Spirits are called.

”As I Will It, So Will It Be.”

I give tobacco (or what I am called to) in my offering bowl for the Spirit(s), in the mind or actually and begin my Work.


After you have finished your work, the Circle is released, or opened simply the opposite direction (per your Path).

Do not forget, the Divine knows your heart, Intent, purpose and hears your words whether they are spoken aloud or thought with reverence and sincerity.