Yona Circld
Wednesday Works

Advanced Practicum
Self Observation Techniques

Teaching in the Northern Hemisphere has some interesting data. It seems to have not shifted much in the last 50 years or so, and many of us continue to use the “8th grade verbiage” rule to reach most Americans when communicating in written form. (Some areas have moved to “Grade 10” but we are still lacking overall as a species.) With that understanding of our intellect, observation of Self - Teachers Evaluation is one of many ways we can assess our self with the Magick and Medicine that we teach or Knowledge share. For secular teachers, holding a bachelor's degree in any subject, being eligible to work in the country and city or county of choice as well as pass the required state exams are usually all that is needed to teach others. After those requirements are met, one simply enrolls in a teacher certification program or complete the online core curriculum of the fast-track teacher certification program from an accredited facility. The individual then participates in a clinical placement/field Experience and they’re in.

Teaching Magick and Medicine is a little different.

With Magick, being a Practitioner of Arcane Arts for dozens of years DOES NOT make us a good “teacher”. It just means we have the Knowledge, are well read, or have years of Experience doing the same things. Do we know the “why” to what we do? How we share it is Key. Here are a few tips to consider when evaluating Self after a Lesson — learned OR taught.

  • Are my objectives clear?

  • Did I teach my objective clearly?

  • Is my Lesson timed well (other Lessons, Moon Phase, etc) so it can be built upon?

  • Do I remain on one topic too long or for too little time?

  • Do I use a clear voice and/or answer questions about the topic sufficiently?

  • Was I organized OR attentive to details?

  • Is my handwriting legible?

  • Do I use proper speech?

  • Is this a magick I am familiar with? (Do I have results to report?)

Bottom line, we get out what we put in to our studies…. AND IT SHOWS.

It is always advised to do as much research as we can from various sources for any Arcane Art we teach. Different Paths often teach the SAME concept in different ways but sourced the SAME. Ask Self: How is someone else teaching it? How did you learn it? This is but a few of the questions for evaluating Self after a Lesson or new Craft. We can always pull from our people resource, phone-a-friend, or ask students and fellow Practitioners for input on a topic to help us to BEST further clarify a Medicinal or Magickal practice or topic.


Wednesday Y11

General - Journal - Book of Shadows


After reading the above passage, consider the questions listed.
Answer those relative to your most recent teaching activity you have participated in or learned from.

you may improve the way you communicate or share Knowledge with others.


Three Circles Medicine & Magick
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